Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2949 Red Smoke! 203 Roar!

Red smoke suddenly began to emit from the central three-story area of ​​the Capitol. Such an eye-catching emergency immediately attracted the attention of the remaining troops at the foot of the Capitol and in King's Square who were preparing to face the enemy's desperate counterattack.

"Signal coming from the top of the Capitol, red smoke! Requesting direct artillery support!"


Such an unexpected situation almost immediately reached the ears of Malashenko, who was also commanding the battle in King's Square.

At the moment when the Capitol was about to be captured, a signal requesting direct artillery support suddenly came from the area near the roof. Not to mention that the people below did not dare to make independent opinions on such matters, they had to quickly seek instructions from the nearest comrade. Even Malashenko, who boasted that he had never experienced any big storms, cried out when he saw it.


The commander opened the periscope in his hand and saw with his own eyes the rising and floating red smoke from the top of the Capitol Building.

Various possibilities and problems flashed through his mind in an instant. Malashenko, who knew nothing about the specific situation in the building, had to make a decision quickly. Whether to fight or not depends entirely on the words of the division commander.

"Open fire, let 203 go! Let's try it out with a shot first!"

After experiencing various artillery attacks now, it has become obvious how ridiculous the defense of this thing in the Capitol is.

When the 122 cannon is fired, it will make a sound, and when the 152 cannon is fired, it will be a pit.

Directly using TOS-1's level of firepower can indeed solve the problem.

However, it may lead to excessive problem solving.

The explosive yield projected by a salvo is far greater than that of a TOS-1 of a 152 howitzer battalion. If a round of 310mm heavy rockets hits the top of the Capitol, Malashenko is really worried about bombing his own soldiers. Good or bad.

If a volley of fire really hit and buried elites like the Alsim Company, Malashenko, who felt furious in his heart, asked himself that he would have no place to cry at that time. The order was given by himself. At this time, you have to admit that it is too powerful, too saturated, and sometimes it is not entirely a good thing.

However, Malashenko is not helpless. The leader division now has another new equipment between 152 and 310 - the experimental ISU-203 self-propelled artillery.

This "super beast", which uses the IS7 body and chassis to carry the 203 giant gun, showed amazing power when it first appeared in the battle against the Capitol.

Those solid German bunkers and bunkers on the Königsplatz that had managed to survive being covered by direct artillery fire were all killed one by one by the direct and direct bombardment of this thing. Ascend to heaven.

The King Tigers and Jagdtiger parked at the foot of the Capitol building as fixed firepower points and bunkers, as well as the 88mm anti-aircraft guns and Long 88 anti-tank guns with fixed mounts, have not tried to attack such a tall and powerful weapon. Breaking through the boundaries, the "Russian behemoth" of IS7 fired fiercely to destroy it.

Of course, the results were unexpected.

Even the most powerful and deep-penetrating Jagdtiger 128 cannon hit the target with a heavy blow, which is nothing more than a crisp sound from the ISU-203 and a shallow crater in the main armor belt. At best, that's it. until.

On the other hand, the ISU-203, which seemed to be offended, then turned its gun and fired a retaliatory counterattack, but without any suspense, it only took one shot to kill a 70-ton monster as powerful as a hunting tiger on the spot. Restore to factory settings parts.

Are you kidding me? That's 203 fucking guns! It is a 203mm heavy cruiser-level direct fire attack.

Not to mention hunting tigers, even if your German guy drives a mouse over, it will be blown up to death on the spot and you will never be left with hemiplegia.

Not only the various armored vehicles and fortification bunkers at the foot of the Capitol, but also the sealed door of the Capitol, which was reinforced with various obstacles, masonry and concrete, was also unceremoniously "Slavic-style knocking" by ISU-203. Just smash it open.

There is no doubt that this huge and intimidating self-propelled artillery is the undoubted absolute conqueror on the King's Square at this moment. It is the "Soviet mechanical brother" who can make the enemy's liver and gallbladder split and be humanely destroyed with the sound of the gun. Sla".

And now, under direct orders from Malashenko.

Several ISU-203 vehicles that planned to go to the northern defense zone to meet the enemy immediately followed the order to brake and stop, and began to adjust the muzzle pointing within the allowed range of the left and right firing range, and the giant muzzle brake of the same configuration as the IS7 The weapon immediately aimed at the target.

"Concrete destruction bomb! Quick! Load it immediately!"

It was originally designed to demolish various front-line solid and permanent defenses. It is a matter of course that the B-4 203mm howitzer is equipped with concrete destruction bombs. Now it is just the ISU-203 equipped with the same main gun. Following the Red Army's consistent "use principle", it can be directly inserted into the car and used.

The upper fighting room, which is extra lengthened and extends to the rear of the vehicle body, has an unprecedentedly large volume space among all armored combat vehicles of the Red Army. It's big enough to accommodate the 203 giant gun and leave enough breech recoil distance, and then a semi-automatic loader with the same design as the IS7 but larger size can be stuffed into the rear of the fighting room.

The larger size is true, but the larger shells are also true.

The semi-automatic loader of the IS7 can hold up to 6 rounds of reserve ammunition and 1 round of ready-to-fire ammunition, a total of 7 rounds; but in the ISU-203, sorry, 4 rounds of reserve ammunition and 1 round on the loading slide There are only 5 rounds of ammunition to be fired in total.

Following the commander's order, the two strong loaders immediately began their respective tasks, operating the loaders on their respective sides to transport the warheads and propellant cartridges onto the loading slide and align them one after another. Hold the "T" shaped ejector rod together and push forward together with the breech block.



"Loading complete!"

The breech block was closed and a shout rang out. The gunner, who had already pointed the black hole of the muzzle at the target, made a quick decision and pulled the firing lever next to the breech block to the end.


The steel behemoth with a total combat weight of more than 70 tons sprayed explosive flames, and suddenly reversed due to the huge uncontrollable recoil force, while the powerful and heavy giant projectile broke free from the muzzle and headed straight for the target.

At the same time, at the target location where the artillery shells were about to arrive, the SS, who not only did not run away, but dared to fight back against Sulovechenko, still knew nothing about the impending destruction.

Da da da da——

Chug tug tug——


The roar of gunfire was like fried beans, accompanied by the ricocheting sound of bullets flying everywhere. Sulovechenko, whose position was exposed due to the sudden firing, was pressed tightly against the edge of the stand. Even if he moved slightly under the intensive firepower, he was facing If he moved even a little bit, he would most likely be killed instantly.

"Damn it! I can't control that much anymore, rush with me in class one! Cross the bridge immediately!"

Alsim, who was anxious to get angry, could only stare. Due to the blind spot in his field of vision, Alsim could only hear gunfire and could not hit the enemy. In desperation, Alsim was planning to lead the commando across the bridge to attack the Nazi thugs. .

But he never thought that a powerful and heavy iron lump would be one step ahead of him, and it had already arrived with a bang.

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