Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2888 Early morning surprise

"Volga and Dnepr"

After hearing these two code names from the mouth of the political commissar, Malashenko, who propped his hands on the table and stared at the war zone map spread out on the table in front of him, couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"How long have their two armies been fighting continuously?"

"Three days and eight hours, so far."

Comrade Political Commissar answered without thinking, while Malashenko was even more lost in thought.

"They spent three days and eight hours in a meat grinder without taking a break. Killing people all day long, closing their eyes, opening their eyes, and then continuing to kill people is really difficult for them."

The level of cruelty in street fighting is different from the past. If it is the attacker in the street fighting, it will be even more cruel and even more cruel. It can be called double cruelty.

You have eliminated the last wave of defending enemies, and there is still the next wave of defending and reinforced enemies waiting for you.

The enemy can rest, refresh, and bring in relatively fresh troops to constantly compete with you physically and mentally, but as the attacker, you can't stop like a machine running at full speed from beginning to end.

If you stop, the enemy will fight back, and the meat in the meat grinder will be saved at all costs. In the next day, Linggai will fight with the mace, trying to break the blunt blade in your meat grinder into pieces.

So fighting fiercely for three consecutive days and nights may not sound like much, but being exposed to the depressing, ferocious, and even terrifying battlefield atmosphere of street fighting, every minute and every second is an invisible torment. After a full "72+8" time, a total of 80 Hours later, even Malashenko admired how tenacious, brave and tenacious his soldiers were.

"Do we need to replace them? If we wait a few more hours, the Shilka and Tunguska detachments can also be assembled."

Facing the probing questions from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko did think and hesitate for a moment, but finally swallowed the words hesitantly and spoke quietly using other words.

"Come down with me and take a look. Leave this to Lavery and Comrade Chief of Staff."


Lavrinenko, who was busy signing documents not far away, heard someone calling his name. He raised his head and glanced at Malashenko. He probably understood what was going on and then smiled without delay. road.

"Okay, go ahead and leave this to me. I'm used to wiping your butt anyway."

Lavrinenko was entrusted with the affairs of the division headquarters. Malashenko, who rarely inspected the troops with his political commissar, was in a mixed mood. Whether it was the political commissar's deteriorating health or the troop's approaching limit. Testing Malashenko's nerves.

"You seem to have something on your mind"

"Fortunately, I'm just thinking about the army, huh."


Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who seemed to understand but not understand, said nothing, and just sat quietly next to Malashenko until the car came to a halt at the southern bridgehead after crossing the bridge and got off the car.

"This is what I'm telling you. We are now using all available methods and making every effort to cross the river as soon as possible. However, the family is big and the business is big, and there are too many things and trivial matters. So far, only two teams have been assembled. Just a combat unit."

There is no pleasant air on the banks of the Spree River in the early morning. There is only death, destruction, blood, and the smell of gunpowder smoke remaining in the air, reminding Malashenko that there is still a fierce battle to be fought.

The corpses of SS soldiers floating on the river were left uncollected and drifted up and down with the waves of the river in the early morning.

Next to the piles of floating corpses is the pontoon bridge that is still intact. Groups of Red Army soldiers marching on foot are fully armed and stepping up to cross the river. Even the original sightseeing boats on the Spree River were requisitioned. People were running on the bridge and rowing boats in the river. The boats were pulling boxes of ammunition and infantry heavy weapons, all trying to cross the river in a hurry. .

As for the most important Maoqi Bridge, the scene is even more spectacular with traffic and traffic.

A huge number of ISP43 infantry fighting vehicles are rushing to cross the bridge and the river one by one. Standing on the bridgeheads on both sides are the commanders responsible for maintaining traffic order and directing the troops to cross the river in batches in an orderly manner. They are holding iron tubes. The loudspeaker roared until his throat was almost smoking, but it still seemed insignificant amidst the roar of machinery.

On the engine compartment cover of the tank, on the turret, on the front of the infantry fighting vehicle and even outside the tail hatch.

Everywhere visible to the naked eye, cheating warriors are hitchhiking across the bridge. In the leadership division, which has already realized "everyone has a car and everyone is mechanized," when was the last time I saw such a dense and busy scene of cheating personnel? Even Malashenko himself, who was watching this scene from the southern bridgehead, almost forgot.

"The heavy equipment that can cross the bridge at the same time is limited. In order to maximize efficiency, we can only do this and give as many combat personnel as possible priority to cross the bridge. It is better for people to wait for equipment than for equipment to wait for people."


Malashenko felt that the second half of Comrade Political Commissar's words sounded familiar to him. Before he could say anything, he heard a sudden roar above his head.




"Huh? Are our pilot boys dispatched so early today?"

Flying overhead at low altitude were La-7 fighter jets and IL-10 attack aircraft with red five-pointed stars painted on their wings and tails.

Because the zoo's air defense tower was pulled out, those who effectively took advantage of this advantage were not only the British who swooped in and wanted to gain a wave of military exploits at the last moment, but the Red Army themselves also made full use of this advantage.

The "air defense restricted area" in Zone Z established by three G-type air defense towers has now been cut off. Even heavy bombers can sneak in from undefended directions, not to mention being more dexterous. Lightweight fighter and attack aircraft.

Being able to get close air support is Malashenko's latest and one of the most effective additional boosts.

"Commander Chuikov expected that the enemy might launch a counterattack against us and prevent us from crossing the river and gathering troops. After all, it is easier to launch a large-scale ground counterattack during the day. So he adjusted the aviation operation schedule overnight and arranged for us almost from morning to night. Continuous close aviation support will be very helpful in our upcoming battle."


Dong dong dong dong——


Before the comrade political commissar who introduced the situation could finish his words, those fighter jets and attack aircraft scrambled to take off shortly after it passed overhead and when it was still dark, specially coming to perform a "preventive" ground attack mission.

Fierce tactical air strikes have begun against enemies that have systematically lost their organized air defense capabilities. Explosions and the roar of aircraft guns coming from low altitudes suddenly come one after another.

Just like the "preventive" mission, there is only one very simple purpose - to disrupt any suspected concentration of enemy ground forces, prevent any large-scale enemy from launching a counterattack towards the bridgehead, and do everything possible to buy time for the leader division to cross the river and transport troops. ,Create opportunities.

Malashenko, who was quite satisfied with this "little surprise", finally smiled. This is the only time Comrade Ma has smiled since last night when the British guy put shit on his head and threw an iron bomb.

"Then there's nothing to worry about. The only thing left to do now is to rip off the heads of any nazis who dare to stand in our way."

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