Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2926 The Neglected

The old man shouted very loudly, and his angry voice could not only be heard by the supporters in front of him, but also spread to far away places in the venue.

"Did you hear that!? Alsim!"


The shouts echoed for a long time in the empty venue. After doing all this, Heisenberg had reason to believe that his goal was about to be achieved, and what happened next was indeed as expected.

"I was just thinking about what I would do next if you didn't come out. It seems I was worrying too much."

Looking at Alsim who suddenly appeared in the field of vision on his own on the other side of the venue, Heisenberg continued to smile evilly, with the curve of his mouth rising up clearly to the naked eye.

"Welcome to the playground I carefully prepared for you, my kindred spirit. I'm quite sorry after we said goodbye last time. I wonder how you're resting now? Huh?"


To be honest, Alsim really hated this perverted bastard who had no limits.

If possible, Alsim wouldn't even have the intention to play a one-on-one game with him. Seizing the time to complete the task is more important to Alsim now than anything else. The sacred task assigned to him by his comrade, the division commander, is the first priority and must be carried out. Guaranteed.

If he could, Alsim would definitely raise his hand and shoot the bastard into a hornet's nest on the spot.

Alsim, who just looked at the scene in front of him and knew exactly what was going on, had no choice. The Nazi leader who was capable of killing was right. He did not get authorization from his comrade, the division commander, to kill a captured general of the motherland without regard for life or death.

It can even be said that even the teacher and comrade have no right to decide this matter without authorization and must ask for instructions from their superiors.

After all, he was the second-in-command of the political department at the military region level, with a dignified rank of lieutenant general. Both his rank and position were higher than Malashenko's. He is definitely not someone who can make decisions without caring about his life or death just as a division commander, even if he is a captured lieutenant general.

The other party's intention was very obvious. Alsim knew clearly what Heisenberg's purpose was in holding hostages and playing this trick in public and in front of him.

Alsim, who knows what responsibility and responsibility are, does not want or need to involve other people. He does things for one person and will never be vague when it is time to stand up for himself, just like the current moment.

"Your target is me. Let that rotten old man go. Don't you want to have some fun? I'll just play with you. The two of us will continue the game we didn't finish last time."


The laughter was not loud, but it sounded extremely sinister and sarcastic. Even without words, you could tell what Heisenberg wanted to say now.

Alsim, who remained silent, continued to stand there, silently watching what other bad jobs the crazy pervert had to do, just waiting here.

Soon, Heisenberg, who ended his brief laughter, returned to normal and continued to speak.

"In your opinion, what do you think we have in common? Similar species."


Alsim could guess what this forced creature wanted to say.

But for some unknown reason, Alsim was resistant, repelled, and unwilling to have anything in common with such a perverted bastard from the bottom of his heart.

While Alsim was still hesitating, not knowing how to speak appropriately with his sparse vocabulary, Heisenberg, who saw the "unspeakable secret" on Alsim's face, just continued to speak with a grin.

"It's "killing", Alsim. You and I both enjoy killing. Killing in battle is the blazing fire that maintains the meaning of our lives. We are proficient in it and enjoy it endlessly, so we are the same kind."


I wanted to refute, but I didn't know where to start.

After all, in a sense, what Heisenberg said is indeed right, at least part of it is right.

"You are so similar to me. During these long years of fighting, I have been looking for someone who has the same goals as me."

"Don't get me wrong, this doesn't refer to camp, belief, or which side we are fighting on. I refer to something more fundamental. Do you understand? It is something that goes deep into the deepest parts of our souls and cannot be erased."

"I'm glad that my long-term search was not in vain. I really feel lucky to meet you at such a time and on such an occasion."

Alsim, who couldn't bear it any longer, took a step forward and spoke directly, rejecting his words on the spot.

"Enough! What do you want?! Don't waste time here. Has your ability reduced to just talking? Huh!? Don't you want to fight me? Come on, right here , you bitch!"

Alsim is not a negotiator. Fighting and killing enemies is the only professional skill he is proficient in besides hunting, not to mention such delicate tasks as "guessing the enemy's mind."

Alsim is really just an out-and-out rough guy who comes from the Siberian wasteland and follows the truth that "poor mountains and harsh waters breed unruly people." That's all.


Heisenberg, who firmly grasped the rhythm of the scene, was obviously not interested in being led away from the topic by Alsim, and still said what he wanted to say and did what he thought he should do. The point is. Highlight a "mind without distractions".

"You know? There are always some speakers in this world who like to talk about kindness, beauty, and peace. They speak endlessly on various occasions, preaching their set of things that make dogs want to vomit, all over the world. It keeps beeping, trampling on everything that is contrary to its feet, criticizing it as evil and never getting over it."

"It is true that people like us like to kill. We are born to take pleasure in killing. But who gave them the power? Why do they say that the things we like must be evil and will be punished? ?”

"Which law of nature stipulates these things? Why have I never heard the speech "Killing is justice"? Why do they say that crazy killers will go to hell forever? After death, they can't go to that called heaven. It’s time to give us a chance to speak, let these trash talkers listen to the voices that have been ignored.”

Heisenberg, who was walking around while talking, had already arrived behind the elderly lieutenant general who was being escorted as seconds passed.

The heavy knife that had been held tightly in his right hand was once again raised high. Alsim, realizing what this bastard was going to do, immediately couldn't help but take a step forward, raised his hand and couldn't help shouting.

"No! Stop!"

"What we are saying is, whoever kills more will go to heaven!"


The long scarlet blade stained with blood pierced the chest again, piercing from the back and thrust out from the front. The spray of blood mist immediately filled the air and dispersed. Only the dark and sinister smile behind him was still slowly echoing.

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