Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2916 A gift for the girl

However, for Malashenko, there is something different about all this.

If it were not for the need to "comply with the agreement," in fact, Malashenko would not have to attend such equipment delivery. The equipment that is not available to a single battalion does not require the division commander to personally deliver it.

It wasn't until the small ambulance belonging to the division's field hospital arrived at the scene that Malashenko realized that the person he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

Malashenko didn't mind waiting, or in other words, he came here in advance just to be able to wait here.

It doesn’t have any special meaning, I just want to make the ceremony feel stronger, that’s all.

In fact, Malashenko knows very well what little girls of this age yearn for and expect. This has nothing to do with whether he is interested in the girl or not. It is simply that as a division commander, Malashenko wants to reward the soldiers with outstanding military achievements. More encouragement and more rewards.

After all, his strength proves that he must be as fierce as any master. That is really worthy of Malashenko spending his precious time and waiting here for a few more minutes.

It is precisely because he understands what little girls of this age are thinking and expecting that Malashenko makes the choice he does now, including wearing this outfit many times in daily life. I can count the number of clothes on one hand.

"Hopefully this won't lead to any further incidents."

Malashenko still remembers that so far he has only met twice with the little girl Yekakina, the first female tank gunner of the Leadership Division.

At least it was two times that I had a clear impression. As for whether I passed by him or not, I have no way of knowing.

The first time they met was when she was injured on the battlefield and was evacuated for emergency treatment. We met on the battlefield.

The second time we met in the field hospital, Malashenko kept his promise and fulfilled the agreement. He went to the field hospital to comfort the restless kitten in person, and once again made a promise that has not been fulfilled until today.

It means "delivering the car in person".

There are also other things attached, such as a certain political task assigned to him by his superiors. Even the Tass and Pravda reporters who "supervised" this political task have already arrived at the scene and are ready.

"I hope Natalia won't misunderstand the photos in the newspaper, and the same goes for Anya."

When the ambulance driving into the small square at the equipment delivery site finally stopped, Malashenko, who knew what he should do, had already taken the initiative to greet him.

When the back door of the ambulance was opened, the young and beautiful figure, who had also put on a clean and straight new military uniform, quietly poked her head out of the car like a pregnant kitten and was about to get out of the car.

The first person who appeared in her eyes after the car door opened, waiting for her outside the car, was the familiar man she had longed for, her comrade.

"According to our original agreement, welcome back to the team, Comrade Yekakina.

"Oh! Oh my God! The teacher is Comrade Commander"

No one told Ekakina in advance that Malashenko would come today and would wait for her here.

Even the little girl herself didn't expect that the man as tall and handsome as an iron tower that she had always pretended to admire in her heart would actually greet her in person at such a close distance.

"I, I, Ekakina are reporting to you! Comrade division commander, I have recovered and been discharged from the hospital and have returned to the team as ordered. Please give me your instructions!"

Facing Malashenko's proactive smile and salute, Ekakina, who was immersed in huge surprise and astonishment, was even at a loss at first, until Malashenko maintained the saluting posture for a few seconds. After a few seconds, Kankan came to his senses and responded.

The reaction to Ekadina was both reasonable and unsurprising. Malashenko, who still kept smiling, immediately responded with a polite hug and shook hands with Ekadina to show that he was a superior. He expressed his blessings to his subordinates for their recovery and return to the team, and then spoke again amidst the freeze-frame shooting of the surrounding reporters.

"There is only one instruction - welcome home, Comrade Ekakina."

The prologue is over, and the real main course is just about to begin.

He signaled Ekakina to follow him and turned around again until he came to the brand new IS7 heavy tanks lined up and the tank crews standing neatly in front of the IS7, facing him. He had completely said goodbye to the speech. Malashenko took a deep breath and spoke again.

"Comrades and comrades-in-arms! I am very happy and honored to stand here with you today, standing on this land that was once full of evil, but will now be filled with our glory, and welcome the final victory together! "

Since it was arranged in advance that there is no need to applaud, Malashenko does not want to engage in this kind of trick to give the leader face and create a scene. He will also keep the story short and keep everything simple. The purpose of all this is only one - to save precious money as much as possible. time.

So Malashenko's speech continued without interruption.

"At this moment when the ultimate glory is about to come, we once again harvested the weapon entrusted to us by the great motherland, the most powerful continental assault equipment in the world and actually built by mankind so far - the IS7 heavy tank."

"We will use these sharp weapons to crush the last beating of the Nazi heart and complete the last historical mission of the leadership division in the Great Patriotic War - to eradicate all Nazi evil spirits and serve our war-torn but perseverant, heroic and tenacious motherland. Mother and people bring victory.”

"In addition, I would also like to introduce to you that since the founding of our leadership division, we are the first to rely on our own efforts, strength, and courage to do something that no one has done before; to prove with practical actions that "women "The heroic female warrior who was also an indispensable part of the Patriotic War, the newly promoted commander and lieutenant of the leadership division, and the hero of the Soviet Union - Comrade Ekakina."

It is true that factors such as propaganda needs and political missions were included, but it cannot be said that this girl Ekakina won this honor just by sheer luck and opportunity.

Her bravery, tenacity and perseverance are worthy of this honor, and her brilliant record as a warrior is the direct reason for winning this honor.

"Congratulations, Comrade Ekakina. In the Leadership Division, you are the first female comrade to receive the Hero of the Soviet Union award as a combatant. Your courage and deeds are worthy of the pride and honor of every comrade in the Leadership Division. Learn from you."

"Here, on behalf of the leadership division organization, I would like to congratulate you and hope that you will continue to work hard in future battles and continue to write more glorious war songs for women."

When the medal with the golden star was personally awarded to the chest by the comrade, the division commander expressed congratulations and saluted again.

Yekakina, who had never thought that one day she would receive this honor, was caught in a huge surprise. She even lost control of her emotions and was at a loss. For a moment, she didn’t know what to say, but her eyes were full of tears. She looked at the comrade and teacher who was very close in front of her, and there seemed to be some unspeakable words in her expression.

However, the surprises waiting for Comrade Ekakina are far more than this, just as Malashenko said next.

"This is currently the most powerful and latest heavy tank in the world, and also the best heavy tank of our great motherland - the latest batch of mass-produced IS7 heavy tanks, a brand new vehicle that leaves the factory."

"One of them is prepared for you. Congratulations on your promotion to the commander, Comrade Yekakina. This is a decision made by the higher authorities after examining and studying your resume, and your crew is also ready. Go meet the comrades who will fight alongside you."

Something happened and I came back late. I'm sorry that I haven't updated it until now. I'll update it tomorrow. Brothers, please go to bed early after reading this.

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