Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2880 Desperate Bridgehead (Part 1)

Despite the price and casualties paid, the Heavy 1st Combined Brigade, which was determined to complete its combat objectives and capture the bridgehead, continued to advance with an unstoppable attitude.

The infantry fighting vehicle in front was destroyed, its head was blown off, and the wreckage of the vehicle was still burning. The remains of the fallen comrades were roasted into charred black coals.

But the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles that were coming from behind like a torrent of steel remained unmoved and continued to press the accelerator into the fuel tank and surge forward.

The two BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles pressed against the wreckage of the destroyed friendly vehicle in front of them, spraying thick black smoke and outputting their full power at maximum horsepower, forcing the wreckage of the BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle blocked on the road to one side.

From those BMP43 infantry tanks that were only paralyzed but not completely destroyed, mechanized infantry armed with various light weapons rushed out as soon as the vehicles were paralyzed, and immediately changed to charging on foot as quickly as possible. Cross the bridge, which is already close at hand, and enter the battle.

Walking alongside them were the infantry fighting vehicle crews who abandoned their vehicles and escaped.

These tank soldiers who lost their infantry fighting vehicles still did not withdraw from the battlefield. Without their vehicles, they switched to infantry. They picked up the short-barreled assault rifles they took out of the vehicles, joined the mechanized infantry team and immediately went into battle.

The Russians on the opposite side were not afraid of death, and despite casualties and direct anti-armor firepower, they were willing to rush across the bridge at all costs. This really gave the SS soldiers who were constantly rushing towards the bridgehead a big blow. Shocking.

But what's worse is that the first wave of giant steel monsters that rushed across the bridge were different from any Russian tanks they had encountered before. After the actual fight, they discovered that they were more difficult than imagined. deal with.

"What did the Russians install on the front of the car!? What is it? Additional armor?"

"Shasen! It looks like a bulldozer with a turret on it!"

"Shut up! Load armor-piercing rounds and fire to destroy it! This thing is too threatening!!!"


As a certain SS commander said at the top of his lungs, the threat from those giant Russian steel monsters that look like bulldozers is really not that big of a deal.

Originally, the target of the German tanks was not the "bulldozer tanks" with only four in total.

First, the quantity is small. On the frontal battlefield, any technical and tactical equipment that cannot reach a certain scale and quantity, no matter how good or powerful it is, will not be able to have a qualitative change in the battle situation. This is a basic truth of war.

Of course, exceptions are made for weapons that are particularly large, heavy, and extremely expensive.

For example, the red Stalingrad, that thing is the youth version of the strategic weapon these days. "When the cannon goes off, your parents' money is in vain." I'm not kidding you.

Therefore, based on this truth of war, and in addition to the fact that there are indeed higher-priority targets at the moment-those follow-up reinforcement vehicles that are constantly pouring from the bridge need to be dealt with, so the SS armored personnel really did not want to deal with them at the beginning. Grind those "bulldozer tanks" into your eyes.

But on the contrary, this rather arrogant behavior of underestimating the enemy soon paid the price. Those bulky and huge Russian bulldozers quickly used practical actions to prove how stupid the enemy dared to underestimate themselves.

Every time any one of the four IS7 vehicles fires, in the huge roar of fire, there will almost certainly be an unlucky German tank hit by a huge projectile. It will be penetrated through the armor like a tongs piercing butter, mercilessly. Pour in.

In the end, it was either "human popcorn" caused by armor fragments collapsing in the car. A huge number of projectiles and armor fragments of different sizes cut most of the living creatures in the car into bloody pieces in an instant.

Or, it was penetrated by the power module, ignited the fuel, and caught fire on the spot. What was even worse was that the ammunition rack was directly blown up, and the head took off from the same spot, becoming the German aerospace pioneer who killed people, in the dark night. There was a huge explosion and turned into a bright burning torch.

I don’t know what kind of magic the Russians put on the cannonballs, or maybe the main gun was blessed and fired by Stalin.

All in all, the situation is very evil.

No matter what kind of tank the SS had, from the No. 4 to the King Tiger, none of them could withstand the roaring and fierce blast of those Russian tanks.

As long as the incident angle of the cannonball is not too tricky and the projectile is not bounced away by ricochet, then the only result is that the armor is penetrated. The difference is that the aftereffects after penetration are not the same, even for King Tiger's seemingly invincible leader Even the upper armor could not withstand the heavy artillery bombardment.

I know your Russian cannons are powerful, but isn't this too damn powerful?

The visible and continuous losses soon made the SS armored personnel who had limited and not wealthy troops feel heartache.

They had no choice but to temporarily turn their guns around and change their main targets to those bulldozer tanks that seriously threatened their own survival.

Otherwise, let alone completing the mission, it should be said that before the mission is completed, the vast majority of the SS armored soldiers will have to be handed over to this damn place together with their vehicles.

call out--



The enemy's armor-piercing shells hit the front of the turret directly, and the huge metal impact sound echoed in the car because it failed to penetrate. Kulbalov, who was absolutely confident in the defense of his car, just didn't react angrily. laugh.

"Good! That's it! The enemy tank's attention has been drawn to us, and those naughty dogs know it hurts! Keep firing! Let them hurt a little more!!!"

If you don't hurt those bastards, they will never pay attention to you.

Either you wash your neck, stand there and don't move, and wait for my 130-meter cannon to fire at you one by one; or you can turn the muzzle of the gun and change the target to try to crush me first and eliminate the threat.

Of course, Kurbalov hoped that the SS would be afraid of death, cherish their precious technical equipment, and choose the latter option, but the actual result was just as he hoped.

After all, who can withstand the fierce bombardment of 130 sabot armor-piercing projectiles with an average firing rate of 10 seconds? The choice of SS Panzers was both reasonable and expected.

The direct anti-armor firepower was directed at IS7, and the pressure was concentrated on his side.

The BMP43 infantry tanks charging on the bridge will be much safer, and the extremely fragile defensive pressure in front of the Chang 88 and 105 King Tiger will also be greatly reduced.

The four IS7s, like magnets attracting pins, continued to absorb all kinds of anti-armor firepower and remained standing. Between the clanging sound of metal and the flash of sparks, a bigger crisis quietly approached in the darkness.

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