Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2913 Comrade Commander is here

The temporary residence of the Volga River Siege Team was originally a large shopping mall located in the core area of ​​Berlin.

According to locals living nearby, when the Red Army besieged the city, a large-scale looting and "zero-yuan shopping" activity broke out in this shopping mall.

Those Berlin gentlemen who usually spoke elegantly and had a graceful manner were all panicked when they saw the Russian troops approaching the city and the army pressing down on the border.

Those who had the ability and connections immediately packed up their gold and silver, packed their baggage, and ran away before the Red Army finally encircled Berlin.

As for those who are incompetent and cannot rely on connections or the back door, in short, they cannot escape from Berlin, which was already under semi-military control at that time. Naturally, they have to prepare for the "miserable life" that can be expected in the future. Make plans.

As a result, a naturally large-scale "zero-yuan purchase" event followed.

Facts have proven that when disaster strikes, all those bullshit Western gentlemen’s boasts about etiquette and morality are all fucking nonsense. The men who rushed into Berlin's shopping malls to participate in the "zero dollar shopping" activity, even the thinner, shorter, and older men who tried their best, had their heads smashed and were pushed aside, not to mention the women and children. .

This is completely a super-large-scale group activity of "ultimate social Darwinism", and there are no conditions or thresholds for participation. It embodies the core truth of "a big stage for zero-dollar purchases, come if you are interested".

Those who are strong and quick can grab enough food and survive;

The losers of the event will not only starve, but will even be captured by the Nazi black dogs who arrive later. They will either be forced into the army and captured on the spot, or put into a prison to wait for death, or be shot on the spot. In short, no matter what the outcome is, they will be killed. Not really good.

"It means that tens of thousands of tons of supplies were stored in this place, and you didn't even get a pack of biscuits, is that right?"

Sitting in front of Sulovechenko, the little girl who looked to be only about ten years old nodded when she heard the words, replacing verbal answers with silent movements. Whether it was the rags, the dirt on her face, the shivering look, or the way she hugged her knees and huddled together, it was obvious that this little girl was in a bad situation.

"What about your parents? Don't they care? Let a kid like you just dance and run around with bullets and shells in the war zone?"

The strong fighting that lasted for many days left Sulovechenko numb.

As soon as the words came out, I felt that something was inappropriate. Maybe I shouldn't say this to a ten-year-old lonely child. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×But he wanted to change something but realized that it was too late after he had spoken. Sulovchenko, who was sitting in front of the campfire, did not choose to speak again, but continued what he was doing. Movement, stirring the contents of the pot on the campfire stand with a spoon.

The orange bonfire licked the dark bottom of the pot, reflecting Sulovechenko's cheeks into the color of the sunset.

The beard, which had not been shaved for almost a week, was not intimidating now, but actually looked a little warm like the uncle next door. Perhaps it was this non-aggressive warmth and homely chat that finally made the little girl willing to open up.

"My dad was a police officer and my mom was a nurse in the hospital, and they were both taken away."

"Huh? He was taken away? Do you know who he was taken away by?"

Sulovechenko also thought that the child's parents might have been separated from the child in the war zone where the neighboring troops were responsible; or perhaps her parents were slow and unable to run during the "Super Zero Dollar Shopping" event. Failure to do so in time may result in failure to participate in activities and arrest.

However, the little girl's final answer was completely different from Sulovechenko's expectation.

"The SS captured my father. They said Berlin didn't need police anymore and it was time to fulfill his duty as an armed defender and took him away from my mother and me."


Realizing that this would remind the little girl of some bad things, Sulovechenko, whose smile suddenly froze, was about to speak and tell the little girl that she didn’t need to continue, but she didn’t expect that the little girl’s mouth was still One step ahead.

"Later they took my mother away from me. They said that nurses also have responsibilities and obligations that they must fulfill; my mother did not want to leave me, and I did not want to leave my mother. They beat my mother and pushed me away, and finally pushed me away. One was left at home.”


Sulovechenko, who didn't know how to reply, was obviously stunned after hearing this. As a father who also has a cute little daughter of the same age, Sulovchenko really found it hard to imagine that such a young child, a How should a person survive being alone in a war-torn city for so many days?

Adults are desperate to escape for their lives, let alone children. This is probably true of the saying "In troubled times, a human life is worse than a dog."

"Well, everything is over. The war will be over soon. There will be no more gunfire."

"Come on, try this. My uncle can't make anything delicious due to limited conditions. You try it and see how it tastes."

The food being heated in the pot emitted steam and fragrance. It was Sulovchenko who used his "field cooking skills", using canned beef, canned pork, buckwheat rice, and the food he asked for from the cooking class. Potatoes and a handful of vegetable leaves were chopped into pieces, thrown into a pot, mixed with water, and stewed into a "big meal."

Veterans like Sulovchenko are at least a large number of them.

Whenever possible, during the night watch, I would get myself some late-night snacks to pad my stomach and ward off the cold. Have you ever experienced the feeling of being hungry as soon as you wake up in the morning? In fact, this kind of feeling will start in the middle of the night, but people can't feel it when they are asleep. It is quite uncomfortable to stay with this feeling for a whole night while awake.

The satisfaction brought by late-night snacks and food naturally became the only thing for warriors who had extremely scarce material and entertainment means to have hope and kill time in the endless night. If only they could have a cigarette to worship the gods after eating. That's even better.

"Thank you uncle."

Watching the little girl take the lid of the lunch box he had packed and start eating, Sulovechenko also filled a lunch box for himself, and then started to "violently inhale".

The scene of two people, one large and one small, sitting around a campfire and having a meal together in a dilapidated house that was riddled with holes. Not only did it not look strange, but it also seemed a bit warm, until a familiar figure came from behind. Come quietly.

"Hey, don't eat, Comrade Commander is here."

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