Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2894 The legendary beast

"Okay, listen carefully, I will only tell you once.

"From now on until we plant the red flag on the Capitol, we only have 48 hours at most. This is an order issued by the superiors to Comrade Division Commander. Comrade Division Commander has entrusted me with this glorious and arduous task. This is ours. The honor of this company and this collective must be accomplished, and the only possibility that cannot be accomplished is if we all sacrifice ourselves.”

"So, when the battle starts later, everyone should make their movements more flexible for me. From the movement under the feet to the killing with the hands, all movements must be quick and crisp, and the problem must be solved in the shortest time."

"Today's goal is to capture the theater, but first, there is a Nazi Ministry of Interior building that was half destroyed by the British bombing between us and the theater. We must deal with this first."

"It is expected that there will be only a small amount of resistance on the road leading to the Ministry of Interior building, and most of them will be light weapons. The heavy weapons along the way will either be destroyed by our shelling or by the British bombing, so there is basically no need to worry. The difficulty lies in breaking into the building. After that, an unknown number of SS maniacs with shit in their heads would fight to death."

"We don't have much time to spend with these die-hard elements, so we have to take some special measures, so we have prepared double copies of blasting explosives for everyone in this operation. Do you all know what to do?"

They gathered together in a circle and listened to company commander Alsim's combat briefing and tactical arrangements. The group of combat engineers who had been waiting impatiently for a long time naturally understood it.

"You mean to let those bastard scum fly on a plane? Well, let me send them all to the sky!"

The reason why combat engineers are experts in street fighting is not only because these people have incredible combat capabilities and wear heavy armor, but also because everyone in this group is an expert in explosives, and the thing they are best at is explosion, explosion, explosion.

After explaining all the precautions, Alsim did not talk nonsense. The high-spirited mobilization before the war was not his specialty, but the exclusive skill of the division commander.

Alsim only needs to say "We are going to kill the Nazis", roughly how to do it, and what details to pay attention to when doing it. The next thing to do is to lead the brothers to copy the guys and fight.

Boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo hoo——


"The sound of artillery fire is quite close. It doesn't sound like the sound that came from outside the city a few days ago. Has the artillery position been moved forward?"

Walking to the window sill with all the broken glass, watching the brief barrage of artillery fire roaring across the head, a somewhat curious Alsim couldn't help but ask Sulovechenko beside him.

"It's in the train station across the river. The place happens to be very spacious. After taking down the place yesterday, the artillery was stationed there. Firstly, it can shorten the strike time, and secondly, the ballistic trajectory is easier to use. At this time, if we continue to fight in the position outside the city, the ballistic trajectory will be too limited, and it is almost impossible to hit any valuable targets. "

Sulovechenko, who cannot be said to be proficient in artillery but only has a slight understanding of artillery, is probably explaining that his level of understanding of artillery is not even as good as that of Sulovechenko's Alsim, and it is even less than a smattering of knowledge. All Alsim knew was that he could stuff the shells into the barrel of the cannon and kill the Nazis from a long distance, which was very useful.

"That's almost it. This artillery fire won't last long. Get in the car and prepare to attack!"


Half of the Ministry of Interior building was already destroyed by the British's initiation bombing, and now it was attacked by large-caliber howitzers and rocket launchers. Only half of the Ministry of Interior building is left. "Scarred and in a mess" is not enough to describe its miserable appearance. .

The roar of the diesel engine came from the end of the street, and the low and harsh sound of the crawler tracks grinding and crunching the masonry debris on the ground. It was the low roar of the most terrifying steel behemoth in the hands of the Slavs who had been released from the cage.

"Damn it! Tanks, Russian tanks are coming! It's Stalin's Death Combine!"

As the rumors about the "terrible Russian steel behemoth" in the city of Berlin become more and more sinister, one after another surviving witnesses, the German soldiers of both the SS and the Wehrmacht, are describing in horror. Rumors spread by word of mouth about how terrifying the Russian super tank, known as "Stalin's Combine of Death", was.

Some people say that that kind of tank is so huge that it can hold at least four Panzer IV tanks together. Just looking at that thing "crunching" towards you can make you feel the suffocating pressure. feel.

Some people say that that thing carries a thick and long super cannon, which is far beyond the main gun of any armored vehicle in the hands of the German army. It is enough to eclipse the most powerful King Tiger and even the Hunting Tiger. It only takes one shot to kill any German tank, or blow up a squad of German soldiers with one shot.

There are even more outrageous rumors that this thing can run faster than the German Army's own Black Panther.

Those who believed this rumor were shocked, and those who claimed to have seen it with their own eyes nodded in agreement with the rumor.

People who didn't believe this rumor scoffed at this "rumor" and claimed that how could there be a steel monster with the size of four Panzer IV tanks that could run faster than the Black Panther. Did Stalin master the lost black technology of Atlantis or something? The heavier the tank, the faster it runs, right? Reverse physics, right?

But when the rumored "Russian super tank" really appeared in the eyes of a group of SS soldiers who were tired, hungry and tired, but only had a passion for it.

Almost everyone understood that those rumors were true, at least most of the rumors that sounded outrageous were true, such as the terrifying huge size of the thing and the super cannon that looked like a big chimney.

"Careful! Cannon——"


call out--


The screams arrived late on the tail of the explosion. The huge explosion was accompanied by a heat wave of astonishing energy. In the blink of an eye, the entire balcony was blown to pieces.

"What are those nazis doing in front of the window? Are we welcome?"

"Ha, fuck Sokka! Let these bastards go to hell and discuss it!"

"Continue reloading! High-explosive shells! Gunner ready!"

The swaying IS7 heavy tank ran over the wreckage of a Mercedes-Benz car that was shattered by artillery shells on the street, smashed open the blackened head of a certain No. 4 tank that was blown to the ground, and once again broke through the black hole with its unstoppable power of conquest. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the target.


"After getting off the car, run straight in with me! Move quickly with your feet! Get ready!"

When the SS soldiers in the building scattered amid the roar of the cannons, before they had time to find a suitable shelter, a large number of BMP43 infantry fighting vehicles covered by the firepower of their own cannons had already pulled the machine A barrage of artillery shells came rushing all the way.

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