Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2911 How to use

As the saying goes, a good person goes to the end and helps everyone.

Shashmulin, who came all the way to meet Malashenko on the front line, not only sent Malashenko the latest weapons and equipment, but also helped Malashenko figure out how to put them into use immediately. question.

New weapons and equipment, especially heavy weapons, are not like the research and development technology tree in the game. As long as the new vehicle is developed, lit up and purchased, it can be immediately paired with members and used on the battlefield to kill everyone.

The more complex the heavy weapon, the more it will test the proficiency and mastery of the equipment of the member team.

For new heavy weapons that have never been exposed before, from being put into service to forming actual combat effectiveness, this requires a process that cannot be ignored and cannot be skipped. It is impossible to say that if you install a new heavy-armored tank today, you can drive it to the battlefield tomorrow and kill everyone and blast German sticks. This is simply impossible.

Military science is a rigorous and scientifically profound knowledge. No matter how good the weapon is, it will inevitably return to its essential nature when it is operated by humans.

Therefore, it is not enough to have good equipment; if Shashmulin wants his new work to be delivered to the leader division, he can immediately put it into the battlefield and obtain as much valuable actual combat experience as possible before the end of the little war time. information, then we must face the problem of "how to quickly form actual combat effectiveness."

The final solution given by Shashmulin can be called "simple and crude", but extremely effective.

Since the soldiers in the leadership division are not familiar with my new works, wouldn’t it be over if I pack up the people who are familiar with my new works and send them to the leadership division together with their cars?

As a result, Malashenko has now not only received this batch of 5 Project 261 prototype vehicles, but also received 5 skilled vehicle crews as gifts in a package.

According to Shashmulin, these five vehicle crews were originally the factory's test driver team and were part of the Red Army tank troops stationed at the factory. Therefore, it stands to reason that they are also active tank soldiers in the Red Army, and they are experienced tank crews.

It stands to reason that the relatively precious and high-value technical talents of the test driver crew will not go to the front line unless absolutely necessary, and Shashmulin has no power to mobilize these people for other than test driving tasks.

But who says that Comrade Ma is not an ordinary person?

Thinking that this matter was necessary, Shashmulin personally wrote a report and submitted it to the superiors. He briefly explained all the necessary conditions and realities, and stated that this was to hand over the new self-propelled artillery to the U.S. Army. Leader, the last chance for a practical test.

If too much time is wasted in the process of forming combat effectiveness, this last precious opportunity may be lost. Therefore, we kindly ask our superiors to approve the deployment of a team of test drivers to participate in the final frontline battle with the vehicle. perform

Because this report was related to Malashenko and the leadership division, the superior equipment department did not dare to neglect the report after receiving it. After realizing that the situation was not simple, it quickly passed the report to the General Staff of the Red Army. In the hands of Comrade Vasilevsky.

As for Vasilevsky, he had such a good personal relationship with Zhukov that he wore a pair of trousers; in addition, Malashenko was also well-known as "Marshuai Zhu's man". After a little thought, he decided to pass on the report to Zhukov. On Zhukov's side, let's see what Comrade Zhu has to say about this.

If you ask Comrade Lao Zhu what his opinion is, what other opinions can he have?

It is nothing more than "proposing approval and asking relevant departments and units to assist and cooperate". Comrade Zhu, who has always given strong support to Malashenko, still has a few vehicles and a few groups of manpower. The one who can call the shots.

Vasilevsky, who had received the advice from his old friend, didn't think much about it. He compiled the permission order and sent it out.

This matter went back and forth several times from the rear to the front, and then from the front to the rear, and finally reached this point.

Although Shashmulin's handling of this matter was a bit like "taking on Malashenko's banner without communication," Malashenko had no dissatisfaction or objection to this.

After all, there is a special situation where time waits for no one. If Shashmulin really communicates with Malashenko before writing a report application, then even if the matter is completed and the car is sent to the front line, it will probably be wasted by then. The dishes are cold.

Apart from walking around the streets twice, these big steel men can no longer participate in actual combat and let German soldiers feel justice.

In special circumstances, special things should be done. In short, the current result is that the car caught up with the last battle and was delivered in time. Moreover, Malashenko is very pleased with these super big things. His first impression is very happy. The above results are enough.

"These big guys are really good, comrade division commander. But how do you plan to allocate and use these cannons?"

After seeing off Shashmulin, who didn't even have time to stay overnight, and set off back overnight after handing over the car and talking things over, Malashenko and Kulbalov set out on their way back to the front line in Berlin. .

Kulbalov, who was still "scared" by the overwhelming shock of the big guys he had just acquired, couldn't help but be curious about their uses, and then took the initiative to speak to his comrade, the division commander, who was also sitting in the back seat of the car. Ask questions.

"Strictly speaking, those things should not be equipped to our division-level units. They are more suitable for use as supporting firepower for corps and group armies."

"But there are exceptions to everything. Now that the equipment is in hand, it is unnecessary to discuss which level it should be equipped to."

"There are too few vehicles, only 5. For the time being, a division-affiliated heavy artillery company will be established. The command authority will be at the division level. If necessary during war, the command authority can be delegated. After all, this thing is not only fire support equipment, but also a front-line equipment. Siege assault equipment.”

"If you go to the front of the line and control the command at the division level, it's a bit like micro-managing the battlefield. There's no need to do that. Specific frontline command can be handled by the brigade level."

Malashenko has always delegated great authority to the frontline assault equipment responsible for attacking cities and strongholds, even something as precious as TOS-1, which is a treasure in the leadership division. As long as they are on the line of fire, the command power will be decentralized and adjusted according to the battlefield situation. In which direction the assault is used, the command power will be decentralized to the specific theater level.

The division organization is only responsible for the assignment and dispatch of combat directions, and is not responsible for specific tactical deployment and command. The latter is specifically responsible for the brigade-level units that have received the delegated command authority.

Hearing that Malashenko continued to follow the old tradition this time, Kulbalov, who basically understood what would happen, nodded slightly, but another question quickly followed.

"Comrade division commander, which part of the heavy artillery company will be assigned to use tomorrow? Or should it be placed on the artillery position and be responsible for fire support rather than frontline assault missions."

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