Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2915 Sword given to heroes

Comrade Deputy Division Commander rarely mentioned his family affairs to the comrades around him. Most of the time, he would not talk about it unless others asked.

So when Lavrinenko took the initiative to talk about his family affairs, everyone present, including Alsim, was actually quite surprised.

"My ancestors have been cavalrymen since the time of the Tsars, and they have been riding on horseback to fight everywhere for generations."

"We have fought victorious battles, defeated battles, and fought battles of understanding and confusion. Although my generation is still a cavalryman, it is no longer on horseback, so this thing passed down from our ancestors has been passed down to me. I haven’t used it since, but I always carry it with me.”

"I always thought that one day it would come in handy. Even if I don't use it to kill enemies, it might have some other uses that I couldn't explain. Now that I think about it, if it really comes in handy, Then this is probably the time.”

While speaking, he untied the long object wrapped in cloth in his hand, and it was only then that he finally revealed it completely in front of everyone.

It was a long sword, a cavalry saber with a scabbard.

The specific forging time cannot be verified, not even Lavrinenko himself can tell.

But judging from the unusual signs of use on its scabbard and handle, this saber is not luxurious, but it is still well-made. It has probably experienced countless times by now. The battle is unclear.


Lavrinenko, who had not touched this "ancestral sword" for a long time, pulled it out instantly. The shiny silver curved blade shone with an eye-catching brilliance under the moonlight.

Even though it has been through the battle so far, the blade is still smooth and smooth without any signs of chipping. It can be seen that great care has been taken in maintaining and repairing it.

"The year I graduated from tank school, my father gave this thing to me, saying that I was finally a man and could take over the sword and go to the battlefield."

"But he, uh, he doesn't know what a "tank" is specifically. All he knows is "horse riding and crotch swords to conquer the world, with wine and women on horseback." I didn't explain that much to him, anyway. It's in the past"

After inspecting the "ancestral sword", Lavrinenko put it back into its sheath, weighed it in his hand for a moment before handing it over to Alsim, and then spoke again.

"Compared to me sitting in a tank all day long, or in the office, wiping the butt of our division commander and signing autographs, I think you should be more suitable to hold it, Alsim."


Looking at the "ancestral sword" in front of him, Alsim didn't know what to say for a moment.

On the one hand, it was because Comrade Deputy Division Commander obviously hadn't finished speaking, and on the other hand, the gift seemed a bit too expensive, and Alsim didn't know whether he should accept it or not.

"Take it, it will be yours from now on. Malashenko will give you a flag, but I can only give you this knife."

"Whether you want to use it to fight or not is your business. How to use and dispose of it is up to you."

"But if conditions permit, do me a favor and take it to the top of the Capitol Building to witness the moment of planting the flag. In this case, I wonder if we can have more honorary exhibits in the Hall of Honor for the leadership in the future. People pay homage, huh?”

Receiving two "gifts" at once was an unprecedented first time for the "sincere" Alsim, and it also came with a series of surprises.

Looking at the sword handed to him by Comrade Deputy Division Commander, Alsim took a deep breath and made his decision. Then he raised his right hand to take it and hold it tightly.

"Promise to complete the mission, I will take it to the top of the Capitol Building, Comrade Deputy Division Commander."

"Well, I believe you can do it, but I leave it to you."

After completing all the important matters for this trip, Malashenko raised his hand to look at his watch and found that it was already getting late. He immediately set off on the return journey and ordered the convoy to return to the division headquarters on the same route to prepare for an early rest. After all, it would be early tomorrow morning. I have to get up early and have work to do.

"Oops~ I'm thinking I might not be able to sleep tonight. It's a sleepless night, man. I can't believe we're going to win right now."

Malashenko rolled down the car window and looked at the night view outside the window with a cigarette in his mouth. Listening to Lavrinenko sitting next to him, he sighed. He was indeed excited and complicated in his heart, but also a little uncomfortable. So the same idea.

"I'm afraid I'm not very good at it. I have to go to bed quickly no matter what. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to do some extra things."

"Hmm? Something extra? What is it?"

Malashenko flicked his cigarette ashes out of the rolled-down car window, tilted his head slightly and glanced at Lavrinenko, only smiled slightly.

"It's been agreed long ago to give someone a car, and you can't break your promise when it comes to this one."

a man of his words.

Of course, Malashenko has not forgotten the promise he made. He has not forgotten that a man born between heaven and earth can live in depression for a long time. No, no, a man born between heaven and earth must keep his word, not to mention that he is still a dignified general. With the leader of a division, you must abide by the agreement when dealing with subordinates.

To be honest, when things have come to this point, Malashenko is not willing to have too many interactions with more beautiful girls, especially the little girls who are obviously very fond of him.

Comrade division commander is tired enough from being busy fighting all day long. Where can he find the energy to talk about love and engage in lovemaking?

However, sometimes it is not people who rush things, but things that rush people. On certain special occasions, what you have to say and what you have to do are just the things that have brought things to this point. What you do is not up to you, that is. Already doomed in the cycle of cause and effect.

"Hey, old horse, old horse, you can't fall into the third gentle country again. This is a sin."

Looking at the tall and energetic figure in the mirror in front of him, wearing the regular uniform of a tank corps major general, I must say that he picked up a good pair of Malashenko for nothing by accident, and he couldn't help but sigh. I forgot to give a "verbal reminder" to the man in the mirror, reminding the slutty guy in the mirror not to make the same lifestyle mistakes again.

But do reminders really work?

To be honest, I'm afraid only God knows. Anyway, he and Ma himself have no 100% guarantee.

Before the appointed time, I arrived at the "joint" location and waited. This was the delivery site for the new batch of new supplementary equipment received last night.

Due to limited time and the imminent war, everything was kept simple, and there were no grand ceremony decorations at the scene. It was just a matter of setting up the cars and getting the crew ready. Just wait for the division commander to come over and say a few words briefly to announce that the equipment is ready, and then decide whether to go to the battlefield immediately according to the needs of the battlefield.

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