Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2919 Madness and Destruction

As Krauser warned earlier.

The enemies we have to face in the final battle of the Capitol are literally "no longer worthy of being called human beings". In fact, the "beast army" with human appearance may be more appropriate. Alsim has just rushed into the trenches not long ago. I felt the pressure.

"For the Führer!!!"

Da da da da——

A string of bullets hit the leg of the howling SS soldier like a gust of wind. The SS soldier who was shot several times in the leg complied with the rules of physics and was shot down on the spot. Go down and hit the street head on.

But that's where the situation that can be understood by common sense ends. The scene that happened next was enough to shock the jaws of the surrounding Red Army soldiers.

"Die! Russian pig!"

"Damn Sokka! Is this bastard possessed by an evil spirit!?"

The fallen SS soldier once again struggled to get up. His expression was nothing but hatred and hatred. There was no trace of distortion due to severe pain. The extreme anger in his eyes seemed to not burn the enemy. He vowed not to give up until he became ashes.

The shocked Red Army soldiers didn't think much, and immediately raised their hands and fired several shots at the SS, who seemed a little too "supernatural" in every sense of the word.

The crackling 62mm rifle bullets hit the entire upper torso until blood sprayed out. When the last bullet came, it flew off the helmet and shattered half of the Tianling Cap.

This crazy SS soldier, who had been shot at least a dozen times and was holding an M24 grenade in his hand, was finally finished and lay back on the ground again.

"Did you see that? Damn, this doesn't feel right!"

Sitting on the ground with his back in the trench, he hurriedly changed the magazine for the AK in his hand. Sulovchenko, who spoke quickly and hurriedly, was really frightened by the scene just now. He had never seen a hard-hitting Nazu. I’ve seen someone so resistant to beatings, with so many fucking pieces of flesh on both legs being blown away, yet he can still get up and fight like a normal person who fell down.

Anyone who sees such a scene will have to shout "shocked". Simply using "fanaticism" cannot explain this incredible scene.

"I saw it, but it's not unacceptable. At least the bullets can kill these crazy dogs. They are not invulnerable."

"Follow me and keep going! Up!"

As soon as the magazine in his hand was changed, and before he even had time to pull the charging handle, Alsim, who had already finished changing the bullet, stepped out, speaking as if he didn't care about the strange situation. Care, don't take it seriously.

There was no other choice. When the battle reached this point, Sulovechenko could only quickly call to the soldiers around him, follow up and protect the company commander, lest he be alone and surrounded, and at the same time continue to advance and attack. .

But what Sulovechenko was most worried about happened soon after. No matter how much he didn't want to see this scene, this was the fact that he had to face.

Facts have proved that the strange SS soldiers are not an accident, but a common phenomenon that more and more people stabbing deeper into the enemy's defense zone.

His arm was blown away by a large-caliber rifle bullet, but he didn't even care about the broken arm and continued to shoot with a gun with one hand.

He was shot in the thigh and knocked down on the spot. It was obvious that a hole the size of a pulsating bottle mouth was made, but he was still able to struggle to get up after a moment and continue to fight, or at least try to get up.

Unless the torso, neck, and head were shot in vital parts, the injuries would be enough to cause death on the spot.

Otherwise, these SS soldiers with missing arms and legs can always get up and fight again in various unexpected ways, as if they completely ignore the pain on their bodies and are unaware of the pain. The only thing that can make them The only way to stop is to fight to the death.

Da da da da——



"Stop! Wait, Alsim!"

Weaving between rains of bullets and explosions, and quickly making tactical moves in trenches, traffic trenches, and foxholes, Alsim kept advancing until he was finally caught up by Sulovechenko, who was following closely all the way. The first thing the latter said when he ran to his side was to shout stop without even taking a breath.

"We can't keep on beating and charging like this! We've gone crazy today! It's like being possessed by an evil spirit and won't give up until we're beaten to death. Our team has already lost 5 people from just now." Well, if we continue like this, we will become Alsim Platoon or even Alsim Squad before storming into the Capitol! This is not the way!”

"Careful! Get down!"


"Bah, bah, bah! Damn it!"

"The Nazi anti-tank gun is in the bunker! Three hundred meters from two o'clock!"

The melons in his head kept buzzing because he was too close to the explosion. Sulovchenko's head was held down by Alsim and stuffed directly into the soil. He really had a mouth full of smelly and cold Berlin mud. . But we can't say anything wrong about Alsim. After all, he was doing it for his own good. If he hadn't pressed his hand like this, it would be hard to say whether his head would have been cut in half by shrapnel.

"What should I do? Is what I just told you clear? Now we have to change our approach!"

Sulovechenko, who had not forgotten that he was talking about business just now, could not care about anything else and resumed the interrupted topic as soon as he opened his mouth. Alsim, who knew that this situation was unusual, thought for a moment. Then he spoke quietly.

"Notify brothers, slow down the attack speed! Wait for the heavy firepower to press upwards, try to keep a distance from the enemy, and let the iron guys deal with it!"

"That's it!"

The clearing work of the infantry in front was not going smoothly. Of course, the armored group that pressed up behind it saw this clearly and took "remedial measures" immediately.

Dong dong dong dong——

Da da da da——

"Good high-explosive bombs!"



Whether it is a BMP43 infantry fighting vehicle or an IS7 and IS6 heavy tank, even the heavy machine guns on the roof and coaxials are roaring and dancing in unison.

The violent direct support fire passed over the heads of the temporarily blocked own infantry and attacked the enemy who was close at hand.

No matter how brave and fierce the SS was, it would be difficult for them to do anything under such firepower. Being beaten like a water balloon and exploding on the spot was the final fate of quite a few of them.

But even in such a battle scene, it is not that there are unbelievable and shocking scenes, but they are happening in huge numbers.

"Death to Stalin! Long live the Führer!!!"

The crazy SS soldier carried a tank-killing rocket launcher like a large chimney alone, raised his chest and raised his head, set up the barrel, and opened fire at the IS6 heavy tank less than 100 meters in front of him.


call out--

The whistling rocket hit the outer edge of the moving IS6 turret. It bounced off the curved armor like a kicked ball and flew away. The 88mm caliber rocket without even firing the fuse shot straight into the sky like a meteor. And go.

The SS soldier who missed the move refused to give up. He frantically picked up an iron fist lying next to the foxhole and prepared to shoot again.

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