Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2881 Desperate Bridgehead (Part 2)

"Aim at the target! At two o'clock, the Russian heavy tank, the missile is electrified!"

"Power on is normal! Missiles are ready!"

"Target locked!"

"Okay, fire!"

call out--

That was back in the Zero Highlands. A new piece of German equipment had given the leader division quite a shock.

Those "German treasures" that were carried on the Tiger tank chassis and used brackets to lift four large wire-controlled command-guided missiles were called "missile tank destroyers" by the German army.

In the first battle, the seemingly indestructible defense of the IS6 heavy tank was destroyed from the front. This excellent heavy tank, which combines mobility, protection, and firepower, was moved and turned into scrap metal on the spot.

Fortunately, this kind of rare, rare thing, and one can tell from its appearance that the construction cost will not be low. The number is really very rare, even less than pandas.

As that classic war truth goes.

Any rare technical and tactical equipment cannot affect the overall battle situation, so this kind of thing, which is quite terrifying both in appearance and actual combat effect, brings no other feeling to the leader except a small shock.

I thought it would be over after the battle at Zero Highlands. After all, how much of your German Tiger tank chassis is left? Even if you rummage through boxes and clean out the warehouse, you won't be able to change much, right?

But the Germans, who were so dizzy with the lack of cars, really tried their best to do whatever they could.

In line with the "supreme truth" of "grafting firepower onto any crawler chassis that can run", De Lao not only created such precious things as the "No. 6 missile tank destroyer", but also the "No. 4 missile tank destroyer" The car" was also arranged.

In the dark night, a huge fire tail flame and jet impact suddenly appeared.

Kulbalov, who was busy directing the battle, didn't even see what it was. In an instant, he saw a ball of orange-red roaring flames, which seemed to be some kind of flying projectile coming straight towards him. Intuition immediately made Kulbalov, who was aware of the threat, shout that something was wrong.

"Damn it Sokka! It's a missile!!!"

Judgments made based on intuition alone came true in an instant.

The "flying telegraph poles" roaring towards him were slightly less accurate, and almost passed by the Kurbalov's vehicle turret, which was standing still and holding its position, doing full fire output. The terrifying and shrill roar coming from the dark night outside the car was so sharp and harsh that even Kulbalov, who was wearing a tank cap in the turret, could hear it clearly and could not help but feel his hair stand on end.


A huge explosion struck in the next second on the tail of the previous one.

The impact point of the explosion was so close, and the impact of the explosion was so powerful.

So much so that Kulbalov, who was sitting in the 77-ton "Command Combat Bulldozer", could clearly feel the violent vibrations coming from his armchair and the turret basket under his feet. Even if the powerful and terrifying shock wave is greatly weakened by the armor, the remaining power that penetrates can almost shake a person's brain.

"Damn it! It's the German guy's telephone poles that are not included!"

The explosion was so powerful that it also had the distinct appearance of an anti-tank missile being launched.

There is only one type of German land weapon that meets these two points in Kulbalov's impression: the "German Telephone Pole Launcher" that he first encountered on the Zero Highlands. I think the name was given to me by my comrade, the division commander. It fits the appearance, has a catchy name and is easy to remember.

"Damn it, Sokka! Are you okay? This thing is really powerful!"

Kulbalov was not the only one to recover while cursing, but Alsim, who was also on the bridgehead and fighting hard, was almost taken away by the horrific explosion on the spot.

If it weren't for the ready-made bunker built by the Germans on the bridgehead as a cover, Alsim would have probably been blown into the river by the air waves, or he would have been blown into a puddle of flesh.

"Bah! Bah! Damn Suka! I'm okay, I still have my arms and legs and I can still fight! What's our loss?"

"look by youself."

Alsim, who was lying down to protect him, was pulled up. Sulovechenko, who was still wearing the SS lieutenant colonel's dog skin and had not had time to take it off, quickly asked questions. After hearing Alsim's brief answer, Sulovechenko Then he subconsciously turned his head to look.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. One glance at Sulovechenko makes Sulovechenko very worried.

Hanging on the bridge, beside the position, and even on the eaves of the bridge control room

As far as the eye can see, the remains of our own soldiers are almost everywhere.

It could be seen that quite a few of the mechanized infantry who had just crossed the bridge and had just gotten off the bus, and who had spread out before they had time to form a fighting formation, were blown away by the entire squad. And looking at the formation, it was obvious that more than one class was caught in the explosion.

The corpses that were torn apart instantly by the huge explosion were severely shattered, and the bloody arm hanging on the eaves of the bridge control room was so conspicuous. Next to the scattered flesh and tissue, there were two wrecks of two vehicles, one overturned by the explosion and the other displaced parallel to each other, burning blazingly.

In this single attack, at least two of the mechanized infantry squads that were eliminated by the organic formation started.

The missile that was originally aimed at the tank missed the target, and due to a combination of circumstances, it directly led to this final result. However, if it had not led to such a result, it would have been the Kurbalov crew who died. Even if the IS7 is equipped with additional protection from a minesweeper, there is absolutely no way it can stop the Germans from using long-range surface-to-air missiles, which can be directly hit by home-made modifications.

Two squads were reimbursed or the brigade commander was killed. It can only be said that no matter which outcome is considered good.

Kulbalov, who survived the attack, was so angry that he gritted his teeth when he saw all this, but at the same time, his anger did not invade his reason.

Kulbalov, who knew the enemy's weapons and their weaknesses, immediately ordered four IS7s, including himself, to immediately conduct tactical maneuvers.

Whether it's reversing or lateral maneuvering to change tactical positions, in short, start moving first. As long as you move, the enemy's missiles with extremely anti-human guidance methods will seriously reduce the hit probability.

If you shoot at a fixed target, you may miss the target. What will happen if you shoot at a moving target? It's almost impossible to guess.

At the same time, at this moment that Kulbalov himself did not expect.

A familiar and exciting voice came quietly from the radio channel.

"I've seen everything, Kulbalov. I'm on the other side of the bridge right now, with the Rocket Assault Battalion."

"Use grenades to mark the strike coordinates. It doesn't need to be too precise, just a rough direction. The rocket assault battalion will be responsible for burying those fanatics."

One more update. Sorry for drinking too much last night. Please wait a moment.

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