Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2924 You have grenades, I have hand cannons

Bang bang bang——

Da da da--

Fierce firefights continued in the corridor, and the occasional grenade explosions echoed in the corridor for a long time, becoming more deafening after one after another. ɱ

"The Russians are coming! Block the door quickly and get a few people to help!"

"Give me a hand and bring the cabinet over! Quick!"

"Try hard and lift it up——"


A group of SS soldiers who were busy blocking the door behind the end of the corridor had no time to finish the work at hand. A violent explosion instantly shattered all the obstacles in front of them and scattered them. Of course, Including the group of SS soldiers who were close at hand.

"Oooh—waah—my legs, my legs!"

"Come on, help. There are wounded here! Come on, help."

Those "trash" SS soldiers on the ground who were blown up and crippled but not completely killed didn't even have time to finish their words. The dense footsteps rushing out of the explosion smoke that had not yet settled were accompanied by a series of explosions. The gunshot suddenly appeared.

Da da da da——

"Go! Clear the area and clean up the nuggets!"

He held an AK loaded with bullets in his hand and aimed it at the shoulder. When he saw the gunshot, he couldn't help but fire.

Alsim, who led a group of brothers behind him, first blew open the door of the parliament hall, and then directly attacked and broke in, was unstoppable.

The few most threatening SS troops who were still standing were the first to be eliminated by burst fire, followed by those who were still moving some distance away and tried to get closer. Also in the blink of an eye, they were killed by Al. Sim will be knocked down on the spot with two or three consecutive shots hitting the torso or head.


The sound of the firing pin hitting the air came from the receiver. Alsim, who had no time to change the bullet, simply let go of his hands. The AK with the gun belt attached to the front and back fell directly from his hands. His right hand moved smoothly without any delay, and followed the trend. He took out the Tokarev pistol inserted in the chest strap and pointed it at the target.


Gunshots rang out and brains exploded.

The scarlet and pale things were mixed together, and the ground was covered instantly like a tomato being thrown hard and hitting the wall.

It was estimated that he must have been drugged, and even after one of his legs was broken, the half-broken SS soldier who was struggling to crawl on the ground to pick up his gun was killed on the spot.

Alsim, whose gun was still smoking, had no time to grab the main weapon again and change the magazine when another group of shouting SS troops rushed into view from a side door.

"Over there! Shoot!"

Da da da da——

A volley of bullets came in an instant, and Alsim, who had quick eyes and quick hands, took the initiative to push himself to the ground with his buttocks raised and his legs forward, and he sat down behind a row of solid wooden chairs piled on the ground in front of him.

During the crackling sound, it was the chairs made of solid wood that barely blocked the 9mm barrage that hit him all over the face.

"Cover the company commander! Fire!"

Following Alsim's footsteps, he rushed into the council hall, and the soldiers who were closest to him and the most threatening target immediately began to cover the suppressed company commander.

Da da da da——

The firepower of the AK is indeed powerful and fierce. It is so powerful that the three or five AKs here just opened fire at the same time. The MP40 and Mauser 98K on the opposite side, which were even larger in number, were immediately suppressed by the overwhelming firepower advantage like a storm. Go down.

What's worse is that Alsim can use a pile of chairs made of solid wood as a bunker to withstand those 9mm submachine gun bullets with low penetration and strong stopping power; but the SS on the opposite side also have a pile of broken chairs in front of them as a bunker. Army, that would be bloody unlucky.

Even with a reduced charge, the pointed 62mm intermediate-power rifle bullet still has rifle-level muzzle velocity, penetration and destructive power.

The powerful and heavy 62mm rifle bullet tore through the solid wood chair like chopping melons and vegetables. Various splinters and rotten wood flew, followed by screams and bloody mist. The beaten to death, this small group of SS soldiers were quickly cornered and had to retreat back along the same path through the side door they had just rushed out of.

The enemy's counterattack was repulsed again, seemingly temporarily, but Alsim knew that was not all.

"Go to hell! Russian pig!!!"


Holding the M24 grenade that had been fired in his hand, a severely wounded SS man who had just been beaten to the ground struggled to get up with his poisonous energy. He stared at a pair of scarlet eyes like a zombie looking at a living person. He rushed towards the nearest Alsim.

It's not like we haven't seen this type of crazy unit before. Most of the time, when cleaning the battlefield, they are often seen on the wounded SS fanatics who have been brainwashed and stunned, holding the words "I will die even if I die". With a "Russian guy's back" mentality, he fired a grenade and blew himself up.

This is why many Red Army troops would rather waste two more bullets than leave any survivors alive when cleaning up the battlefield after a battle with the SS.

Even if it is a low-probability event, you never know whether the next injured SS soldier waiting for you is a self-destructive lunatic who has been brainwashed and stunned.


I was too lazy to talk nonsense, and I didn't even think about solving the problem by any non-lethal means.

Alsim did not choose to raise the Tokarev pistol tightly in his right hand again, but chose to use his left hand to pull out another spare pistol, or "hand cannon" from the belt on his waist, because this thing His power is really quite a bit...

Well, a little too "humane destruction".


It wasn't a single shot like a rifle, but a roar like a small-caliber artillery fire.

The 12-gauge single-point bullet loaded in the barrel of the gun is specially used to hunt all kinds of large creatures, such as African elephants or giant beasts such as rhinos and hippopotamuses. It is so powerful that as long as you aim at the right place, you can One shot was fatal, making a hole in the flesh and bones.

Now, Alsim used this thing to blast Nazui. He raised his hand and shot without even aiming, hitting the torso directly.

The final result was that the "Nazi self-explosion soldier" who was hit in the chest by a No. 12-caliber single-point bullet flew backwards on the spot like a can that had been kicked away.

The grenade that had been held tightly in his hand and had fired was released in mid-air. By coincidence, it happened to fall together with the corpse of the Nazi self-explosion soldier who was blown to the ground.


This time it was a real bang.

The Nazi self-explosion soldier who rushed over with a grenade in his hand did not kill Alsim, but gave him a one-stop service that killed him on the spot and dismembered his body. The half of the calf that was blown away fell directly to a place not far from Alsim, still smoking. Alsim, who was quite satisfied with the power of this brand-new thing in his hand, couldn't help but curl his lips. Yang.

You have a grenade and I have a hand cannon. We both have a bright future, I'm sure.

"It's really good."

This was Alsim's only comment on the power of his new toy in actual combat for the first time.

As for recoil

Sorry, the lies of the capitalists are not felt at all by the Slavic Superman.

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