Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2893 I’m defecting to Russia!

Krauser and his men had no way to move around or go where they wanted without asking.

To be honest, the Soviets were not afraid of them escaping at all.

What? Why, you ask?

Look at the Wehrmacht uniforms they are wearing. If you step out of this restricted room and go anywhere outside the house wearing these clothes, you will inevitably be beaten into a hornet's nest by passing Red Army soldiers who don't know the truth.

Moreover, after the battle, there was no need for them to participate in the battle anymore. Even the weapons of Krauser and his men were taken away again.

Of course, Krauser also knew that the Soviets did not put handcuffs or shackles on himself and his brothers at this time, and they also drew a two-room area where they could move around at will. Then when it was time to eat, someone would bring food and water, so there was no need to worry. This was already the greatest reward and kindness for my group's contribution last night.

At least, you don’t have to go to the prisoner-of-war camp to fight for food and water with the hard-working people. You won’t be hungry and thirsty anymore, right? You can even smoke as many cigarettes as you want, and the Russians just threw a bag of them over.

When Krauser and his brothers opened the bag, they discovered that many of the cigarette boxes inside were stained with blood, and some were even completely stained with blood. If you really wanted to smoke tobacco, it would be blood-flavored tobacco.

"Oh, the Russians must have snatched them from the corpses. I don't know how many unlucky people they had to strip naked to find so many."

"Hey! Look, I won the prize! This is a pack of cigarettes that only a colonel can smoke! I recognize it!"

"Damn it, why didn't I find it? No, step aside and let me look through it again. There must be more than just that one package.

These people who are picky about smoking cigarettes don't care at all about the original owner of this bag of cigarettes. They are all their living comrades, superiors, or even people they know. The scene of a few pairs of dirty, big hands covered with gun calluses and scars rummaging back and forth in a cloth bag looking for good cigarettes is no better than the uncles and aunties tumbling over delicious vegetables in the vegetable market in later generations.


"Damn it! How many days have I not had a good night's sleep or been so quiet and rested? Only now can I have the slightest feeling that I am still alive. This is such a bloody war."

After a short search, the "Gathering of People to Worship God" began.

The entire shabby bedroom soon became shrouded in mist and filled with fairy spirit because of the fierce smoking and puffing of the ten or twenty-year-old men.

It was also in this environment that Krauser, who was finally able to calm down and think about something, listened to the nagging and complaining of the brothers who had been with him through life and death, and who had also rebelled with him. After a few minutes, which was quite long. Only then did he utter this sentence leisurely.

"If I could, I'd go with the Russians."



"Fuck! You"

"What!? Didn't you say you would go home when the war is over? You still have a wife and children at home."

Needless to say, as soon as Krauser said these words, he immediately startled the brothers who were surrounding him with different postures.

Not to mention shocked, at least among the people present, almost no one could have expected that Krause would change so quickly and completely, because just yesterday he said that he wanted to go home as soon as possible to reunite with his wife and children, and never wanted to see him again in this life. Touch the gun.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious and I've thought about it carefully."

Seeing that Krauser said this, the brothers around him didn't know what to say, so they thought they would just listen before the words were finished.

"Think about it, look at the surrounding environment, everything around us."

"Every inch of Germany's land has been devastated by the war. With our skills and skills, we know nothing but murder and arson. Even if we throw away our guns and go back to our hometown, what can we do? Clean up the ruins. How much money can you make as a laborer in such a shabby environment? Think about it, it’s hard for the whole family to have enough to eat, so what’s the point of just spending time with your family?”


If Krause didn't say it, it would be difficult for the brothers around him to think about it.

In fact, these people and veterans who can follow Krause to rebel, would rather deviate than surrender and survive.

Most of them are veterans who were forcibly mobilized and returned to the army for the second time after Santoku entered the downhill fast lane after 1943, including Krause himself.

It was precisely because they had left the military camp once, had worldly concerns, and had the reluctance of their loved ones that they could deviate from the traditional ways for the sake of the people they wanted to protect in this life.

If a person lives solely by himself, then there is a high probability that he will not be able to do this.

But precisely because they have worldly concerns and people they want to protect, these veterans have to think more about what they will do after the war is over in this terrible, apocalyptic environment. It's not too late to think about it now.

"As you all know, it sounds to me like the Russians are willing to give us a job. To put it bluntly, this job is to test our quality, at least that's what I think. And this job We did a good job, at least the Russians are satisfied."

"This is the opportunity, the opportunity before you now, so why not seize it?"

"If the Russians can give my wife and children food and shelter, let my children go to school in a place full of ruins, have medical care, education, and all necessary living security. Let our family at least be able to live in our hometown. Live a good life on this land and live like a real human being.”

"Then I am willing to fight with the Russians, why not? Why do we copy guys and turn them against each other? What is the purpose of everyone coming together to fight? Who is for themselves? Isn't it all for the wife and children? Since we all do it This step has destroyed the bottom line, what else can’t be done?”


He took a long puff of cigarette, and the smoke column in his mouth sprayed out like a boiler igniting. Krauser, who had already made up his mind, finished his last words firmly.

"This place, and many places in Germany, if I guess correctly, will all be Russian territory from now on."

"I don't want to leave my hometown, and I don't want my wife and children to suffer hardships and wander in a foreign land with me. I just want to live a peaceful life as a family and live! If the Russians can give me this kind of life, then I too If I am willing to work for them, at least the Russians will recognize my work skills and give us more money so that I can buy sweets for my daughter.”

The change in mentality in just a few dozen hours was unprecedented.

As an old superior and old comrade-in-arms, Krauser's touch and shock to every German prisoner present were real and tangible. The truth and reality that was right in front of them forced them to make early plans.

After all, it's better to join the team as early as possible, especially now that there is a hot vote.

If it's any later, I'm afraid you won't even be able to join the queue.

"What the fuck! It's all those bastards' fault! I've never hated those bastards as much as I do now! It's all because of them!"

"Fuck it! Count me in, I will join you in joining the Russians!"

"And me, me! I also work with the Russians, but can we still be together without being separated? I'm afraid something will happen if we are broken up by the Russians."

"This, that's true. Krauser, can you think of a way? Ask the Russians, isn't it okay for you to have a relationship with that Russian captain?"

Krauser wiped the cigarette butt on the sole of his shoe and exhaled the last puff of smoke from his mouth. His tone was still as calm as before, like a puddle of still water.

"I'll give it a try, maybe it will work, but it's not my decision. It depends on how the Russians decide our fate."

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