Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2895 Slavic wall penetration technique

When the accelerator was pressed into the fuel tank, the BMP43 infantry tank was already racing so fast that it overturned.

Don't take "You can overturn a tank!?" as a joke, the fact is that you can actually overturn it.

The BMP43, which was traveling at full speed on a paved road filled with rubble and garbage, ran over one after another large pieces of rubble and unknown solid obstacles along the way.

Although the drivers have tried their best to choose the shortest route, they have no choice but to find a clean street in Berlin. Everywhere they go is full of obstacles, debris, construction debris, and debris. pavement.

The BMP43s, who were almost knocked over by the bumper because they were traveling too fast, rushed to the target with violent bumps. They managed to avoid overturning one of them on the spot, which in turn angered the SS in the building who had no time to escape. Jun laughed wildly on the spot.

Seeing that it was close to the target, it showed no intention of slowing down.

These BMP43 infantry combat vehicles that had been planned for a long time still stepped on the accelerator even in the "final stage of charge". It was not until they were about to hit the outer wall of the dilapidated building of the Ministry of Interior that they drifted like a "dragon swinging its tail" style. The butt of the car was thrown towards the wall, and the metal tracks scraped against the paved road, causing sparks and lightning, and continued to hit the wall with the inertia of the drift.

What's more, they didn't even do any drifting. They aimed at the weak wall that didn't seem to be very thick and had shattered window sills and door frames, and crashed directly into it.


There was a ruckus——

The front of the car, which rushed forward and smashed into the weak point of the outer wall, was completely sunk in. Several BMP43 infantry tanks responsible for "violent demolition" did not pause at all. The driver immediately switched to reverse gear and began to reverse at full speed.

The front of the car, which had just sunk in for a while, then pulled out again with a head full of broken bricks and rubble.

The timing is perfect.

The combat engineers who filed out of the infantry fighting vehicles that were facing the enemy rushed in as quickly as possible as soon as they got off the vehicle, along the huge gap in the outer wall that was knocked open.

"The Russians are coming in! Shoot, shoot!"

"Kick them out!"

"Come and help—"

Dong dong dong dong dong——

A bunch of confused SS soldiers just raised their weapons and tried to drive out the few enemy infantry who had rushed in and had not had time to gain a foothold. However, they did not expect those who had sent the enemy over. "Pregnant tank", dared to fire at such a close distance and risked accidentally injuring friendly troops.

The furious 25mm cannon roared violently, and shell shells thicker than a thumb continued to spit out from the shell ejection window on the turret like jelly beans from a vending machine, falling like rain.

With the roaring machine guns overhead and bullet casings raining out, the remaining combat engineers who completely ignored the approach of their own infantry fighting vehicle to annihilate and fire quickly got out of the vehicle and followed closely.

Da da da da——

"Over there! Hallway!"

"Throw the grenade!"


The first time he rushed into the building, there was a face-to-face exchange of fire. Alsim was beating, walking, and shooting. While shooting, he took the time to take out the next magazine that was already filled with bullets from the chest hanger, and was ready to change the ammunition.


The sound of the firing pin emptying came almost at the same time as Alsim dodged and jumped behind the wall.

Use the new magazine that has been prepared in your hand to break the jam, feed it into the receiver, and complete the reverse loading with one hand.

It took less than 5 seconds for Alsim to perform a set of smooth movements. He stopped holding his breath, gasped out a sullen breath, and then raised his gun and shot again.

"Be careful! At the top of the stairs! The bastard from the second floor rushed down!"

"give it to me!"

The shouts from Alsim's side were still in the air, and Sulovechenko, who was also following Alsim closely behind him, had just rushed in and had already picked up the bassoon on his shoulder and raised the cannon to fire.

call out--



A scream like a slaughtered pig was accompanied by a huge explosion in the room.

Sulovechenko, who raised his hand toward the stairway on the second floor and fired an RPG, was reckless and ruthless. He fired a 100mm super-caliber rocket-propelled grenade with a roar. He directly blocked a Bande infantryman who had just rushed down from the second floor and came for reinforcements in the stairway and made him suffocate.

The anti-explosive warhead using prefabricated fragments is specially designed for anti-infantry. It is completely different from the shaped charge armor-piercing grenade designed for anti-armor, but is similar.

He originally thought that Sulovchenko would throw a grenade, but he didn't expect that this kid would put it in front of him and launch an RPG with his hand. Alsim's ears were buzzing, but at this time, he couldn't think of any criticism. There was no time to blame, and he just hurriedly gave orders to the machine gunner beside him who had just rushed in and took up his position.

"Set up guns! Seal the stairs! Others follow me! Hurry!"

If there is no cover, the machine gunner can simply lie down on the spot, open the bipod of the RPD machine gun in his hand, lie down on the spot, and raise the gun into position.

Da da da da——


The next second, I saw an SS soldier who had just rushed out of the stairs. It seemed that he wanted to save people and drag the wounded back to the second floor, rather than rushing down. He became a living sacrifice on the spot. . A short shot with a tracer bullet hit him, causing red mist to appear on his chest and blood splattering everywhere. He screamed and fell down the stairs, joining the army of fresh corpses in the stairwell.

"Give in to the tanks and cease fire! Stop fighting and prepare to charge!"

Without any effective means of real-time communication, I could only run to the window, take out the small yellow flag that I had prepared and wave it to signal my family to cease fire.

Without the roar of the infantry tanks that were close at hand outside the building, Alsim, who saw no danger, was the first to rush out, took out the directional blasting explosives that had been prepared from behind and put it on the wall, and pulled the guide The fire rope immediately flashed away.

"Get ready to explode!"


The explosion that shook the flesh and tore the eardrums had not dissipated, and even the dust had not settled yet.

A group of "Russian armored soldiers" armed with fully automatic assault weapons burst through the wall through the large hole that had been blasted. He didn't care at all that the SS men inside the house had taken great pains and pains to block the door with furniture barriers.

The SS machine gunners who didn't expect the enemy to rush in from here even pointed their guns at the main entrance instead of the enemy. It was too late to pick up the machine guns and change positions.

Da da da da da——



A hail of bullets and two lemons were added to the mix. It took less than half a cigarette to beat and explode all the SS soldiers who were caught off guard in the conference room on the first floor, leaving only a pile of bleeding and cramping corpses. They were lying all over the ground.

"Solved! Keep going! Pack up and rush to the second floor!"

"Hey! There's a living person here! He's a minor official!"

Alsim, who had just given the order and heard that there was still one alive, stepped forward and glanced around, only to see a small SS officer who had a lot of air coming out and a little air coming in, lying on the ground covered in blood. The child put it there and said, "Heh-heh--" and gasped violently.

His eyes widened with an expression of reluctance, but he couldn't even utter a single word, and he interpreted the meaning of "living on alive" so vividly.


Alsim, who was shaking his head without even thinking about it, pulled out the pistol from his chest and smashed his watermelon-like head with one shot. His words that fell to the ground with the sound of the gun were devoid of any emotion. It can be said.

"It's gone now, keep going! Attack upwards!"

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