After the battle, the ground was full of mess.

Alsim, who was sitting with a bloody M35 helmet as a bench under his butt, was smoking. It took a while for the excessive exertion of his arms to slow down. Even the fingers holding the cigarette were trembling slightly, but Fortunately, it was not dislocated.

"You know? Comrade Commander is right about one thing."

Sulovechenko, who was leaning against the wall, was shooting wildly with an RPG against the roar of the MG42, and the scene where he and his gun were blasted away by the Germans is still vivid in my mind and fresh in my memory, as if The same thing happened a second ago.

Alsim, who was still grinning after listening to Sulovechenko's "exclamation", just said a casual comment calmly.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"You are really a fucking Slavic superman! That guy said it weighs over four hundred kilograms, almost five hundred kilograms, but it's a quarter of a fucking ton, do you know? You just lifted that thing up without saying a word , I even used it as a shield and ran into the corridor to resist it. Are you the son of my mother? Are you still a human being?"


Trembling hands, lit cigarette.

Alsim, who still had "fairy spirit" in his mouth, was still smiling, but there was a hint of helplessness in his laughter compared to before.

"But I have to protect you, otherwise you will be beaten into a sieve by the Germans. How can that be done?"


It is not convenient for men to say too disgusting words to each other. For a big boss, it is an unprecedented miracle to be able to say such things. Sulovechenko, who also holds a cigarette in his hand, certainly understands.

"When I was hunting before, I carried over three hundred kilograms of wolves, one in particular was very big. I killed it alone. When I was 19 years old, I carried the beast's body back to the village to show off by myself."


Sulovechenko said nothing, just listened quietly.

"This seems to be the first time for something over four hundred kilograms. But it's okay, at least I lifted the thing up, and other things are not important compared to this."

"you are vicious."

Really having nothing to say, he could only hold back this sentence. After stamping out his cigarette butt, Sulovechenko immediately came to Alsim and stretched out his right hand.

"Let's go and prepare for the next game. Didn't you say our time is limited?"

Alsim, who was sitting on the blood-stained helmet, smiled and flicked the cigarette butt away. His still trembling hand held the hand handed over by Sulovechenko, feeling strength, warmth, trust, and courage.

For a moment, a moment that he couldn't explain clearly, Alsim felt that everything he had just risked his life to do was meaningful. Even if he didn't know what it was, he could still firmly believe it. .

Although there were casualties, the team was still relatively intact and headed down the corridor and stairwell where they had just fought. Sulovchenko, who was following Alsim and carrying an AK in his hand, spoke quietly.

"By the way, is it time for the theater next? Have lunch and then continue?"

"Uh, you have to ask the teacher -"

In the middle of Alsim's words, before he finished his words, he subconsciously turned his head and looked to his side, accompanied by the unfinished words, and suddenly stopped. It was so sudden that even Sulovechenko beside him realized it. Something is wrong.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"That thing, was that thing here just now?"


Looking in the direction where Alsim's eyes were focused, it shouldn't be said that he was surprised. This is not accurate enough. Perhaps the most appropriate way to describe the scene in front of him is to think about it and be horrified.

"A cabinet?"

The tattered wooden wardrobe was placed in the middle of the corridor on the first floor, blocking Alsim and Sulovechenko's group from going downstairs. It was as eye-catching and weird as a tombstone.

Sulovechenko clearly remembered that when his team stormed upstairs, they had not seen this thing here. To be precise, this place was empty and empty.

Then how the hell was this thing deliberately placed here during the attack on the building? Who did it again? Could it be that in broad daylight it was fucking like seeing a ghost! ?

Swish swish——

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Alsim and his team, realizing that the situation was strange, immediately raised their guns on alert and scanned every corner they could see with highly vigilant eyes, until they finally walked up the stairs silently step by step and stepped on a floor.

"The people left behind are gone."


The few soldiers who were ordered to stay behind after the battle on the first floor were completely missing. Alsim didn't know, or had no way of knowing, what happened on the first floor during the crackling battle just now. Thinking about it now, forget it. It's probably possible that there was a fight on the first floor just now.

"The infantry fighting vehicles outside are still in the medical class, and they are here too."

Sulovechenko walked to the window and took a look outside, and brought even more puzzling and strange news.

If the enemy did not forcefully attack from outside, then


"Damn it Sokka!"

Weird and scary things happened one after another.

Before I had time to think about what was going on, I saw the cabinet that was originally closed suddenly creaked and opened from the inside out, and the "thing" that fell out of it shocked everyone present.

"This dress is"

"They are our people! These clothes are pilots!"

A thin figure wearing a Red Army pilot's uniform suddenly fell to the ground as the wooden cabinet opened, and fell in front of Alsim and others.

"Still alive, she's still alive!"

He immediately rushed forward and helped up the female pilot who was lying on the ground. The iconic facial features of an Eastern European Slavic woman and her tattered but well-fitting clothing made the soldiers who stepped forward to help her up and check them almost helpless. I suspect that this is my comrade.

"Escape quickly"

The lesbian in his arms was so weak that he was breathless. The soldier who was about to call for the health worker to come for treatment was stunned when he heard the subtle cry. He pressed his ears forward to try to hear the specific content of the constant murmur in his mouth.

"Go away, leave me alone"


"What the fuck does this smell like?"

After a big battle not long ago, there was still a strong aura of battlefield relics, but Alsim, with his extremely keen senses, still sensed a dangerous and strange aura approaching quickly.

"Gunpowder, the smell of burning fuse! Disperse, everyone disperse quickly! Stay away from that woman-"


I have never encountered such a cruel and dehumanizing trap. It is a miracle that I was able to detect the hidden danger without any precautions.

But at this moment, no matter how much Alsim screamed to remind him, it was still a step too late.

The explosion was not too powerful but certainly not too small. In an instant, the two people at the center of the explosion were blown into a ball of blood mist. The scattered fragments of human tissue were the last bits of the two lives that had ever survived in the world. evidence.



With his head buzzing, Alsim struggled to get up. Alsim, who was spattered with blood and flesh, felt that all the flesh in his body was shaking. He didn't know where he was thrown by the shock wave of the explosion. He didn't wait. After standing firm, the sudden change under his feet suddenly struck him again.

"Damn! The floor collapsed!?"

Feeling the tremors and cracks under his feet like a chain reaction, Alsim's mind was blown to a blank just now. At this moment, Alsim only had this consciousness. As for the severely impacted body, he was unable to dodge immediately. He could only let the floor, which seemed to have been blown down by the explosion, drag him into the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The collapsed floor and splashed gravel caused Alsim to fall and roll.

No matter how tough Alsim was, he couldn't withstand such a torment. It was so dark all around that he couldn't see the situation clearly, let alone react. The only thing he could do before he rolled and fell to a stop was to firmly protect the vital parts of his face that were not protected by the protective surface of the helmet with both hands.

"Alsim! Alsim!! How are you? Are you okay? Say something back! Alsim!!!"

While unconscious, he heard a familiar voice calling him loudly from above.

He pushed away the masonry debris that was pressing on him, and struggled to get up from the ground again with his back facing the sky.

Alsim, who felt that his body had become so sluggish that it was difficult to even breathe, took a deep breath. Then he knelt on one knee to slow down his strength and faced Su Luo, who was calling to him at the entrance of the cave that collapsed above. Vicenko replied.

"Fortunately, I'm not dead yet."

"Sokka! Just hold on, hold on! We'll find a way to get you right now, so be careful!"

Alsim, who barely stood up, looked up and realized that the entrance to the collapsed cave where he had just fallen was almost completely blocked by debris rolling down.

There were only a few gaps left, which allowed some light from the first floor to shine into the dark and gloomy basement. I could barely see the surrounding scenes and things clearly, but my field of vision was extremely limited.

"The damn gun is gone, Sukka."

Alone in a strange environment, Alsim's first reaction when he recovered was to arm himself with a gun. He would not panic if he had a gun in his hand.

But after looking around, he discovered that he had all three guns on his body - the AK hung on his shoulder with a gun belt, the Tokarev TT33 conveniently inserted into the chest strap, and the one in the armed belt at the waist of his pants. Take the truncated M30 triple tube.

They were all thrown off guard and rolled down, and were thrown into some inhospitable place.

Now, the only thing in Alsim's body that could be called a weapon.

Apart from his own physical body that had not yet had time to recover, all that was left was the strange-looking "ancestral hunting knife" he inherited from his father in the scabbard on his waist.


Alsim didn't mind using a gun when he had a gun and a knife when he didn't have a gun. It was better to defend himself with something in his hand than with bare hands. The hunting knife with the sharp blade unsheathed was held in his backhand in the next second.

There is no word for "sitting and waiting for death" in Alsim's dictionary. Naturally, it is impossible for Alsim to just find a place to hide and wait for his teammates to save him. A person like this will still act even if he doesn't have a gun in his hand. .

What Alsim didn't expect was that he was not the only creature called "human" that existed in this cold and dark basement.

Soon, the sound from the darkness quietly penetrated into Alsim's ears, coming from behind.

"I know that little gift can't kill you, and I'm glad that it's you who fell down, not some other trash."

! ?

Alsim suddenly turned around, holding a knife and staring at the direction of the sound in the darkness.

The man who spoke fluent but somewhat stilted Russian appeared from the shadows in the next second.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Alsim. Or should I call you "Same"."

Three thousand chapters are presented, and the plot of the decisive battle begins. This is Alsim’s part, followed by Lao Ma and Wittmann’s parts, so stay tuned.

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