Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2945 Burial Black Hole

"Are those nazis crazy? Do they know what they are doing? Forcibly breaking into the bombing zone is not normal even for a madman to do such a thing. This is pure suicide.

Iushkin, who was holding the gunner's mirror and witnessing this scene with his own eyes, said, "I can't understand it, but I was shocked." On the other hand, Malashenko seemed to have expected this, even after seeing such a scene. The scene still looks bland.

"Either go back and wait to lose and die, or die on the battlefield. Apart from this, they have no third option."

"If you let these fanatics go back and wait to lose and die without doing anything, it will be more uncomfortable for them than cutting their lungs. So the answer is obvious, they would rather die under our gunfire than line up to enter the prisoner of war camp. , the only way to stop this gang of madmen is to kill them all on the battlefield."


Even Iushkin, who has fought countless German opponents, still feels an unspeakable feeling in his heart and doesn't know how to speak when he sees these lunatics who "would rather die than live" voluntarily being buried with the Nazis.

Although the artillery bombardment continued with good results, SS tanks began to rush out of the bombing area one after another, and the ISU-152A self-propelled artillery, with its ammunition load and combat rate of fire, certainly could not continue to block the bombing for too long. .

Malashenko, who did not expect to rely on artillery barrages to resolve the battle, had already prepared. He did not blow up and block the exits of the block where the SS gangsters were located because he had already planned to release all the gangsters. Catch everything in one go.

Seeing that the artillery barrage had almost come to an end, Malashenko felt that it was time to start the second stage, and then picked up the radio transmitter in his hand again and gave an order.

"Heavy tank crews are ready to load armor-piercing rounds; prioritize fire on high-threat armored targets and prepare to fire!"

The tall and powerful IS7 and the slightly smaller but equally huge IS6 immediately moved forward after receiving the order, fully driving into the shooting position to prepare the shells for loading, and were ready.

When the powerful artillery barrage bombardment stopped, the entire offensive formation was like a cream cake that had been chewed by a mouse. From the air, it looked like a large piece of the SS battle group was still missing.

As soon as they saw the follow-up reinforcements that could be taken advantage of, they immediately poured out of the neighborhood and continued to provide rapid support to the front.

Just as Malashenko said to Iushkin: These bastards will not stop until they are all dead. It is more impossible for them to go back and wait to die than to die without a burial place now. accept.

Artillery fire damage is just the prelude, the real armor collision is the good show.

SS tanks continued to come one after another, roaring past the scorching remains of their comrades.

The flaming Tiger King and Black Panther are available in unlimited quantities here, and No. 4, who was hit in the head by 152 Justice and shattered on the spot, is even more "popular".

The air was filled with the smell of incompletely burned gunpowder and gunpowder smoke and the smell of bloody barbecue. The surface that the tracks and military boots stepped on was already more lunar than the surface of the moon.

But even if all of the above are added together, they still cannot stop these SS fanatics from rushing to reincarnate.

As it should be, Malashenko's response was enough to make these Nazi fanatics get their wish.

"Fire, hit!"

Boom boom boom——

Dong dong dong——

The huge 130mm and 122mm shells roared in along with the 25mm machine gun shells. At the edge of the uneven square, the SS soldiers who were charging head-on were given a slap in the face.

Tanks were penetrated and blown up, and infantry were swept into pieces. These have all happened, are happening, and will continue to happen, just like the SS soldiers who are still alive will not stop continuing to die.

"The armored forces concentrate on attacking the Russians' northern flank. That's the weak point of the defense! Break through there and let the infantry in, and continue the attack!"

Among the many SS tanks that were either charging forward or parking and firing, a huge "Teletubbies" command type King Tiger kept sending out radio waves, guiding the SS mechanized clusters that were changing formations and adjusting tactics in real time. Concentrate their forces and begin a fierce attack towards the foot of the Capitol, which is also the weakest point in the northern direction of Malashenko's reserve defense area.

"Attention, Volga detachment! The enemy's main force is moving towards your headquarters, prepare to fight!"

The main force of the SS swooped towards the north, but instead of fully committing all the troops, at least a considerable number of SS troops were left to continue to attack the reserves led by Malashenko.

This was not a tactic to kill people, it was just a "no alternative" used by the SS commander on the opposite side. He had no choice but to do this if he did not want to free up Malashenko's troops.

We need air strikes but not air strikes, we need artillery support but not artillery support, but we still want to contain the enemy and achieve our tactical goals. What should we do?

What else can be done? Give it away.

Although it is hellish to say this, it is true that as long as you send enough people, you can have the effect of containing the enemy. On the other hand, if the containment effect is not good, it can only mean that you have not sent enough pigs. After all, it is the same reason as "more than 50,000 pigs cannot be caught in three days."

Malashenko, who knew that the leader of the Nazi SS on the opposite side was planning to "beat a dog with meat buns", soon discovered some "unexpected" things that he had expected.

The SS troops that rushed towards us and attacked us from the front were not entirely composed of SS troops, at least not the infantry troops.

Among the group of Nazi militants who were beaten like rats in a ditch under the suppression of fierce direct artillery fire, in addition to the bright SS uniforms, there were also a large number of rags. , people in ragged clothes holding ragged guns, and some people wearing police uniforms instead of military uniforms.

What's even more outrageous are the "little things" who are probably not as tall as a rifle. Malashenko is very sure that those steps and figures are not some "dwarf army", but really a bunch of genuine "baby soldiers" , which is the age when normal children go to high school, or even junior high school.

But at this moment, he was wearing the dog skin of the SS, holding a weapon that was extremely disproportionate to his body shape, and was being carried forward by those shouting "large SS". It was clear that he was "It is considered a success if it can attract the shells and bullets that waste the Russians."

"These bastard bastards! They won't give up until they drag everything into the grave!"

He was so angry that he punched the periscope of the commander in front of him on the spot. However, despite being angry and rational, Malashenko had no other choice. In the end, it was impossible for him to bear the price for his pure dehumanization.

The only thing that can be done is to end this madness as soon as possible, the sooner the better. Only in this way can we prevent the root cause of this madness from continuing to occur.

"The order remains unchanged, keep firing! Annihilate all enemies and put down the Nazi charge! Hold the line!"

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