Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2889 It was his comrade who taught him this

Accompanied by Comrade Political Commissar, I came to the forefront of Malashenko with some accompanying guards. After seeing the situation of crossing the river at the bridgehead here, I changed the direction and continued towards the place where the soldiers took a temporary rest. Walk somewhere.

"How's the breakfast going? Did you guys have anything hot to eat?"

While walking towards the ruins of buildings that were too dilapidated and could not be called a resting place, he quietly asked questions to the political commissar comrades beside him.

Malashenko is not only concerned about the combat situation, but also about providing all necessary guarantees for the soldiers in addition to combat. The cooking problem under the principle of "people are like rice and steel" is even more of a top priority.

"It has been arranged. The cooking team just delivered this morning's breakfast. Of course, it did not delay the heavy equipment and personnel crossing the river. It found a few sightseeing boats to carry the food and came over."


Malashenko couldn't help laughing when he recalled that he had just seen soldiers rowing the famous boats across the river on the river. He really didn't expect that the Germans could be so kind and didn't sink all the boats.

"Should I say thank you to those idiots for being so stupid? They were kind enough to leave a few boats for us."

"Actually, that's not the case. These boats were pulled out from their yards by a few locals on the street and given to us. They were originally life-saving tools for them to support their families. When the SS confiscated and destroyed all the boats, they I hid the boat so that I could continue to make a living and support my family one day when the war was over.”


When Comrade Political Commissar said this, Malashenko became interested. The locals in Berlin actually took the initiative to provide the Red Army with privately owned ships. This is indeed a bit unexpected.

Seeing the slight surprise on Malashenko's face, Commissar Petrov, who knew what the division commander wanted to ask, immediately smiled and continued to speak.

"Didn't you organize a logistics support brigade a few days ago to take out all the German rations and materials that were previously seized and distribute basic living support materials to German civilians in the liberated areas? Well, this is the effect."

"Those German civilians saw, knew, and ate the food we distributed, and knew that we were not here to kill everyone. On the contrary, they were even better than those black-skinned dogs who sent troops to grab food and catch strong men. many."

"Many people's food and all the edible things in their homes were robbed by the SS who arrested people everywhere and sent troops to seize food. After we distributed supplies a few times at first, I think we can build on this. To make a fuss, we should not only distribute materials for free, but also try to get the local people to provide us with the help we need. Letting them eat for free will form bad habits. "

"One of them is to collect boats. Because we can expect there will be a river crossing operation later, we prepare in advance. You have seen what happened later. The preparations came in handy. Those who posted notices and collected more distribution materials were exchanged for The boat is very useful, and it virtually adds a third way for us to cross the river in addition to the Moltke Bridge and the pontoon. "

Malashenko did not expect that the distribution of food would actually cause trouble for the political commissar.

Malashenko's original purpose of distributing food was very simple, with two main purposes.

One is to prevent humanitarian disasters from happening. After all, Berlin is now the focus of the world's attention, and there are so many media reporters from countries around the world, especially from the West. What if humanitarian disasters such as starvation, cannibalism, and cannibalism occurred in the liberated areas of the leader's division?

Although it is not too difficult to end, after all, Malashenko’s current background and connections are here. But after all, it doesn't sound good if it gets out, and it's not a glorious thing. And starving war refugees to death is not a good thing in itself.

Therefore, since you have the ability and conditions to avoid this problem with ease after fighting, you can do it appropriately.

Second, it is for the sake of security in the liberated areas.

How to understand people? How to deal with people? One of the most basic principles is to deconstruct human nature, put it on a chopping board and slice it thinly one by one like sashimi.

One of the human nature related to war, or death, is called "If you can have a full stomach, you can survive, and if you can meet the basic needs of survival, most people will not think about licking blood from the tip of a knife or plucking their heads." Fighting for your life in your waistband."

Questioning is unreasonable and doubting is unnecessary.

This truth is applicable no matter when, where, or in any era.

It is true that you can say that there are lofty spirits and fanatical believers who do not live for just one bite of food, but please clarify this question: As a biological group, what is the overwhelming majority, more than 98%, of human beings? He is an ordinary person, a common man, a person who strives for "peace is happiness" until the end of his life.

You only need to fill the bellies of these 98% of the people, and then in your control area, capture the remaining 2% who are the ones who are the ones causing trouble, show them to the public, take them to the entrance of the vegetable market, and chop them up.

I would like to ask those Berlin citizens who have suffered so much from the war, what reason or motivation do they have to risk their lives to fight against you? It’s not like I’m starving to death, on the contrary I can eat quite well.

how? Is it possible that he is still full and full to rebel against the old horse? There's nothing wrong with your brain, right?

It's quite a simple set of logic. Of course, after it was actually done, the effect was indeed as good as Malashenko imagined. It now seems even better than previously imagined. Because Comrade Political Commissar also took this opportunity to get an unexpected surprise, which was indeed a bit unexpected for Comrade Lao Ma.

"That's good. In addition, Karamov has not reported to me the robbery of the material transport convoy in the past few days. At most, there are petty thieves who come to steal things in the dark, and some of them are extremely hungry. Or there are children and patients at home who need nutritional supplements and don’t have enough food, so they take risks and steal military supplies because they have no other choice.”

"Karamov interrogated them one by one and didn't punish them very much. After a brief education, they were released, and they gave them some food before leaving. They called people in again the next day and asked people from the neighborhood to come to the public. In the education class, if you have any difficulties, please contact the Red Army. Tell the Red Army that stealing is illegal. The harmonious and peaceful community order cannot only be maintained by the Red Army, but must be observed and maintained by everyone. "

It didn't matter that Malashenko mentioned it so smoothly, and he directly talked about Comrade Political Commissar, which made him feel a little puzzled.

"Hey, why am I listening? This matter and these words are not like what Karamov's mind can think of? Is there some expert guidance behind his back?"

Malashenko, who was walking side by side to the door of the building, stopped after hearing this. He just looked at each other with Comrade Political Commissar, and then smiled at each other. While smiling, half of the building collapsed, and the remaining half seemed to be quite solid. walked into the building.

"Okay, let me explain that it was Comrade Senior who taught him."

Let me tell you something, brothers, the 10 chapters of the special chapter are basically a partial microcosm of the next book. How do you feel about it? Everyone can talk about it

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