Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2887 The British are not useless at all

Although sporadic gunshots still sounded late into the night, most of them were cats and dogs fighting to catch mice.

Because of the fierce bombardment from across the river by TOS-1, and the previous bombing by the British who gathered a dozen Lancasters to break into the restricted area.

The two tough landmark buildings originally located on the south side of the Moltke Bridge, the Diplomat Apartment Building and the Ministry of Interior Building, have been almost reduced to ruins under the unprecedented heavy firepower, with only a few ruins still standing among the rubble. time, telling that tall and magnificent buildings once existed here.

Therefore, objectively speaking, the sudden and unannounced late-night bombing by the British to improve their performance had some effect based on the specific situation afterwards, and it was not useless at all.

The most important thing is that no one in Alsim's company, who improvised and infiltrated into the enemy, died because of the bombs dropped by the British. At the same time, the Moltke Bridge, a key strategic location, except for a small part of the bridge deck blown up by two British bombs, only required engineers to come up and spend an hour to repair it, and was not affected by air strikes. was severely damaged.

Putting the above situations together, if there is any direct result, it at least makes Comrade Ma, who was originally as angry as a rabid bull, less angry and no longer loudly looking for Montgomery and his Seventh Armor. The teacher singled out those things.

"The Army Headquarters reported that the superiors have contacted the British army, expressed serious protest and explained the interests involved. The British have also guaranteed that if there are any more air strikes, they will notify us in advance, they explained I hope we can understand that last night's action was just an accident of negligence."

After receiving the telegram, I just glanced at it and threw it on the table like waste paper.

Malashenko, who was not interested in the explanations of the Angsa barbarians and did not want to hear them, had no plans to pursue the matter for the time being.

The top priority is to handle the battle at hand. There are only two days left before the deadline given to him by Zhukov.

Within two days, if the leadership division can defeat Area Z, it can plant the red flag on top of the Capitol Building.

Then both Malashenko and the leader are heroes of the motherland. The propaganda department has prepared the draft and is waiting for it to be released the moment the news of victory comes. On Zhukov's side, he was holding an all-army announcement commendation and a good news telegram to Comrade Stalin at the same time. He was waiting for the good news from Malashenko, and he was eager to hear it.

But within two days, if Malashenko cannot complete his mission, the leadership division will not be able to conquer Area Z.

That matter is more or less big.

Now, the eyes of the world are on here, on Berlin.

American reporters, British reporters, their own Soviet reporters, and even fucking French reporters who couldn’t even fight came to join in the fun.

Nowadays, all media people with some connections are flocking to Berlin like flies smelling shit. It seems that as long as you come to Berlin, you will have a reputation, a reputation, and a lot of money to make. It has almost become a holy place for media people.

"Damn it! How did the Berlin battlefield become like this!? They are not even afraid of fighting. These are no ordinary media people. They are all desperadoes, so they must hit hard!"

Although I cursed like this in my heart, I couldn't say it with my mouth. After all, a big country still has to protect its face to some extent, and it cannot damage its international image or be an eyesore.

As a result, Malashenko, who didn't like receiving guests, simply shut out and refused to accept all foreign journalists except his own Soviet journalists.

If you want to be interviewed, go somewhere else. Whoever wants to accept you will accept it. Anyway, my leader won’t accept it.

They were driven away, but some petty foreign reporters thought that this was a certain Soviet general who deliberately blocked their way of making money and career advancement.

Cutting off someone's financial path is like killing one's parents. What's more, Malashenko not only cut off someone's financial path but also blocked their career path. This would be strange if it didn't arouse people's hatred.

So, it's a no-brainer.

These days, whether in British newspapers, American newspapers, or even French newspapers, there has been more or less negative news that is not conducive to the Soviet Union.

Things like "the Soviet army encountered huge difficulties in Berlin", "the most elite troops of the Soviet army may repeat the mistakes of the German army in Stalingrad", "the retired British lieutenant general believes that the possibility of the Soviet army's defeat in Berlin cannot be ruled out", etc. wait wait wait.

In the words of Comrade Lao Ma, "all the monsters and ghosts of Wo Zhi Nyima have popped up."

It is true that these criticisms that are deliberately seeking trouble are nothing more than mosquitoes and flies buzzing. After all, public opinion can deceive people, but the front line cannot.

Well, the outside world is so noisy and noisy. It is unrealistic to say that the Red Army, as the center of attention, has no pressure at all.

Zhukov gave Malashenko a two-day time limit, and at the end he asked, "Is there enough time?"

Asked questions, said questions, but Malashenko clearly saw on Zhukov's face that he very much hoped to get a positive answer.

The leader has heightened the atmosphere to this point. As a subordinate, what else can Malashenko say?

All I can say is "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

Military orders are easy to establish, but the difficulty lies in how to maintain the military orders until the end, and still stand firm when the military orders are in a winning position and do not break their promises.

"The diplomats' apartment was basically destroyed by the bombing, and half of the Ministry of Interior building was destroyed. There is probably a lot of stubborn Nazi dirt hidden in the remaining half. Oh, and there is this thing, the Swiss Embassy, ​​don't use this thing It doesn’t matter if you knock it off, it must be removed anyway to open up the path for attack.”

"Finally, there is the Kroll Opera House. This piece of shit can overlook and cover the entire King's Square. If we don't remove this thing, our soldiers will be attacked from behind if they rush to attack the Parliament Building on the other side of King's Square. The firepower is killing and killing, victory is very important, but not more important than the lives of our soldiers.”

"It's not said, it must be taken down! That's it, continue to fight south and crush the Opera House! No matter what method is used, I don't want to see any living Nazis there who can open fire on King's Square. If it must be a It’s a massacre, let me kill every naughty man with a gun in this opera house!”

After two days and 48 hours, Malashenko, who was constantly being urged by the ticking clock behind his buttocks, showed his true intentions this time, and the murderous flavor in his words was something that even political commissar comrades had rarely heard.

"No problem. Before dawn, the Volga and Dnieper River siege teams will be ready. They are the first wave of troops to cross the bridge and are almost assembled now. However, their fuel and ammunition supplies are not enough, and they can only maintain After most of the day of high-intensity fighting, because the combat troops were given priority to cross the river, the logistics support troops are now blocked on the other side of the bridge. "

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