Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2910 We are all worthy of the oath sworn under the red flag

At the last moment before the victory of the Great Patriotic War, the military train that arrived at the outskirts of Berlin to deliver equipment was not only equipped with powerful and mysterious new self-propelled artillery.

Taking into account the frontline battle losses and supplementary needs, Shashmulin also brought Malashenko a "local specialty" from Leningrad, the first batch of official mass-produced models newly built by the Kirov Factory IS7 heavy tanks, 18 in total.

Because he had already received a batch of official mass-produced IS7s before, Malashenko, who knew how powerful and easy-to-use this thing was, was naturally "overjoyed" after learning that another new car had been delivered.

In recent days, part of IS7 has indeed been damaged in battles, from the Zero Heights to the city walls of Berlin, and then from the city walls of Berlin to the current Reichstag building. Although it is powerful, it is by no means invincible. The number of IS7 battle damage, serious malfunctions, and need to be returned to the factory for overhaul has already reached double digits.

Although the final battle does not require the leadership to use all their strength, tomorrow's battle on the Capitol is nothing more than trampling to death a rat that is about to expire.

But considering the reality that Comrade Lao Zhu told him that after the Battle of Berlin, there is still a certain rigid need for large equipment.

Naturally, Namalashenko "will not refuse anyone who comes," and the more newly delivered main equipment, of course, the better.

"Okay, with these new cars, we can just make up for those crews that are temporarily without cars, and replenish the missing equipment. Your support is very timely, Comrade Shashmulin."

Malashenko did not hesitate to praise him. Shashmulin, who had just assumed the position of chief commander and had been on his own for a short time, must be very useful and happy.

Faced with the sudden invitation issued by Malashenko, Shashmulin looked a little embarrassed.

"There is something I almost forgot to tell you. Although it seems a bit exaggerated and premature to draw a firm conclusion now, we will probably be having a celebration banquet at this time tomorrow. You should understand that this war, this last battle , it’s about to end.”

"So you might as well stay and participate in the follow-up activities, not just the celebration banquet."

"I bet that the next events in Berlin will definitely make you extremely excited, especially as you are IS7 and the chief engineer of Project 261. Such a moment is just right for you to witness with your own eyes."

"Honestly, this kind of opportunity may only come once in your life. I think if you refuse, there is a high probability that you will regret it and spend a lot of time thinking about "what if" from time to time."

Knowing the principle of "don't ask questions you shouldn't ask", especially when talking to someone like Malashenko who has access to a large number of high-level military secrets, Shashmulin is even more cautious. Just listen and enjoy it, don't ask so many questions about why or what's going on.

I also know that based on Malashenko’s character in dealing with people, it is probably the limit of what he can say. If he heard the same words in front of other generals, he would have to cut it by another 5%. Sixty, seventy or eighty.

So how to answer? Shashmulin, who looked confused but was also thinking seriously, gave his answer with a little regret after waiting for a while.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Comrade General."

"I understand your good intentions and thank you very much. In fact, I really want to stay and witness the moment of victory of our great motherland."

"But you also know that Leningrad has been undergoing intense reconstruction since its liberation last year, and the Kirov factory became a mess during the Nazi blockade and siege."

"On the one hand, we have to organize reconstruction, renovate and expand new factories, and purchase production lines; on the other hand, we have to coordinate production, complete the production tasks assigned by superiors with quality and quantity, and deliver enough powerful equipment to the frontline soldiers. Most of this is also They are all new equipment that are relatively complex, require longer work hours, and have upgraded craftsmanship.”

"The factory is still waiting for me to come back. Production and renovation and expansion cannot be away from people for too long."

"It's just that I went to the front line to see you in person. I took advantage of this opportunity when Comrade Kotin came to the Kirov factory to inspect and guide the work. Now the factory is entirely supported by Comrade Kotin, but he He can't stay in Leningrad for too long. He also has a lot of production tasks waiting for him to return and he also has to lead the team. "

"Well, that's it."

While walking and chatting, we had already left the 261 engineering vehicle and came to the station platform to accompany us.

He turned to look at the row of brand-new IS7 heavy tanks being unloaded on the military column next to him, and then turned to look at the few vehicles that had already arrived at the cargo yard. Like big stars, they were being watched by a group of curious and laughing people. The commanders and soldiers of the leadership division gathered around and talked about it.

Even one of his right-hand men, Colonel Kulbalov, the brigade commander's comrade, is like this.

Malashenko, who vaguely felt that he could see the "English ghost and beautiful beast" with his jaw dropped to the ground, couldn't help but sigh.

Sighing, it would indeed be a pity if Comrade Commander-in-Chief could not witness such a wonderful scene with his own eyes.

"In this case, why don't you go back and go about your business first."

"As for me, I will give the boss a heads-up and see if I can put you on the guest list and arrange for you to come over. You should work hard when you go back and express your intention to your superiors, saying that you are willing to participate in relevant activities. "

"Perhaps, after all this time, won't you be able to return to Berlin soon?"

"Ah this"

Shashmulin had never thought that this could be done in this way, but he thought carefully about what Malashenko said.

Uh, it seems, it’s not impossible, hey? At least it has room for maneuver and a fairly high probability of success, right?

"Okay, don't hesitate. I'll make the decision for you. That's it."

Seeing that Shashmulin was obviously interested and had the desire to participate, Malashenko, who had made his own decision, "forced intervention" for a while, openly stating, "This matter is all my responsibility." ".

With Malashenko's good intentions, Shashmulin would be embarrassed to say no.

The general toasts you with an empty glass, and the general picks up the food and you turn the table. People who are capable enough to be in the position of the commander-in-chief cannot criticize him to this extent. Knowing that Malashenko is sincerely doing this for his own good, he will naturally know how to answer.

"I understand, Comrade General. Regardless of whether this can happen or not, thank you in advance. I also look forward to seeing you again in Berlin after the Red Army's victory."

"Haha, okay, it's settled. There's still a war going on right now, and the war is tense on the front lines, so I won't buy a banquet for you to wash away the dust."

"To tell you the truth, I had to eat dry bread mixed with water for dinner today. But then again, thinking about it now, every bite I take in my mouth now is better than when I was hungry and wanted to eat dirt in Leningrad. It was much stronger at that time. Isn’t this a sign of improvement and victory?”

Malashenko fought in Leningrad in the past, and Shashmulin continues to fight in Leningrad now.

An invisible bond connects the two people closely, and they resonate with each other and can completely empathize with each other.

Shashmulin, who was also quite emotional about everything he had experienced so far in this great Patriotic War, could not help but look up at the same starry sky and sigh.

"There will be bread, there will be milk, there will be everything."

"So, we did it, Comrade General. You, me, and all the comrades who have fought side by side and fought so far, we are all worthy of the oath sworn under the red flag."

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