Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2883 “A discerning eye recognizes talents”

"I thought all these bastards were buried alive down there, but I didn't expect them to survive, huh?"

Ironically, the first person to say this was not the Soviets, but the Germans themselves. It was Krauser who stood beside Sulovechenko and came with his brothers.

Now, these surrendered National Defense Forces have proven themselves with practical actions.

It proved that they were indeed, as they said, the "Avengers" who had a sworn feud with the Nazis and had a blood feud with the bastards who deceived them as fools.

How to prove that this statement is true?

Of course, it was proved by the bloody death and blood splattering three feet.

After this battle, it may be said that these Wehrmacht prisoners who took the initiative to surrender did so with a strong purpose and for the sake of their own future and personal safety, and were willing to fight with their lives against the SS bastards. .

But this kind of thing itself is a kind of thing of "because what is not important, the process is the key, what is done is the most important" thing.

simply put.

It doesn’t matter what your purpose is, it doesn’t matter what beliefs you are fighting for, let alone fanatical support for the Soviet Union.

As long as you fuck your ass, you can be my comrade-in-arms, as long as you want, it's that simple and there are no other conditions attached.

As for talking about the future, let’s talk about the future later.

After finishing the work, whether to go or stay or what to do, it is purely based on respecting personal wishes. This is also what Malashenko personally promised when he agreed to use these surrendered IDF prisoners.

"After all, this thing is a reinforced underground fortification, so it won't collapse easily. Besides, this thing is not the target of our bombardment. There is nothing surprising about this."

As he spoke, he called the combat engineers behind him to prepare for work. What Sulovchenko wanted to do now was very simple and only one thing: get rid of the remaining Nazi garbage.

"The following are full of fanatical Nazi militants. You don't want to persuade me to keep them here, do you?"

While fiddling with the engineer explosives in his hand and wrapping multiple groups of explosives together with tape to enhance the blasting power, he also did not forget to ask Alsim, who was doing the same thing next to him, a question.

"Me? What's the point of keeping these naughty bastards? Should I keep them to collect rewards from my comrade? My comrades even look down on these dogs in human skins."

From Sulovechenko's brief description, we already have a rough idea of ​​what happened, and what kind of special and fanatical group of Nazis are locked up in this underground fortification.

For Alsim, who has never treated Nazis as human beings, killing more animals is just his job and a game for fun. I heard that Sulovechenko wants to get rid of these bastards. Of course it is impossible to refuse.

"This little explosive may not be enough. At most it can only blow down the door.

Looking at the several boxes of engineer explosives spread out on the ground, Sulovechenko frowned a little. It would be nice if there were other explosives to increase the power at this time. These few boxes of explosives alone may not be enough to achieve what he wants. The power.

"Well, I've already asked someone to take care of this. It should be almost done."


Sulovechenko, who was just talking to himself, did not expect that Alsim would actually pick up on her words and take the initiative to answer, and he did not expect that Alsim had "already made plans" for this.

"What are you going to do? Is there any good idea?"

"Look over there, the solution has come."


Looking up in the direction of Alsim's finger, Sulovechenko soon discovered that a German troop transport truck with lights on was approaching quietly towards him. There are also people leaning out to wave to their side.

"Hey! We succeeded, comrade company commander, we got the stuff back!"

"What was pulled back? Did you order something to be pulled back?"

Compared to Sulovechenko, who was confused and still in a state of confusion, Alsim, who certainly knew what was in the car, just smiled slightly.

"Don't you want more explosives? The explosives are here now."


After following Alsim's footsteps, he came to the back of the truck that was still parked.

Sulovechenko, whose eyes were as big as cow eggs, was surprised to discover that the "incremental explosive" Alsim mentioned was actually an aerial bomb pulled from nowhere. .

"Oh my God, where did you get this?"


Alsim's rhetorical question seemed suspicious, as if he was asking the question knowingly.

"Of course it was given to us by those British bombers. At this time, everything is in vain. Is it possible that I should go to our field airport to drag an aerial bomb for you? Even if I want to go, there is no need for it now. effort."

"British, British aerial bomb? You mean, this is an unexploded dumb bomb dropped by a British guy???"

"Of course, what else can we do? But don't worry, the fuse has been removed. This thing is now just an iron box wrapped with more than a hundred kilograms of explosives, isn't it? Lieutenant Salyuyev."

Facing Alsim's inquiry, the lieutenant combat engineer who had just waved in the driver's compartment immediately smiled and spoke cheerfully.

"Yes, Comrade Company Commander. After I took people there, I found out that this was a simple impact-fuzed aerial bomb. Maybe the Angsa barbarians forgot to install it carelessly, but it does not have a delayed explosive device. Confirmed the situation Then I started to dismantle the fuse on the spot. I could do it with the simple tools at hand. It was not difficult. It was just that the fuse was damaged and deformed, so it was a bit difficult to dismantle it. "


Defuse unexploded aerial bombs on the battlefield with your bare hands?

Oh my god, even if I know that your old team members in Alsim Company are all tough guys, are they too tough? ? ?

Not to mention how surprised Sulovechenko was, Alsim, who didn't take it seriously, went on to make a brief introduction, probably just to let his company deputy brother understand the situation better. Some.

"Ochayev was previously a station ground handler of the aviation force. He was responsible for equipping attack aircraft and bombers with various aerial bombs. He was an explosives expert of the aviation force."

"This bastard once got into trouble while drinking. He got into a fight with a pilot and broke his arm and three ribs. He was unable to fly for several months. It just so happened that the pilot was an ace who had shot down five aircraft and was a leader's favorite. The pastry is worth the money.”

"The leaders of their division were furious when they heard about this. They want to send this bastard to be sentenced. If the charges are proven, he will be sent to a penance camp if he is found guilty."

"This kid was so frightened when he heard it that he quickly wrote letters asking for help. It happened that he had invited me for a drink before, and we had known each other for a long time. After receiving his letter, I felt that this kid was a talent. That's it. It was a pity that he had to go to the atonement camp, so I begged the division commander to fish him out and bring him to work here."

"Look, isn't this pretty good now? Not just anyone can do the job of dismantling unexploded aerial bombs on the battlefield. If you ask me, you have to praise me more or less. "A good eye recognizes talents." "."

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