Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2920 Warm greetings from the Kirov Factory in Leningrad

But the Red Army soldiers who were less than 20 meters away from him in a straight line could not give him a second chance.

Following the huge sound of firing, he ducked out of the trench, raised his hand and pointed the AK at the target. The upper body exposed in the foxhole was just a shuttle. During the crackling sound, the body that had been shot several times was like a puppet with its strings cut off. He fell straight down and never stood up again.

This group of lunatics who had no regard for life and death were so bold that they were not even afraid of the heavy tanks pressing forward.

No matter how powerful the firepower, the sense of oppression, and the most ruthless destruction were, they could not stop these SS soldiers who were rushing to reincarnate and rush to their death.

Alsim, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, had some recollection. He probably guessed what made these SS soldiers so hysterical, as if they had completely given up their natural fear and timidity, and turned into an outright The ferocious beast of war will not stop until death.

"Remember the poisoned chocolate? The "combat potion" distributed by the Germans."

"What? You said the one who can turn people into madmen? Wait, you mean"

Sulovechenko is not a fool. On the contrary, he has a bright mind and can maintain basic calmness and rationality even under extreme conditions. That is why he was "promised" by Malashenko to Alsim as his deputy and responsible for the Slavic Superman when necessary. "Cool down".

After Alsim's casual reminder, Sulovechenko almost immediately realized the cause and effect. The reason why these SS soldiers became like this was actually because of that thing! ?

"Damn it! I just said it's like a ghost! They are all a bunch of perverted lunatics who took drugs!"

Drugs are nothing new, and the concept of "addict" has been deeply rooted in people's hearts these days. Sulovechenko, who has received a serious academic education, certainly knows what drugs can turn a normal person into.

A group of fanatical lunatics who were already loyal to the Nazis took this "combat drug" that can almost cut off the connection between pain nerves and the brain, leaving people in a state of adrenaline rush.

All the incomprehensible and shocking and strange situations so far can now be explained.

"So it's obvious that they are not invincible, but they are not afraid of death. The concept of fear of death has been erased from their minds."

"Feed them with bullets, and we can still win! Keep the distance and continue the attack! Move forward!"

It was not just the Alsim Company who discovered that something was wrong with the situation, and analyzed the approximate reasons based on previous practical experience.

The other infantry companies under the Volga Siege Team that participated in the attack were almost without exception aware of the enemy's frenzy.

This group of Nazi fanatics is no longer fighting. Strictly speaking, they are a group of crazy people who know they are dead. They are desperately sucking up all the lives and objects around them that can be captured, and heading to the netherworld with them.

Not for victory, not for glory.

Just to have one more neighbor in hell to keep company with a piece of trash like them.

The entire German defense area, including the Reichstag Building, has turned into a huge collapsing black hole that swallows everything.

And before the black hole completes its collapse and is completely annihilated, it will never stop devouring anyone and anything within its reach. This can be said to be the most vivid embodiment of Nasu's "ultimate essence".

This is a fucking hammer's "defense of the motherland". It's just in its name. Before it is completely annihilated, it will destroy and devour everything around it that can be used as a backing, regardless of the enemy or friend.

Not to fight for Germany until the last Nazi militant falls, but to fight for Nazis until the last German falls, even if he is not a German.

Even if time flies by thousands of times, the origin of the ultimate evil will still not change at all, and it will remain so from the beginning to the end.

Seeing that these nazis had gone crazy beyond the limits of common sense, the Volga Siege Team, which changed its tactics, no longer used traditional methods to solve the battle. Even Malashenko, who was sitting at the starting position and had not yet officially launched an attack, The order has been given.

"Press the fire team up! No matter the caliber or the type of ammunition, use all means to blast any Nazis that are in the way! Blast until there are no more Nazis left standing!"

Malashenko rarely issued such a "shoot to kill" order, and even for many soldiers who joined the leadership division late, this was the first time they heard such devastating words from a comrade in the division commander.

The result of Malashenko's words was that a behemoth force that was on standby at the starting position, ready to develop the battlefield for support at any time, moved upon hearing the news.

The TOS-1 rocket assault tank, which has extremely strong and thick armor and carries a huge launch box, is advancing; the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery, which is second only to the IS7 heavy tank and even larger than the IS6, is advancing with a bang.

But the most terrifying thing among them is the five super steel behemoths that are even more "tall and powerful" than the IS7 - the experimental ISU-203 self-propelled artillery project code 261.

The ISU-203 self-propelled artillery, which raised its super-large 203 cannon, officially rushed to the battlefield. It followed closely in the ISU-152A queue and its speed without falling behind was incompatible with the behemoth figure.

A bunch of ISU-152A's with a few of these super big guys squeezed in the middle is like a group of hippopotamuses with a few elephants squeezed in. It's as spectacular as that.

Along the attack path opened by the forward assault troops, they advanced all the way to a position almost face-to-face with the firing line, parked close to the tail of the forward assault group, entered the shooting position, and then took their positions.

The lunatics of the SS who were not blind on the opposite side could of course see such a terrifying group of steel behemoths crushing their faces and charging towards them. And as long as you are not mentally retarded, you will definitely know how big a threat these big guys are preparing to open fire.

The anti-armor firepower hidden in several bunkers and permanent fortifications was immediately mobilized. The SS anti-armor detachment with only a few long and short 88 guns in hand immediately opened fire, and the muzzle velocity exceeded 1,000 meters per second. The armor-piercing projectiles went straight towards the target, screaming in the wind.

But those powerful Russian steel behemoths, like their close relatives, the Stalin heavy tanks, almost completely ignored this mosquito bite-like attack.



call out--

The close attack combat environment that was specifically considered from the beginning of the design was at this moment. The strong and thick armor either bounced away or directly connected with high-speed armor-piercing projectiles.

The crew fighting in the fighting position inside the vehicle loaded artillery shells towards the enemy in this manner.

The 203 cannon, which was so big that it could smash a German tiger and leopard zoo into parts even if it was smashed with iron, finally roared and roared.

"Sending those naughty people to heaven! Warm greetings from the Kirov Factory in Leningrad!"


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