Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2947 The enemy is waiting.

If it hadn't been for simply taking one more look before subconsciously raising my hand.

Sulovechenko was sure that he was now a dead man who had been blown to pieces and flew backwards.

Those dregs of the SS had already anticipated that this stand would be used. The absence of an ambush did not mean that there would be no traps, even if they were simply used as a warning.

"What happened?"

Alsim, who was guarding the bottom of the ladder, noticed that Sulovchenko had stopped moving when he reached the top. He realized that the situation had changed, lowered his voice and asked questions.

On the other hand, Sulovechenko at the top of the ladder just waved his hand back without looking back to indicate that it was okay and that he could handle it. Then he pulled out the saber from the scabbard hanging on his back and held it tightly in his hand. .

The sweet potato-shaped trip mine with a tight string is less than half a meter away from your hand. Judging from its shape, it should be that your German character's characteristic "bouncing Betty" warhead has been removed, and the original bouncing start has been abandoned. , as long as the explosion kills.

The other end of the pull string hanging on the fuse was driven into the ground with nails and fastened. It was also only a short distance away from Sulovechenko's other left hand.

After confirming the situation, he immediately made up his mind to deal with it from the other end of the nail. He switched the sword from his right hand to his left hand, held it upside down and aimed it at the target. He plunged it down and stably penetrated the root of the nail. , not detonating the trip mine on the spot was all due to the exquisite craftsmanship.

Holding the handle of the knife firmly, he kept digging into the bottom of the nail bit by bit. Without a huge hand strength, it would be impossible to push the stone open with the knife. No matter how good the steel knife was, it would be enough to see Sulovechenko's strength. The "full of veins and ferocious expression" holding the saber tightly is definitely not an act.

Feeling the touch from the tip of the knife changing from metal to stone, Sulovechenko was convinced that he had reached the bottom of the knife. He took a deep breath and instantly exerted force with his left hand. It was originally a temporary measure to hit the ground at will. The strong nail was pried out of the ground from left to right by Alsim's knife and fell to the ground.

Without the anchorage at the other end, the originally tight string immediately fell loosely.

At this point, as long as you don't touch the fuse of the tripping mine and don't commit suicide, the crisis will be resolved and the problem will be solved.

After finishing holding his breath and letting out a long sigh of relief, Sulovechenko could finally boldly lift his hand from the stand to the stand. Using his hands and feet, he easily climbed up the stand in three steps and two steps, and even took the ladder. The comrades who stopped to watch below finally felt "a big stone fell in their hearts".

"Well done! I know that the company deputy comrade is fine and there will never be a coward in our company!"

"Don't be impatient, let's see what happens next and be vigilant!"

Sulovechenko, who was on the stand, continued to lower his body and crawled to the ground. He continued to crawl forward slowly with a saber in one hand and a pistol in the other to ensure that he did not make too much noise.

When Sulovechenko actually came to the edge of the stands and was about to poke his head out, he turned his head to the left cautiously and took a final look to confirm the surrounding situation. He did see a truly terrifying reflection.

The rays of the afternoon sun penetrated through the broken dome of the Capitol Building, entering from diagonally above and shining directly into the interior of the war-torn building.

But the sunlight that slanted from west to east reflected several figures holding spears on the wall. The subtle movements of the shadows that moved from time to time must not be dead people, and even the reflected hands could not be dead people. The shape of the firearm inside is undoubtedly the STG44 assault rifle visible to the naked eye.

The shadow reflected on the wall happened to be in the blind spot of Alsim's low-lying position, but Sulovechenko, who "has good vision when climbing up high", could just see it.

It was another coincidence. If Alsim hadn't thought of sending someone up to check the situation first, who knows what kind of tragedy would have happened after blindly crossing the bridge.

"what to do?"

This is the most difficult problem faced by Sulovechenko who is eager to get angry.

Even if you can use the position of the sun hanging in the sky at this time, combined with the angle and direction of the reflection, and based on the terrain in front of you, you can roughly deduce the location where the enemy is hiding and setting up an ambush.

But at most, it has figured out the problem, but it still does not help on how to solve the problem.

There was only one way through the collapsed stairwell, just a temporary wooden bridge built with a few broken wooden boards.

Obviously, this is the target of the enemy who set up an ambush on the opposite side. Regardless of whether they know the existence of these bastards or not, as long as they get on the bridge, they will inevitably encounter a premeditated and organized head-on attack. .

You really can't beat someone on a plank bridge like that. This is an indisputable fact that cannot be changed by one's subjective will, even if Alsim personally leads the team.

Jump directly down from the stands, although you can also cross the collapsed stairwell.

But even if you don't consider whether you are lame or not after jumping, what are you doing by climbing up one after another and then jumping down to join the battle? The calabash baby is more efficient at saving grandpa than you are by climbing up a ladder and then jumping down.

So this is not a conspiracy at all, but a naked conspiracy.

Even if the Russians know that I am ambushing you on the opposite side and waiting for you to get on the bridge, what will happen?

Aren’t you going to the rooftop of the Capitol? Aren’t you going to put up the flag? There is only one road, and you have to walk it if you don't want to, unless all of you Russians have wings and become birds and fly over.

It was precisely because he saw through this situation that he became anxious and anxious.

Sulovechenko, who was thinking about what to do over and over in his mind, even thought of backing out, going down to report the situation first, and discuss it with Alsim before talking about it. After all, if you really can't think of a solution, staying here any longer is a pointless waste of time.

But at the moment Sulovechenko came up with this idea, when he glanced at the reflections again, he noticed quite unexpectedly that the window next to the reflection was not completely covered with masonry and concrete. Instead, they simply covered it with a layer of wooden boards.

The sunlight from outside was shining directly into the room through the cracks in the wooden board, further proving that there was nothing behind the wooden board.

It didn't matter why the window was covered with wood instead of masonry and concrete.

It doesn't matter whether you, German guy, didn't finish it because you didn't have enough materials; or you just think that the place is almost full and there's no point in getting stuck to death. It doesn't matter.

The important thing is that this wooden board can be penetrated by bullets. A high-speed and powerful assault rifle can cause huge damage to it. It may even be broken directly by two more shuttles.

This important discovery was for Sulovechenko, who had already taken off the flare from his waist and placed it in front of his hand for use, and at the same time took off the AK from his back to prepare for shooting, and for the plan he was going to implement next. , that is enough.

There has been something going on at home these past two days, and I have been really busy. I originally wanted to add an update quickly to wrap up this plot, but I have been so busy with things that I have no time. Fortunately, the matter is almost settled.

In these two days, we should start to make more and faster progress. The battle at the Reichstag will be over soon, and the August Storm plot will soon begin. The Berlin military parade will be interspersed during the period, so stay tuned.

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