Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2914 Ultimate Glory

When Sulovechenko was called by Alsim, he discovered that the entire company, except for those on night watch and those who were injured and could not come, had almost all arrived and assembled, and lined up neatly in the huge shopping mall. To be reviewed generally.

"Is there any ceremony here? What are you doing, Comrade Senior Commander, so late at night?"

Sulovechenko's question was straightforward, and Alsim's answer was also straightforward.

"You'll know later, it seems like I'm going to give you a flag and give you a lecture."

"Huh? Flag presentation?"

When it comes to giving lectures, Sulovechenko can still understand. After all, tomorrow is the last battle, and it is normal for the division commander to do some pre-war mobilization.

As for conferring flags

Sulovechenko really couldn't imagine what kind of flag the division commander could confer in person. He had never heard of anything related to this before. Could it be some kind of special honorary flag? But the battle is not over yet and it is not appropriate to award it at this time. Comrade Division Commander himself said that a war is not a matter of half-time celebrations. If the battle is not fought to the end, no one can say whether it will turn over or not.

When Sulovechenko joined the queue and stood in line with his doubts, he realized that the flag that Malashenko came to present in person was so far beyond his imagination.

"Comrades, fellow comrades."

"Marshal Zhukov has given us a glorious task: to place this flag of honor, which is also the flag of victory, personally signed by leader Comrade Stalin, by the hands of our leader, on the dome of the Reichstag building, which symbolizes the evil heart of Nazism, and make it high. Flying high in the sky over Berlin, this will be the final point of the Great Patriotic War."

"Marshal Zhukov entrusted this task to me, and I now choose to entrust this task to you - the most combat-effective infantry company of the leadership division."

"You have gone through a lot and lost a lot along the way under the leadership of the company commander, Captain Alsim, but I am sure that you will eventually return with full glory, and personally engraved your names and the honor of leading the division. It will be etched in the long history of our motherland and go down in history.”

"Your deeds will appear in the classroom, in the reading aloud of our descendants, and on the land you have protected with your blood and lives."

"Without a doubt, we have put an end to a group of the most evil and cruel Khorne fanatics in the history of mankind, and sent the Nazi gang completely to where they belong - the hell they understand and describe, which is not the same as ours. The proletarians have nothing to do with and deserve no sympathy or mercy at all.”

"The world will remember us and what will happen in Berlin today and in the next dozen hours.ɱ"

"No matter what happens in the future, what the world will be like in the future."

"The moment when the red heroic warrior wielded his sword and slashed the dragon in anger will be remembered forever. At this moment, we, a group of proletarian warriors and comrades with communist beliefs, will be forever young and forever great."

"As long as someone still remembers us and remembers everything we have done today, we will still be alive! Until forever!"

"Now, as the commander of the 1st Moscow-Berlin Tank Division of the Guards Red Banner, who has been honored with the title of "Stalin" leader, I hereby declare-"


Before Malashenko finished speaking, all the combat engineers who knew what was going to happen next immediately stood at attention with their feet together, with uniform postures and resolute eyes looking straight ahead, even if the clothes on their bodies were no longer the same. No matter how dirty and dirty the skin is, the powerful cohesion and military spirit are still flowing out with an unstoppable force.

"The task of capturing the top floor of the Capitol Building and planting the victory flag on the dome is officially awarded to your Alsim Company. Company Commander is on the line!"

Malashenko gave the order, and Arsim straightened his body and took a step forward in response. The indescribable excitement could not be suppressed from his eyes. Even Malashenko seemed to have never seen it before. I've been to Alsim and looked like this.

"This great flag, full of glory, and arduous task are now awarded to your department. For the first and last time, I want to confirm to you whether you have the confidence and ability to complete the task!?"

Looking into each other's eyes with Malashenko, Alsim had never felt as much as he did today that the things that his comrade was about to hand over to him seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds.

But it is still an existence that I can't wait to long for, and I am sure that I will be able to hold it firmly no matter what, no matter how heavy it looks and actually is in my hand.

"Company Commander Captain Alsim hereby swears that our unit will resolutely complete any tasks assigned by Comrade Division Commander, as always! Repeat it again, take the top floor of the Capitol Building, and firmly plant the victory flag in the heart of the Nazis! Guaranteed to get the job done!”

"All - salute!"


There was another burst of uniform movements, and military salutes faced Malashenko firmly and unwaveringly.

There was no rehearsal or practice in advance. Everything that was happening now was the improvisation of Alsim and his comrades-in-arms.

Immediately afterwards, Malashenko handed the brand-new victory flag, which had been placed on the flagpole and fully unfolded, into Alsim's hands.

"For everything we have fought so far in 1941, and for the hard work and dedication of all proletarian comrades so far in 1922, please spread the news of victory to every corner of the motherland!"

With familiar and persevering words echoing in my ears, I took the flag, which seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pounds, from the hands of my comrade, and raised my hand to carefully caress every strand of silk on it.

Even a person like Alsim can feel the heat of countless blood rushing and flowing, and all the meanings contained in heroic dedication, all gathered on this great flag.

"We will fulfill our mission, comrade division commander, and all the comrades of Alsim Company hereby swear to you!"

The most important "gift" and "conferment ceremony" ended here, but Comrade Lavrinenko, the deputy division commander who had just arrived from the division headquarters and had something to give, still had one more thing to give. Now given to Alsim.

"I have no chance to go to the top of the Capitol when the flag is planted, but if it is possible, I hope you can help bring this thing up and let it witness the ultimate moment of glory. Even if you can help Just a favor."


Alsim didn’t understand much, and still held the flag that Malashenko had just awarded in his hand.

The deputy division commander then took out a long object wrapped in cloth, with no visible contents inside, and handed it to him.

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