Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2882 I have not forgotten them

"Rocket Assault Battalion!?"

I don't know since when, the name "Rocket Assault Battalion" has almost become one of the most "inspiring" words in the leadership division.

And when this name and the familiar voice of Comrade Commander reached his ears, Kulbalov just felt as if his whole body had been injected with a shot of cardiotonic, and his whole body was instantly filled with strength.

"Understood, order confirmed! Mark the strike coordinates immediately!"

Malashenko gave Kulbalov the most straightforward order: use the explosion of a 130mm full-caliber grenade to mark the strike coordinates.

Since this order can be spoken from Malashenko's mouth, it will never be as simple as a casual talk and a slap on the thigh.

The rich night was the best background at this moment. Even the flash of fire from the explosion of a grenade was clearly visible, not to mention what kind of noise the high-explosive grenade fired by the 130mm cannon would make.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole process from the tracer of the artillery ejection chamber to the fire and flames produced by the explosion was visible to the naked eye. This is also the confidence that Malashenko dared to let Kulbalov do this. , is also the fastest, most direct and most effective way to mark enemies.

"Load high-explosive ammunition! The gunner aims at the two o'clock direction on the second floor balcony of the apartment building. The driver listens to my command and prepares to stop!"


"It'll be ready soon! Aimed!"

"Loading completed!"

"Stop now!!!"


The wide and thick track pads grind the paved road like an angle grinder. The huge body weighing 77 tons, with sparks and lightning all the way, forcibly stops and raises the gun to aim while racing at high speed.



The huge flames dancing on the pepper bottle muzzle brake are the Soviet Red Army's unchanging belief that firepower is supreme.

The high-speed flying grenade projectiles broke away from the restraints of the gun barrel and screamed through the air. In a blink of an eye, they crossed over the heads of the attacking SS soldiers and hit Kulbalov directly in the bullseye. Above the requested second floor balcony.


The huge fire blooming in the dark night completely caught Malashenko's eyes.

Half of his body was standing outside the turret, and Malashenko, who once again commanded his No. 177 car on the battlefield, immediately put down the telescope he was holding with one hand, and at the same time raised the microphone he was holding tightly with the other hand. Shout orders.

"Confirm the strike coordinates! Cover that area and fire!"

Never before had a rocket assault battalion provided fire support at such a close distance. But now, Malashenko, who does not want to see the fanatical Nazis wreaking havoc in his face, has made up his mind.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo——

The bridgehead on the south side was being beaten with explosions and bullets flying everywhere, but the bridgehead on the north side was already roaring in the flash of fire and rain.

The SS offensive troops, who had no idea what was happening, were instantly frightened by the dense and terrifying roaring sound like coming from hell, and almost interrupted the rhythm of the attack.

This is not to blame for the incompetence of these SS troops, but only to blame half a battalion of TOS-1 rocket assault tanks. When they fired a salvo, the sound was not much different from that of a natural gas pipeline buried underground. .

It’s hard to describe the indescribable feeling of despair you feel when you witness three-digit numbers of 310mm rockets with white hairs charging toward you within a direct line of sight visible to the naked eye.

It is a great honor that these SS troops, who are about to be destroyed, are experiencing first-hand this unparalleled feeling that only comes once in a lifetime.

The sea of ​​fire exploded from the sky above the head, and the doomsday like the sky collapsing and the earth fell fell in the dark night.

Countless pieces of masonry and debris fell straight down from directly above the head, accompanied by violent impact and a sea of ​​​​fire, covering all SS equipment and personnel within the killing radius.

Because they had received advance notice of direct fire support from dangerous distances, when the rocket rain flew overhead, all the infantry soldiers, including Alsim and Sulovechenko, had already hid in the fortifications or nearby Behind the tanks and infantry combat bodies.

But even so, when the violent shock wave like a rolling dragon clung to the ground and swept in with a force that was stronger than a sandstorm.

All the soldiers present, who were as well concealed as possible, still felt a considerable degree of strong shock.

Some people's helmets were blown away directly, some people were hiding behind the tank and fell down due to instability, and some people leaned against the fortifications and lowered their bodies as much as possible, but they were still knocked to the ground.


The remnants of the flame storm were still hovering overhead with the lingering power of destruction, and the smell of incompletely burned gunpowder and gunpowder smoke still lingered in the bloody air.

The battlefield that had been filled with gunfire and explosions just now had returned to calm. The eerie silence almost made everyone who was still alive feel inexplicably terrified.

He stood up again and looked carefully in the direction of the battlefield. There were almost no decent enemies within his sight. There were wreckage of flesh and steel and broken construction debris everywhere.

Even on the roadside wires that had escaped being blown down by the explosion, there were SS corpses hanging upside down that had been blown up by the shock wave and had been torn into more than two halves.

"Hell, every time I'm bombarded by this thing, I feel like it's a scene change between the world and hell. And this thing itself is not a war machine, it's more like a scene changer, even if I don't believe there is hell in this world. "

Atheists can use "hell" to describe the scene before them. It can only be said that what these eyes that ignore gods saw is indeed too shocking and indescribable.

The SS's attempt to retake the bridgehead was crushed, and their follow-up reinforcements were forcibly physically isolated.

The collapsed and toppled building ruins completely blocked the offensive path of the SS's subsequent reinforcements.

Although it is also troublesome for the leader division's subsequent offensive, the blocking of the road is fair and relative to both warring parties, and does not favor any party.

But at least now, it has "once and for all" solved the problem of enemy counterattack, and it has indeed cleared up trouble for the leading divisions who are eager to stabilize the bridgehead position.

"Damn, I can finally take a breath. I almost lost my soul after doing this with you guys. Fortunately, I managed it alive."

Feeling exhausted, Krauser collapsed on the ground and was breathing heavily. However, Sulovechenko, who suddenly remembered something, raised the gun in his hand again and called to Alsim and other people. Then he walked away towards a certain location not far away.

"Hey! Wait, what are you doing!? Wait for me!"

Krauser, who had just rested for less than half a minute, followed him probably out of instinctive reaction. But when Sulovechenko, led Alsim and a group of combat engineers, finally arrived at their destination and stopped, it was embarrassing. Krauser, who was able to bring his brothers to follow him, suddenly realized in wonder.

"Good guy! I almost forgot about it, but you still remember this!"


Sulovechenko, who was wearing a full SS Lieutenant Colonel uniform, smiled when he heard this, raised the assault rifle in his hand, pointed it in the direction of the steps below, and quietly replied.

"How could you forget? I've always been thinking about those things in the hands of these bastards."


The co-author is worried about the things in the enemy's hands, just waiting to be captured?

But no matter what the reason is, at this moment and here, only the German shouts coming from behind the iron door below that still cannot be opened are real.

"Open the door! Open the door! Is there anyone outside? We are locked in, help us out!!!"

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