Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2912 Flag

Needless to say, Kulbalov’s words were “very insightful” as soon as he spoke them.

As an old superior and leader who spent time with the "lame brigade commander", Malashenko immediately realized that his capable general had some petty ideas.

But it doesn't matter. After all, those strong, huge, and extremely destructive war machines are inherently capable of large-scale destruction against passionate men. This is true for ordinary people and serious soldiers.

Strictly speaking, the lethality and conquering power of these cold-blooded guys against pure men is really greater than that of beautiful people of the opposite sex.

Kulbalov's current state is naturally the same.

"Would you like to have these big guys under your control?"

Malashenko was outspoken and to the point, and Kulbalov seemed a little embarrassed when he guessed his little thoughts.

"You are right, that's what happened, Comrade Commander."

"Think about it. The 203 heavy artillery is mounted on the vehicle and is also wearing heavy armor with the same level of protection as the IS7. We never dreamed that we could build such a powerful assault equipment. Tomorrow's battle is the last chance. Miss it. If so, I may never have the chance to see this thing put into actual combat, I really can’t say.”

“I don’t have any other intention, I just want to seize the opportunity and open my eyes to get started, so I just want to make a small request.

Malashenko also knows that a powerful brigade commander like Kulbalov, who is calm but not rigid and has a completely relaxed command style, can speak to such a level that he is embarrassed to say. This is considered to be the limit.

After all, it’s not like he climbed up through the back door by kneeling, licking, giving gifts, and building connections. He got here with real knives and real guns, stuffing the pure smelly meat into the caterpillar tracks and grinding it up.

It's obviously unrealistic to expect the latter to have the same level of communication as the former. People's thoughts are basically on "how to better smash Na Na."

"Okay, I'll satisfy you when the last battle is over. Your brigade has indeed made great efforts and suffered considerable losses in recent times. This experience ticket belongs to you."

"I will draw up an order when I get back. The command of the division's 203 self-propelled artillery company will be temporarily delegated to your brigade. You can decide which siege team to assign to based on the combat deployment of your brigade, but I guess it should be the Volga River. Is the team correct?"

The Volga siege detachment was the siege detachment to which Alsim Company was located.

Among the three siege detachments organized under the Kulbalov Brigade, the one with the strongest comprehensive strength, the most high-performance technical equipment, the largest proportion of veterans, and the best actual results has been called the leader division. The number one sharp knife force in the Battle of Berlin.

Although the Volga River siege unit was withdrawn for temporary rest, this was an order Malashenko had just issued not long ago.

But first, Malashenko did not say clearly how long the rest would be, nor did he say that the Volga siege unit would not be allowed to participate in the next battle. It was not a foregone conclusion.

Secondly, the Volga River siege team has gone through all the obstacles and hardships so far, bulldozing all the powerful opponents on the road to the core area of ​​​​Berlin, and finally reached this point; and strictly speaking, it is just a battle. Fatigue and losses were relatively large, but not to the point of losing combat effectiveness and requiring forced retreat to rest and recuperate.

Another battle against a single target building with limited intensity and short duration should be within the acceptable range and capable of completing the task.

More importantly, as Malashenko sits in the position of division commander, he must take into account some higher-level important matters.

For example, who should be awarded the honor of capturing the Capitol Building? This is literally the absolute top honor that can truly go down in history.

There is nothing much to say in terms of strength alone. All the existing siege units of the leadership division can complete this combat mission. As for the lone ruined Capitol Building, if you send any siege team up there, they can storm it down.

Therefore, it was a reasonable choice for the Volga Siege Division, the unit that fought the most fiercely and achieved the most results during the Battle of Berlin.

It is also Malashenko's subjective preference for the old team he brought out. It is indeed mixed with some personal feelings, which is undeniable.

Malashenko finally chose the Volga Siege Team to inherit this top honor and go down in history. This was already determined earlier.

Even if Kulbalov did not take the issue of "who gives the heavy artillery battery" as an opportunity and asked indirect questions, Malashenko's decision would not change.

Kulbalov, who wanted to use the logic of "whoever the heavy artillery battery is assigned to, will be responsible for attacking the Capitol" to determine whether his brigade can receive this honor, was once again beaten by Malashenko. Hit the mark for once.

However, I didn't think much about it. It was a big happy event anyway, so I just revealed my arrangements while being excited and happy.

"Yes, Comrade Division Commander, if you are sure, let them go. No matter how you look at it, they are the team most suitable for this honor. After a short break, they have regained the strength to at least successfully win this battle."

"I am ready to issue combat orders only after your confirmation. Everything has been arranged."


The answer was predictable, but Malashenko's answer seemed to be thinking about something else, and then he took the initiative to speak again.

"Take me to their detachment station. I just happened to stop by now. I was planning to go there anyway. I prepared some things to give to them."

The things to be delivered have been prepared and packed by Malashenko in advance, and placed in his motorcade ready to be sent out at any time.

Since he happened to be on his way now, Malashenko was too lazy to make a second trip after returning to the division headquarters. He simply went out and finished everything in one go.

The comrade, the division commander, took the initiative to make the request, and as a brigade commander, Kulbalov naturally obeyed the order.

However, when the convoy finally stopped next to the Volga siege unit station, Malashenko got out of the car and personally went to the back of the loading truck, pulled out a box with his own hands, opened it, and presented it to everyone. in front of you.

Kulbalov, who had never expected to see such a "holy object", was stunned on the spot. He looked at the few lines of large characters on the object unfolded in Malashenko's hand and opened his jaw in astonishment. , I forgot to blink for a moment.

"The 8th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front and the 1st Moscow-Berlin Tank Division of the Guards Red Banner were awarded the title of "Stalin" Leader"

The above is the main text content on this military flag. The white text on the red background and the sickle and hammer five-pointed star pattern in the upper left corner are in sharp contrast and extremely eye-catching.

Of course, Kulbalov knew the purpose of this flag and what it meant behind this custom-made military flag. His unspeakable excitement was beyond words.

And Malashenko, who had already prepared it in advance and was waiting to distribute it at this moment, not only spread his arms and displayed the flag with his own hands, but also did not forget to ask the comrades around him.

"I proposed the design plan, the copywriting came from Comrade Political Commissar, and the honor was signed by Comrade Stalin himself. How do you feel about it? Not bad, right?"

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