Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2948 Things are changing

There is an old saying that is actually true: it is best to be prepared to be beaten before hitting someone.

If you only think about beating others but don't learn how to take a beating, it will be very fatal when the fist hits the face.

Sulovechenko has not forgotten the "fresh hatred" plotted by the scumbags of the SS in the library to this day, and can even be said to be "still fresh in his memory".

Is there any reason why you can only allow your SS to plot against me, but not allow me to plot against your SS?

Even if it's a courtesy, it's time for you bastards to have a taste of being manipulated. If you don't give them a surprise, you won't be able to afford the "interest" you owe them. Now it's time to pay back all your capital with interest.

Sulovechenko, who had no time to say hello to Alsim, made up his mind to "kill first and then report later". It's not that he deliberately ignored the military regulations, but the fighter opportunity was fleeting. When you climb down the ladder to report, you can climb up again. I know what will happen when the time comes, and I might not be able to keep all the day lilies even cold.

First, he held the signal grenade that had been removed from his waist and prepared to throw it.

Combat engineer troops for various tactical needs, as the most elite heavy infantry company of the leader division, not only have a lot of infantry artillery and heavy firepower such as RPG, but also all kinds of weird tactical equipment. A lot.

The flare grenade, or hand-thrown flare, that Sulovchenko is holding in his hand at the moment is also one of them.

The reason for the development of this gadget was the original "hand-thrown smoke grenade to call for direct fire support within visual range" tactic of the infantry unit of the Leader Division. It shined brilliantly on the battlefield and achieved excellent results, and was very popular in front-line combat. The team received positive reviews and put forward some targeted improvement suggestions.

For example, can you change the color of the smoke?

After all, white smoke is not only used to call for fire support, it is also used when blocking the enemy's vision, charging in trenches and enemy positions, or covering retreat.

In this case, an accidental injury may occur. Whether the white smoke rising as far as the eye can see is for the tactical use of friendly forces, or whether it needs to hit the enemy's forehead with two cannons, it all depends on the heavy firepower used. experience and judgment of the armored fighting vehicle crew.

But experience and judgment itself are very vague things. Although the leader division is full of veterans and has many elites, you really can't expect the tank crews to make accurate judgments and make no mistakes every time.

On the contrary, a single mistake may result in a 152 or 122 grenade hitting the head of one's own ally and exploding in the crowd. It is not too much to say that it is not too much to take away one squad of friendly troops at a time. Avoiding such a low-probability serious accidental attack incident is obviously a top priority and must not be delayed.

As a result, a new type of hand-thrown signal flare with a dye added to the projectile charge came into being.

A very simple improvement is not complicated, and you don’t even need to inform the rear arsenal to arrange production. The comprehensive logistics support brigade under the leadership of Comrade Karamov, the "Ouchi Chief" of the leadership division, can put this thing for you in the frontline battlefield environment. Rub it out with your hands.

All you need to do is disassemble the original hand-thrown smoke bomb, add some dye to it, and reassemble it. It is simpler than the hand-rubbing reassembly work performed by Peshawar gunsmiths in the 21st century.

The brigade under Karamov is a powerful one, with a team of several thousand people standing there.

When there is no war, the young men do not have to deliver oil and ammunition to the front lines, so they have enough energy and free time to do this simple job. An experienced hand can teach you how to take it apart and put it back together, and if you become proficient in it, you can sit there cross-legged for an hour and rub a bunch of it out for you.

Therefore, this new type of colored smoke hand-thrown flare, which is a "hand-rubbed product", can indeed be said to have a large output. At least compared to the not-so-high demand of the leader, the hand-rubbed production capacity is not enough to meet combat needs. question.

And what Sulovchenko is holding at this moment is just this thing. What he plans to do with it is naturally obvious - what else can he do besides calling for artillery support?

Originally, if this thing was left indoors, it would be impossible to call for direct fire support.

But who made you, the German guy, go to such lengths to get a wooden board to block the window instead of concrete bricks for the window sill so close to you?

If you present your opportunity to the enemy and give it up, you won't be able to blame others when you are blasted away by a cannon. You can go to hell to regret your stupidity and incompetence.

Sulovechenko had estimated the distance well and had good control over his hand. He had no idea how many grenades he had thrown during the Great Patriotic War until now. He was convinced that he could throw this thing to that straight-line distance. In front of the window more than thirty meters away, lying down on the stand and throwing it down was as easy as catching it.

Soon after, Sulovechenko made up his mind and charged up, and then without saying a word, he threw a "brick flying" style hand throw on the spot.

The canister-shaped smoke grenade fired by the pull-tab rotated and rolled in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, it was thrown to the target location with a standard parabolic trajectory - that is, under the window sill, where the gang of cats were preparing to instigate people. In front of the SS.

Da da da da da da——

The sound of the signal bomb rolling to the ground has not yet subsided, and the red smoke has just sprayed out from the mouth of the can, but has not had time to spread.

Sulovechenko, who threw the thing in his hand without looking at the results, immediately raised his gun and shot, was already firing violently.

The fully automatic water-spraying 62mm rifle bullets struck immediately, hitting the wooden window panel and saw chips flying and crackling instantly. Sulovechenko, who was firing from a prone position, had no intention of saving bullets. He just held on to the trigger and just poured out bullets.


A shuttle of bullets was empty, and the sound of the firing pin hitting the air was heard immediately.

He picked up the fully loaded magazine that was lying aside and slammed it into the jam. He changed the magazine with one hand and pulled the charging handle to complete the loading movement smoothly. After the gunfire stopped for just two seconds, he raised the gun again and fired again.

How could the thin wooden board withstand such a downpour of firepower? The barrage of 62mm rifle bullets, known for its heavy warhead and high power, had almost completely destroyed the wooden window board after two rounds of 60 rounds of fierce fire. It is torn and riddled with holes and is about to break into pieces.

At the same time, a large amount of dazzling red smoke was ejected from the tank lying on the ground.

A gust of wind blew along the stairwell, and with the help of the wind, the light red smoke drifted directly out of the window along the nearly torn window board.

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