Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2946 Crisis is everywhere

After leaving the library and moving on, there is not much road left to lead to the dome of the Capitol. If we take down the third floor directly below the dome and located in the central part of the Capitol, we can say that we are done.

But Alsim always felt vaguely that there might not be that simple behind this seemingly grasped matter.

The SS leader Heisenberg once again slipped away from under his nose.

Although the minions under his command suffered heavy casualties, not a single SS fanatic left in the library was still alive. The Alsim Company was completely wiped out after a turn of the offensive. There were enough corpses of SS soldiers left in the library. There were more than 40 soldiers, and more SS soldiers were killed than Alsim Company.

But this does not mean that all Heisenberg's minions are dead. Who knows how much cannon fodder this crazy SS leader still has in his hands, which can be used as a shield in front of him.

On the way up after leaving the library, he never encountered an organized and large-scale enemy force blocking the way, which made Alsim, who was already restless, even more uneasy.

Alsim, who had already reached the balcony corridor on the second floor and headed towards the third floor in the center, heard the loud and chaotic sounds of firefights in his ears. He carefully poked his head out and looked down.

Although most of the Capitol building has been captured by the Red Army at this moment, those frantic SS fanatics who are desperate to die are still using all the power they can to defend or even counterattack.

In conference rooms, break rooms, hallways, and even restrooms

Almost all places where people can enter, where guns can be set up, and where ambushes can be laid, have become battlefields. The SS, who use all possible means, try their best to use all the advantages they can, and use all their traps and ambushes at all costs. Inflict greater casualties on the Red Army at all costs and fight to the end.

The corridor outside the bathroom door was captured, but the lone SS hiding in the bathroom stall continued to fight to the death and fired into the corridor outside the door.

The commandos of the leading division captured the west side of a certain balcony corridor. The east side balcony corridor, which was only separated by one side and less than ten meters away, was still controlled by the SS and used as a position to defend.

The two groups of people, who were all jealous of each other, used brutal automatic weapons to shoot wildly at a distance that could be reached by raising their pistols, until one party killed the other party on the spot, and then to move on.

There was neither surrender nor persuasion to surrender, and even prisoners had become an absolute "scarcity" at this moment, rare and hard to find.

The sounds of fighting, gunshots, explosions, and shouts mixed together and resounded in my ears, roaring in my mind like a roaring train from hell, all the way to the depths of my soul.

Looking at the tragic battlefield below, Alsim didn't know how long it would take to end it all, but he knew that there were always things that he had to do himself.

"Keep your eyes open, be careful! This is the last level, those bastards will probably welcome us warmly, prepare for battle!"

It was not until he reached the end of the balcony corridor and saw that he could go up to the third floor that Alsim, who had not expected it, was surprised to find that the situation in front of him was not as big as he had imagined. Same.

I don’t know if it was caused by an arson accident many years ago, or whether it was caused by deliberate sabotage by the SS troops stationed here recently.

All in all, the stairwell leading to the central third floor at the end of the balcony corridor has collapsed, and it is obviously impossible to walk there with two legs.

But there is not a solution. There are still temporary wooden plank bridges erected in the collapsed stairwell. It looks like the scaffolding left from the previous repair project. There is also an escalator that can be climbed directly to the third floor vertically.

Are such simple makeshift roads dangerous?

Of course, it is not only dangerous, but also the possibility of being deliberately used by the enemy to rely on for defense.

Just imagine that Alsim led people to walk across this simple wooden bridge. As soon as they reached the middle of the bridge, gunfire crackled loudly on the opposite side, and bullets started flying everywhere. What would it be like then? I'm afraid that Alsim and his brothers will all fall like dumplings.

But now there is no other choice, just like the battle that just happened in the library.

The Red Army must attack. Even if there is clearly a trap ahead and there is huge danger, they must bite the bullet. That perverted bastard Heisenberg took advantage of this weakness to deal a heavy blow to Alsim and caused considerable trouble.

As a result, now that I have gone around in circles, I have encountered a situation that seems similar to the scene just now. The unknown front and the empty wooden plank bridge were like a man-eating mouth waiting for people to pass by.

But this time, Alsim decided to take a different approach and think of a way to see if he could lure the snake out of the hole first.

"Don't go on the bridge yet. Climb up from the ladder and see what's going on at the other end."


Although the escalator erected in the corner cannot pass directly through the collapsed stairwell, it leads vertically to another high-hanging stand.

Judging from the terrain, the condescending stands should be able to see the blind spot on the opposite side of the stairwell. If there is an ambush, it will be exposed.

"Let me go. I have been good at climbing up to the house since I was a child. You and others will wait below. If I find anything, I will send you a signal immediately."

Sulovechenko volunteered to come forward. After a brief explanation to Alsim, he threw the AK behind his back. He walked to the corner and stretched out his hand to test the ladder. It was still strong and reliable, and then moved his hands and feet. And started to climb up using the ground.

It's not that Alsim didn't send more manpower to support Sulovechenko, but the ladder built on scaffolding was really crude. It was probably just a simple temporary ladder for a maintenance worker to go up and down alone. At this point, it has not collapsed and can be used again. This can really be said to be "precise German craftsmanship".

Sulovechenko, who not only climbed steadily but also quickly, quickly reached the top of the escalator.

Almost subconsciously, he raised his hand up, preparing to grab the edge of the stand, but before Sulovchenko could lower his hand, thanks to his eyes following the position in time, he was able to stop his movements and escape the disaster. .

"Damn it, Sokka, just a little bit, these bastards are really your fucking bitches!"

Even though Sulovchenko was well-educated and well-educated, he was still frightened by the scene in front of him so much that he sweated on his forehead and couldn't help but curse secretly.

The reason was for no other reason than because of the "talent" of the SS. The trick of putting the trip wire on the top of the escalator and setting it on the edge of the stand close to the ground was really cheap to a certain extent.

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