Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2925 Welcome to the playground

"Go on, knock down the parliament hall, and then go up to the second floor.

After a series of battles without taking a breath, Alsim finally had time to replace the empty magazine of the AK hanging on his waist with a new one.

He took out the magazine from the chest strap and inserted it into the receiver before pulling the charging handle. Alsim, who knew that time waited for no one, had no time to waste time here. He decided to take advantage of the precious time when the enemy was forced to retreat and continue quickly. Lead the team to rush forward and take down the entire parliament hall first and then control it.

But what Alsim didn’t expect was.

He had just stood up on his front feet and was about to greet the team to move forward when a familiar yet unfamiliar shout suddenly came from the podium at the end of the parliament hall.

"He rushes into the enemy's lair like a herd of tigers and sheep, slaughtering prey at will, bathing in blood and killing to the fullest enjoyment."

"You must be very happy now, right? Alsim."

The Russian language that sounded slightly lame but inexplicably familiar came from the direction of the blind spot behind the podium, and only the voice was heard but no one was seen.

But Alsim will never forget this voice that he has only heard once so far. In other words, even if the person who speaks this tone turns to ashes, Alsim will never forget that it was the party that defeated him in the last battle. The voice of the leader of the Guards—the bastard who calls himself Heisenberg.


The noncommittal Alsim didn't answer. There was no reason and no need to pay attention to and respond to this bastard.

Calmly raising his hand to make a gesture, the knowing Sulovechenko immediately instructs the soldiers to disperse, take advantage of the nearest position to draw the line of fire, don't crowd together, and be ready to attack the enemy who may appear from any place at the end of the venue at any time. The enemy fires.

"You are very vigilant, good job! Alsim. It seems that in addition to being proficient in killing, you can also order things that I don't know about."


Alsim, who was hiding behind the bunker, still didn't speak or answer, but this kind of "enemy is in the dark but we are in the dark" situation that seems to be controlled by the enemy and is always under surveillance still makes him accustomed to it. Alsim felt very uncomfortable as he took the initiative in the battle.

"Don't want to come out and say a few words? It seems that the Slavic man is shy, tsk~"

"It doesn't matter, someone has to appear first in a stage play, so why can't it be "us"? Are you right, Alsim?"

The self-centered critic said "we" very strongly this time.

It was natural for him to be able to grasp such an unexpected key point, and his keen battlefield intuition once again made Alsim feel an ominous atmosphere. The strong uneasiness in his heart soon turned into reality after a sneak glance.

Last time, Heisenberg acted alone, setting up a series of traps and deliberately creating a combat environment to challenge himself.

At least he was indeed alone when he finally showed up and met for the first time.

But this time, Heisenberg brought more than one accomplice.

A group of armed SS soldiers whose uniforms are obviously different from other SS soldiers, but whose dressing style is consistent with that of Heisenberg, are holding a variety of long guns and short cannons, fully armed and following Next to and around Heisenberg, he appeared openly from behind the podium at the end of the venue.

The vague posture was obviously led by this SS pervert with strong individual combat power and obeying his orders.

Based on the principle of "if you dare to come out, I will fucking kill you", I was planning to order a beating first.

Alsim, who had neither the thought nor the time to spend time with this perverted SS man, had no time to play another one-on-one game with him, not to mention that this was a battlefield, not an ancient Roman battle. animal farm.

But before Alsim had time to give an order, the SS soldiers who appeared in the second row and followed the first row of SS soldiers held in their hands more than a dozen people who were tied up. , the blindfolded and gagged "prisoners" came to the stage just like escorting prisoners.

"I guess your commander didn't give you an order authorizing you to kill a general of the motherland without mercy, right?"


Alsim was stunned and speechless. His brain was still in a brief reaction state and he had not yet recovered. However, he did not expect that an even more sudden loud noise would come quietly the next second.


That was the direction Alsim and his party came from not long ago, and it was the corridor that led directly to the main entrance of the parliament hall.

The huge explosion echoed through the corridor and echoed in the parliament hall. The dust kicked in by the shock wave was like a sudden sandstorm, which directly shook Alsim and his group who were located near the entrance of the venue to the point where they almost lost their balance. fall.

"Oh~ It seems that the other end is done, very good! Now your retreat and the road for friendly reinforcements are blocked. Alsim, at least within twenty minutes, no one will call you comrade and can rush in to save you. Do you believe?"


Alsim, who continued to hide behind the bunker, still did not speak. It was not that he had nothing to say, but that he was seizing the time to think and analyze how to deal with this unexpected situation, and what kind of backup plan he would prepare. Regardless of what he had been saying from just now until now. The non-stop SS perverts continued.

"No matter what you think, this place, this Capitol, this is our home, our turf."

"From the moment you step into this council chamber, you have stepped into the playground I have prepared for you, and there is no turning back."

"If you really think that I will just turn a blind eye and let you and your hounds go, then you are too naive, Alsim."

The voice that had been hidden behind the scenes finally appeared. With his excellent eyesight, Alsim recognized the features of that bastard who killed his former deputy at a glance, even from a distance of more than half the venue. The real murderer, the mortal enemy who defeated and humiliated him once - a human pervert who calls himself Heisenberg.

"Now, say who you are out loud!"

Regardless of whether Alsim appeared or not, Heisenberg stretched out his hand to grab a "prisoner" and removed the hood that blindfolded his eyes and blocked his mouth.

He was unkempt and unshaven, and at a glance it was clear that he was a tired face that was over fifty years old, and he instantly appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

"I will definitely not cooperate with the Nazis. You should give up on this, you are the lackey of the hair-washer."

Although the "prisoners" were bruised and exhausted from being tortured, but their hands and feet were restrained by torture instruments, they still showed a resolute will. They were fearless and regarded death as home, until the executioner with a sinister sneer on his face showed no sign of it. He spoke again without mind.

"Oh? Really? Then let's see how about this"



With a bang, he took off the hood of the nearest prisoner at hand. Before the eyes could see the light again, he opened his eyes and saw everything around him clearly. The heavy knife in his hand had already sealed his throat and severed his trachea, causing blood to flow out like a fountain. .

"He will die within a minute, with pain etched into his soul, just because of what you just said."

Although the young man in a Red Army uniform had his trachea cut off with a knife, the ten-pound knife was still stuck in his throat, and his body was being held and controlled by two strong SS soldiers. He couldn't move, he could only twist and tremble in the restraints with intense pain.


"Did you hear this sound? This is the sound of the blade being stuck in the spine and rubbing. Listen carefully, listen carefully, because even the owner of this spine can hear it now, and this will not last long."


Holding the heavy knife with one hand and pulling it back and forth like a saw, his right hand suddenly exerted force. A head with a twisted and ferocious face picked up the knife and fell to the ground with a large spurt of blood.

The sound of "gu dong, gu dong" rolling down the stairs is so chilling; the eyes that freeze at the last moment of life are full of empty struggle and fear of death.

"Go on, next one!"

The two SS soldiers behind him moved upon hearing the sound, and dropped the headless, bleeding, twitching and trembling corpse in their hands, making a heavy sound like a sack falling to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the second hooded prisoner, who seemed to have sensed something and was trembling all over his body, was escorted up.

"Life is passing by, but I will still wait for you to answer me."

"You just need to understand that these young people who could have lived to live a normal life after your victory died because you, the old guy, didn't want to cooperate. That's enough."


He didn't even take off his hood when he raised the knife and stabbed it directly through his temple, then plunged the heavy and powerful knife into his skull.

The Red Army prisoners who did not die instantly were still twitching and struggling. Under the hoods that covered their faces, their eyes were rolled up and they could not speak a word, because the heavy knife weighing more than ten kilograms not only penetrated deeply. He touched his temples and was still stirring his brain with his hands.

"Death is long, the pain is lasting, but my patience is almost unlimited, at least until the 18th prisoner is executed by me."

"You!!! Damn you!!! Bastard!!!"

The old man who glared at each other was so angry that he was shaking all over. The injuries on his body and the tightly suppressed body could no longer support him to make any more movements. No matter how strong the anger in his heart was, it was of no use.


The sharp blade was once again pulled out of his brain. The executioner, who could not feel the twitch of life, lost interest. The cold and dark words without any emotion were blurted out once again, shouting loudly.

"Go on! The third one!"


The old man who couldn't bear it finally broke out. He really couldn't sit back and watch the situation in front of him continue, so he shouted out directly on the spot, which finally stopped this crazy and bloody thing.

"Then what?"

The cruel and cold executioner did not want to say even one more syllable. The old man, whose whole body was shaking with anger, gritted his teeth and said the next words almost word for word.

"Lieutenant General Lukayev, Deputy Director of the Political Department of the Kiev Military District Headquarters, do you hear me clearly, you bastard?"

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