Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2879 Bridge Hell

The IS7 heavy tanks that roared and roared across the bridge quickly broke free from the shackles that bound their bodies in the dark night, fully displaying their behemoth bodies in front of the SS troops at the bridgehead on the other side.

Kulbalov's command vehicle took the lead, holding a huge minesweeper and pushing it all the way down the bridge to the bridgehead where Sulovchenko and his party were stationed.

At this moment, the SS was still in a state of mass offensive. The men, horses and equipment of the brigade were constantly coming from the rear for reinforcements, vowing to regain the bridgehead that had just been lost.

Tiger King, Three Tuzi, and number four to make up the numbers.

The SS mobilized all the armored forces they could muster to launch a counterattack, and it was obvious from this formation that they were really anxious.

But it is true that being energetic and going all out is a necessary condition for victory in battle, but it is not a condition that will inevitably lead to this result.

Although the SS troops on the bridgehead had already gone all out for the seemingly easy and imminent victory, gathering all the forces they could muster to attack with all their strength, the obstacles that had just been leveled from the Moltke Bridge were roaring. The IS7 heavy tanks driving down the bridge did not agree with this.

"Good high-explosive bombs!"


"Okay, fire!"


A violent muzzle storm dominated the battlefield. Flames suddenly flashed in the dense darkness, and 130mm high-explosive projectiles roared out from the huge muzzle brake and headed straight towards the enemy.

Shocked by the group of IS7s who suddenly tore through the darkness and appeared with a roar, before the SS soldiers could react, a huge explosion sounded among the crowd.


The power of the grenade of the 130mm naval gun cannot be overstated. Although literally it is only less than 8mm larger than the caliber of the Army's 122 field gun, the actual destructive power caused by the explosion is far beyond the firepower of the Army. Tao analogy.

The large amount of fragments produced by the explosion swept away a considerable number of SS troops who were approaching and had no time to evade.

Although the visibility was limited in the middle of the night and he could not see very clearly, with the firelight generated by the explosion, he could already see multiple humanoid objects. Kulbalov, who was rolling and flying in the explosion firelight, could not help but cry out in excitement.

"Okay! Ha la Shao! Ha la Sha Sha! Nice fight!"

According to Kulbalov's visual judgment, the SS troops blown up by this shot were at least in double digits.

The ability to achieve such good results was mainly due to the SS soldiers themselves.

If this group of people hadn't been so anxious and desperate to recapture the bridgehead, they should not have gathered such a dense density of troops on the offensive line in an attempt to forcibly improve the offensive efficiency.

According to Kulbalov's estimation, the number of SS soldiers that could actually be killed by this shot was only in single digits at most.

"The mine clearance work is going well! We have cleared the bridge deck obstacles and opened the attack path."

The principle that good things come in pairs applies to many situations. For example, Kurbalov, who had just blown up multiple levels of SS troops with one shot, was so excited that he immediately received a report from behind him. .

"Give in, tanks, hurry up and cross the bridge! Deliver the infantry detachment. The tanks that have already crossed the bridge are gathering towards me, ready to fight!"

The first task is to quickly deliver the infantry across the bridge. With only tanks and no infantry, the defense is disorganized and difficult to gain a foothold.

Even if the SS scum are temporarily defeated, they will soon come back, and it will be even more difficult to deal with them. The suddenness of our own attack always has a time limit.

As soon as the additional order from Kulbalov's side was issued, a large number of BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles on standby on the other side of the bridgehead immediately acted upon the order.

When the accelerator was pressed into the fuel tank, the speed was no slower than the IS7 heavy tanks that had just crossed the bridge and opened an attack channel. The mechanized infantry loaded with vehicles came to kill them on the spot.

The IS7 "bulldozers" that have been equipped with minesweepers have cleared the obstacles and the offensive path has become unimpeded at this moment.

The extremely dense anti-infantry and anti-tank mines that were originally scattered on the bridge were now useless. Most of them were pushed to both sides of the attack path and could no longer function as they should.

On the bridgehead, the IS7 roared into the battlefield and opened fire, while the speeding BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles on the bridge were speeding along.

Who would have expected such a terrifying formation? Those SS infantrymen who were given a head-on blow and blown up by a few rounds of 130 shells, even if they were not dumbfounded on the spot, they were not much different. .

"Damn it! The Russians are sending heavy armored troops across the bridge. We need support. Hurry! Now!"

Dark night is not a time suitable for large-scale heavy-armored groups to engage in frontal contact and close combat, not to mention that this is not a field battlefield with ample space for display, but a field battlefield filled with ruins and obstacles.

The extremely limited visibility allowed the IS7 bulldozers that drove down the bridge and stopped at the bridgehead to enter a combat posture and hold their positions. They could only fire at close-range German targets within the field of vision, preventing their offensive from approaching the position.

As for the more distant ones, those targets hidden in the dark night are gradually approaching. At least tonight, when there is no bright moon in the sky, it is impossible to shoot effectively.

This battle was supposed to take advantage of the accuracy and effective range of tank guns, but due to the limitations of objective factors, it suddenly turned into a face-to-face armored confrontation with main guns fighting against main guns with bayonets.

"The enemy tanks are approaching! One o'clock direction, three hundred meters away!"

"Got it! Reload armor-piercing rounds, hurry up!"

"Yes! Loading!!!"

Several IS7s that were stationed at the bridgehead and used as fixed anti-tank gun bunkers first discovered something strange. The sub-caliber discarding sabots inserted into the gun chamber and loaded for use were the weapons they relied on.

At the same time, the group of SS tanks opposite that had just torn the night apart were not fuel-efficient lamps.

Its priority attack target is not even the IS7 heavy tank, which is obviously a great threat, but the Moltke Bridge bridge deck behind the IS7 who are seizing the time to rush through a large number of mechanized troops.

"Load armor-piercing rounds!"

"Russian armored vehicles on the target bridge!"

"Armor-piercing bullets are good!"



The IS7, which had just blasted the infantry and suppressed the enemy's offensive momentum, was loading armor-piercing rounds. On the opposite side, a King Tiger carrying a 105 upgraded tank gun had already taken the lead in ensuring accuracy with the help of a semi-automatic loader that was also famous for its speed. If necessary, stop and fire.

call out--



The sound of a huge explosion, accompanied by the sound of twisted and deformed metal tearing, suddenly reached my ears. Kulbalov, who knew what was happening behind him, gritted his teeth. He just grabbed the radio transmitter in his hand and spoke again to give the order.

"Don't stop the infantry fighting vehicle detachment! Take the time to cross the bridge! All tanks that have crossed the bridge listen to my orders and concentrate their firepower on the enemy armored target! Prioritize attacking heavy tanks and open fire!!!"

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