Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2898 Death Fight (Part 1)

Looking at the figure slowly emerging from the shadows, Alsim was convinced that this face and this person did not exist in his memory.

Wearing a tilted boat-shaped hat instead of a steel helmet, he was dressed in black from top to bottom and looked very sinister. A tall figure of at least 1.85 meters is not only slightly taller than Alsim, but also a rare figure among Germans who are generally tall.

The scar engraved on the right cheek is even more memorable and impressive to this face, which barely has "gloomy" written on its forehead.

"Who the hell are you?"

Alsim, who held the knife behind his back, spoke crisply, sharply and alertly.

After experiencing various near-death battles, his intuition told him that the tall Nazi SS man with a playful smile and a sinister face in front of him was definitely not some three-legged cat on the roadside.

"Me? Didn't I just say that? You and I are actually the same kind."

"So much nonsense."


Alsim, who was disdainful of continuing to talk nonsense with this birdman, took the lead. No matter what the purpose of this naughty guy was to play tricks and mysteries in front of him, Alsim decided that he only needed to know one thing clearly.

If this guy is standing in front of a Red Army captain like you, he shouldn't be discussing where to go for a drink tonight.

Since they are enemies and are not here to surrender, the answer is simple for Alsim.

Just kill him and that's it, there's no reason to talk nonsense.


! ?

"You look a little surprised, my friend."

Not necessarily surprised, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

Alsim really didn't expect that this guy who was bare-handed and smiling playfully in front of him a second ago would actually raise his hand and hang the sword in the scabbard at his waist within half a second when it was difficult for the naked eye to capture the specific movements. The short sword was drawn out.

With a "backhand to backhand" posture, "blade to blade", he blocked Alsim's powerful blow before running up, face to face.

Moreover, it was actually only one damn hand, and the other hand was still inserted into the pocket of his jacket as if mockingly.

Click——ding click——click——

The sound of the metal friction of the blade against the blade was harsh and sharp, but the SS soldier, whose name was not yet known, was steadily exerting force while facing it with a sinister smile.

"Well, let me guess, there should be no or very few people who can catch your sword, right?"

"Fuck you."

The failed strike was followed by another horizontal thrust that broke away from the contact. And this time, Alsim, who had concluded that the enemy would be difficult to deal with after testing, also prepared a back-up move.


There was another strike of blades, the force of which was even strong enough to wipe out sparks.

Alsim, who didn't have much hope for this sword, waved his left fist and stabbed directly in front of his opponent. The moment when the sword is released and the fist is punched are almost at the same moment. The attack speed is so fast that the blade that has not been extinguished will even hit the sparks. If the punch hits successfully, it will definitely knock the opponent away directly.

But things that Alsim didn't expect happened one after another.

"I did it a few times, and my combination skills are pretty good. Are you self-taught?"

The fist that struck the face did feel like it hit, but it didn't hit the face. Instead, it was firmly caught by the opponent's left hand that he took out of his pocket at the right time.


Alsim, who failed to succeed and didn't waste any time, immediately started again. The hunting knife held in his backhand was turned along the tiger's mouth and held forward. He pushed forward hard and pointed straight towards the enemy's waist. Prick away.

"too slow."


Before he could finish the coded words of horror in his heart, Alsim felt a sharp pain in his side waist first. The pain was so intense that even the hunting knife he held tightly in his right finger and stabbed at the enemy was hurt. It deviated from the original trajectory of the force, and was easily dodged by the enemy who was very close in front of him.


The military boots with reinforced steel nails on the soles were kicked on the breastplate of the torso. Alsim was in pain on his side and had not had time to stand still. He suffered another disaster. He instantly lost his balance and felt that his whole body was shattered. A rag doll usually flies out upside down.

Dong Dong——Pah——

This step back and at the same time gave him room to exert force, raised his leg and kicked fiercely, which was really powerful and heavy.

In a state of complete loss of control, he rolled three or four times on the ground before he could stop.

If it weren't for the plate armor protecting his chest, Alsim might have broken two of his ribs. He knelt on one knee, held the hunting knife in his right hand and placed it on his half-kneeling knee. The constant wheezing clearly indicated Alsim's physical condition at the moment.

"The conversation we just had is not over yet, fellow human beings."

"You must be more impressed than before. My name is Heisenberg, Schmeinbeck Heisenberg, remember my name."

"Now, the stand-up game is just beginning."

Alsim could not bear it after hearing such provocative words. Even though his body was almost reaching its limit, he gritted his teeth and stood up forcefully. The two arms that were already over-strengthened once again held the hunting knives in their backhands and faced the opponent directly in a fighting stance.

"Are you ready? I'm coming!"



Switch identities between offensive and defensive positions.

It was Alsim's turn to parry the opponent's attack. You can tell just by looking at the posture of holding the handle of the knife with one hand and pressing the back of the knife with the other. With both hands raised, he could easily parry the opponent's two-handed attack.

Alsim at this moment has nothing to do with the descriptor "relaxed".

"You don't seem to be as strong as I thought, fellow human being."


There was a harsh friction scream and trembling between the interlaced blades. However, the source of this trembling was only one, not both. Alsim, who was almost unable to withstand this powerful and heavy attack even with both hands, had almost reached the limit of his endurance.

"It's tough, right? But I'm just getting started!"


The long knife held by both hands was instantly changed to one hand. The black-clothed Nazhen, who was still able to continuously suppress Alsim, freed up his left hand, clasped his five fingers, and struck a bottom-up uppercut like a fish jumping over a dragon's door. , and went straight towards Alsim's chin.



Alsim, who was using both his hands and his hunting knife, could neither block nor dodge.

The result of this punch was that his whole body was once again put on the same spot. The punch caused his feet to fly into the air and leave the ground. Then he moved toward the ground in slow motion in mid-air. Then flew out.

"Strange, do you have any reservations? This shouldn't be your only ability."

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