Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2884 Super Earth Plane


To say that the resume is wonderful, it is indeed quite "wonderful".

Sulovechenko never dreamed that the talent in front of him, called Ochayev, was actually introduced by Alsim across the military services in this way, and he did not expect that it would also involve the division commander. layer relationship.

But then I thought about it, Alsim was so popular in front of his comrade, the division commander, that he was so popular.

If he asked his comrade, the teacher, to do a small thing, it would not be difficult to tell the truth and it could be done.

Even though the ground crew crippled an ace pilot, it sounds serious, but if you think about it from another angle, what kind of person is responsible for this to make a special trip to recruit people? He is a hero of the Soviet Union who is well-known throughout the army and the country, a legendary tank corps major general, Marshal Zhukov's favorite disciple, the founder and first and current division commander of the Leadership Division, and a major general Malashenko who was praised highly even by Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin. .

Then do you think it is still difficult to catch a ground crew member who injured the little ace pilot because he was drunk and subjectively did not mean it?

Besides, Malashenko didn’t directly absolve people. Comrade Ma also had something to say. I am providing guilty talents with an opportunity to better demonstrate their value and perform meritorious service. The purpose is to better attack the enemy.

Are you dissatisfied?

If you don't want to accept it, just hold it in, or you can report it to the superiors, whatever you want.

As for how the higher-level leaders evaluate your "performance art", that's none of Comrade Ma's business. It's up to you to decide.

It is neither necessary nor important to delve into these past events now.

The important thing is that Sulovechenko is really curious. Did Ochayev really not feel anything at all when he was dismantling the big artillery piece on the battlefield?

"Comrade, you know the dangers of unexploded aerial bombs better than I do. Didn't you feel scared when you started to dismantle this thing? Do you really believe that you can handle the British aerial bombs?"


Sulovechenko's somewhat unbelievable question had not yet finished, and there was no trace of negative emotion on his face. Comrade Ochayev, whose face was full of "relaxation and joy," just laughed casually.

"Comrade Deputy Company, my grandfather told me when I was very young: do it first, and then be afraid. People who start to be afraid before doing anything can't accomplish anything."

"There is no essential difference between aerial bombs. Just like British guns are guns, Soviet guns are guns. They are similar but not completely different."

"I believed in my ability, believed in myself, and believed that I could complete the task, and then I did it. After removing the fuse, I will think about whether I was scared just now. It is true, but it does not affect my ability to complete the task. This is who I am. s answer."


Okay, it seems that my past understanding of the sentence "Alsim Company is full of tough men" was still a little shallow.

The Alsim Company is not only composed of strong men and explosives experts, but also has a shortage of explosives experts transferred from the aviation force. This is probably what the so-called "hidden dragon and crouching tiger" means.

"Okay, the chatting time is over. If you procrastinate any longer, those naughty dogs in the cage will be so anxious that they bite the iron door."

"Here, help me carry this thing over, let's come together!"

The aerial bomb installed in the back of the truck was either big or small. It was just a British-made 500-pound aerial bomb. This translates into a total weight of just over 200 kilograms, which is approximately equivalent to the total weight of three normal adult men.

After the fuse was removed, this thing was just a tin can filled with explosives, as Alsim said, and it was very safe. Even if you hit it hard with a big hammer, its warhead won't explode unless you use some means to detonate it, so just go ahead and carry it away with confidence.

When compared to the total weight of three normal adult men, it still weighs a lot.

Not only did Alsim and Sulovechenko take action at the same time, but Krauser, who was following him, also wisely greeted his brothers and hurriedly came up to help carry the thing away.

A group of big men just put their hands on their shoulders and carried a British 500-pound aerial bomb to the place where it needed to be used - the large iron gate at the entrance to the underground arsenal.

"Okay, just put it here. The little explosives you have on hand are enough to detonate. Let's give these naughty bastards a big one this time! It's enough to blow everyone and the door to a pulp!"

For an aerial bomb with a total weight of more than 200 kilograms, based on the starting charge factor of 50%, it is also more than 100 kilograms of explosives.

What is the concept of more than 100 kilograms of explosives?

It is equivalent to piling dozens of 152mm high-explosive grenades at the door. After a while, they will detonate at the same time. Please figure out the specific power by yourself.

"Wait a minute, what if those naughties all hide underground? Then wouldn't our work be in vain?"

Sulovechenko's worries are reasonable, but Alsim has already thought of a countermeasure, but it is not up to him to execute it himself, mainly because he does not have the ability to do so.

"Don't you speak German? Find a way to trick the bastards inside to the door and gather them together. Since they can't see what's going on outside, aren't you the one who has the final say on how to cooperate inside?"

"Well, that makes sense."

After the operation was completed, everyone in Alsim who had arranged the ceremony scene retreated to a safe distance and waited, leaving only Sulovechenko responsible for pulling the fuse and gathering the enemies.

"Inside! The damn door is stuck! The British air raid blew the door open! We don't have enough manpower outside. You pull it from the inside. Get more manpower. We push it from the outside. Let's open the door together! Just a little bit closer!”

Sulovchenko, who was holding the fuse in his hand, opened his mouth. The SS soldiers who had been waiting inside for a long time, but could not open the broken door no matter how hard they tried, were as if they were grasping at a life-saving straw. Extremely excited.

"What? Are you about to open the door? Are you about to open it? Is that what you mean?"

Obviously, Sulovechenko's fluent German successfully managed to get through. Just listening to the tone of the reply, you know that this group of SS soldiers who are anxious to escape and do not want to be suffocated have no idea about this. A little bit suspicious.

"Yes! The door is about to open! There is still a little bit left, and the crowbar can't reach in! We push from the outside and you pull from the inside. If more people work together, we will definitely be able to open the door!"

"Okay, okay! We are all here, most of us are here! Just say it at the beginning! Thank you, thank you!"

Hey! Why don’t you leave your thanks here? Let’s thank you in front of your Kaiser later!

Sulovechenko, who was really unable to hold himself back, suppressed laughter and pulled the fuse without any hesitation. He smelled the white smoke and shouted loudly.

"Okay! Start! We are pushing here, everyone! Work harder! Rescue our comrades! Push hard!!!"

It's enough to get things to this point. As for the rest and what the outcome will be, it can only be said to be "do your best and listen to fate." In short, Sulovechenko doesn't want to stay here. The right way is to take a plane with these scumbags and run away as soon as possible.

After Sulovechenko, who was running all the way, came to the bunker at a safe distance, he met Alsim.

Alsim, who had been pricking up his ears just now, listening to what Sulovechenko was yelling but not understanding, couldn't help but ask.

"What did you shout? Did those Nazis believe it?"

"Believe it, how can you not believe it? I said their mother was waiting for them at the door. They were all as excited as their grandchildren."


Alsim, who was not in the mood to talk nonsense, stopped talking. He was just counting down the time until the fuse burned out until the last second arrived on time.

"Now, explode!"


The engineer explosives tied together in series were successfully detonated. The 500-pound aerial bomb that was dropped by the British but failed to explode was finally successfully exploded in the German capital with the "strong assistance" of the Soviets. .

The powerful explosion directly sent up pieces of debris flying into the sky, along with the blown-up metal door fragments, splashing everywhere and straight into the sky.

If those Nazi dogs locked in dog cages were really fooled, then the moment the explosion sounded, the outcome was actually doomed.

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