Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2944 Welcome to the bombing zone

Treating the current tank battle as the final battle, Malashenko, who does not give any face to you German guy, showed the strongest and most powerful trump card in his hand in one face to face - to personally lead the tank battle. All the directly affiliated guard tank companies were put into combat, and they were all mass-produced batches of IS7 heavy tanks.

There are 11 vehicles in a company, plus Malashenko's vehicle, the total is 12 vehicles.

Twelve IS7s led the charge, followed by IS6 heavy tanks with larger numbers and wider formations. Following at the end was the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery used as an assault tank.

Using the IS6 chassis to carry the tall and powerful fully enclosed fixed fighting room and 152 giant cannon, even the Jagdtiger, which is the strongest than the Germans, can still do its part.

Malashenko did not order to rush directly into the face and engage in close combat with the Germans. Firstly, it was unnecessary, and secondly, this was not the advantage of his own heavy tanks. What's more important is that you, the German, are organizing the counterattack now, not the leader.

Since the enemy is coming to die, all you need to do is grind the guillotine, set up the beheading knife and wait. No one will carry a guillotine to chase people and kill them, and neither does Malashenko, who will wait for the Nazis to kill him on his own. It is undoubtedly the best situation if the neck is washed and delivered.

“Each vehicle group was loaded with high-explosive bombs and aimed at several streets outside the square, and the gunners were preparing to fire.

If the Germans really want to rush to King's Square, judging from the direction of the Crown Prince Bridge, these streets and intersections are the only way for them to pass.

After all, you don't have a choice, otherwise you don't have to rush, just go home and die and wait to lose. If you want to rush, you have no choice but to take this path.

The initiative on the battlefield is now in the hands of the Red Army, not your Nazi SS.

I want to play?

Then you must follow Malashenko's rules of the game. The reason is that simple and there is no choice.

Malashenko's reserve team, which was guarding the lateral edge of the square and was ready, did not wait too long. The enemy's situation confirmed by the light reconnaissance team of the Leader's Division riding a sidecar motorcycle was quickly realized. A large group of SS The military mechanized battle group soon attacked from the direction of the street entrance.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, hey! Look! There are so many of them. The ones we have opened now are more than half a battalion! Now we are "rich"!"

Iushkin, who was even more excited than Malashenko, was extremely excited. The already severely unbalanced armor strength comparison between the Soviet Union and Germany made Iushkin excited when he saw German tanks. He regarded them as targets and achievements rather than targets. A tough opponent.

Not intending to dampen Iushkin's enthusiasm, and of course knowing that Iushkin could think so, it was indeed true to a certain extent. Malashenko nodded, and finally confirmed that the enemy would soon He was about to drive into the predetermined killing area, and then he rang the microphone in his hand and gave the order again.

"Attention all units in the artillery team, prepare for artillery fire! Rapidly fire to cover the planned killing area, prepare to fire!"

Our own side has powerful long-range self-propelled artillery that can be fired directly, but the desperate group of Nazi SS on the opposite side does not. This is Malashenko's biggest advantage now.

Boom boom boom——

The gun barrel was raised and fired at a small angle within the visual range. The ISU-152A self-propelled artillery cluster at the rear of the array began to show its power. The high-density shells fired in the first salvo roared towards the planned killing area. A straight ball hit.

The battle area is known, the route is fixed, and you can roughly predict when and where you will arrive.

I'm afraid I still didn't know that I had broken into the "death zone" marked by the enemy. As soon as I walked out of the street, I saw enemy tanks in the square not too far away. The SS leader was planning to stop and shoot. The armored forces were suddenly in bad luck.

The power of the Russian self-propelled artillery firing from behind the array, which was not visible from the visual range, was terrifying.

The first round of intensive volleys exploded, and the square, which was already like the surface of the moon, was plowed again to the empty areas of the block.

The SS tank that had just arrived here had not even had time to stop, and was directly eaten by the 152 God's feast. The accuracy of the artillery fire was quite high due to the preset killing area. After just one round of contact, it was The explosion shocked the SS troops who had not yet had time to open fire.

"Shasen! This is the area covered by Russian artillery fire. This area must have been marked! We have broken into a trap!"

"Cars 112 and 104 were hit, my God! They were on fire!"

"There is no other way, speed up! We can only rush over! We must attack! If we can't rush through, we will die here!"

It is true that artillery fire these days has no accuracy at all. This is a fact. First, there are no high-performance guided artillery shells, and second, there is no real-time feedback artillery observation means. The entire OODA cycle of artillery operations is as smelly and long as an old lady's foot wrap, but there are ways to solve these.

Weapons were invented by people, and the combat effectiveness of weapons is also determined by people's use. If people are not good enough, no matter how good the weapons are, they are useless.

The big, dark and thick artillery piece is too stupid, so I won’t assign it to combat missions that require high sensitivity;

If the artillery observation and calibration methods are not timely, then I will designate a predetermined killing area, aim at a certain area, and bombard fiercely. There is no need for observation and calibration at all, and the bombing is done.

If the accuracy of artillery fire is not good, then I will use quantity to make up for the lack of accuracy, and put saturated firepower into the predetermined killing area, and still be able to achieve the desired killing effect.

The planned killing area marked by Malashenko's artillery fire is a mouse cage, and your tank group is just a rat trying its best to get into the cage.

The ISU-152A cluster in the rear did not even perform gun adjustment and calibration. They just fired with all their strength at the maximum rate of fire.

Rows of heavy artillery shells rained down like crazy and for free. The huge explosions, accompanied by sky-high flames and dust, were deafening, and the topsoil of Berlin was tossed over and over again with a huge amount of shrapnel.

Even though the armored soldiers of the SS have stepped on the accelerator desperately, even though this is almost all the elite armor forces that the SS can assemble at the end, even the leading vanguard troops are high-quality Panther tank bases, Panthers The two were not capped, and a few King Tigers were mixed in to help out in the finale, but they still could not escape the fate of being destroyed by artillery fire.

The violent 152 grenade barrage bombardment did not even require a direct hit, only a near-miss explosion. Although the powerful explosion could not directly destroy the thick side armor of the Tiger King, the already overwhelmed walking mechanism was in 152 Justice. It was a complete mess under the violent blast.

The skirt board was blown to pieces, the track was blown off, the driving wheel was directly smashed, and the road wheel was blown away by a straight ball.

Then, it is completely conceivable what will happen to these huge armored behemoths with broken legs when they lose their ability to move and are still under barrage bombardment.

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