Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2953 Hunter and Prey

Alsim could have imagined what the madman had just done to himself.

No matter how unexpected or unexpected it was, anyone could guess what was punched into the neck with his own hands at this time. It definitely couldn't be some sugar water or iced black tea.

The transparent colorless liquid in the syringe is definitely inseparable from the bastard's current excitement and crazy eyes.

Alsim does not regret what he said about "not stopping his opponent just now." It is true that this bastard is extremely cruel and has no bottom line. The only outcome left for him is death. This is true.

But Alsim, who had his own obstacles in his heart, understood clearly that if he could kill this bastard with his own hands, it would undoubtedly be the best explanation for him.

Any enemy can use a gun to solve the battle, but only he

Only for this guy, Alsim desperately hoped to remove the bastard's head alive and do it with his own hands. The old and new grudges were settled in one lump sum with interest, and killing him with a bullet would only be an advantage.

The blood flowing down the trouser legs continued to drip. The thing injected into the body obviously did not have the function of stopping bleeding.

But there is no doubt that Alsim is convinced that this madman is completely different from his previous state.

The blood circulation accelerated due to the fierce fighting, and the thing inserted into the neck was carried throughout the body in a short period of time.

The "drug effect speed" visible to the naked eye has almost erased all the pain and cut off the pain nerves. The bloodshot eyes in the eyes are even more dense, and the mouth is wide open with a hysterical expression, like a hungry animal that has just been released from a cage. Breathing heavily like a ferocious beast.



Alsim, who was putting on a posture, knew that the final moment was approaching. He had seen with his own eyes how crazy the ordinary SS soldiers downstairs and upstairs became after taking drugs. He knew with his mind what the bastard in front of him would do next. What has become.

"Are you ready? I'm coming!"

! ! !


The legs soaked in blood were like cannonballs fired by propellant, running wildly at a speed far exceeding the speed they had just fought.

The heavy knife slashing diagonally upward from top to bottom and from left to right became even more powerful and heavy. Even though Alsim had already set up his posture and steadily parried with the blade against the blade, the powerful impact accompanied by the violent burst of sparks was still Let Alsim retreat continuously.


"What's wrong!? Show your true ability! Now it's really a matter of life and death!"


A slash with his backhand was barely able to block and parry, and the straight-line surge in strength was very obvious, as if he were on a rocket. Alsim, who was still not at a disadvantage, finally understood what was going on after these two short exchanges. what's going on.

What was in the syringe was not a "superhuman drug", nor was it a strengthening potion that could tap potential and raise the upper limit.

Heisenberg now feels almost exactly the same as when he first fought against him. At that time, he was full of physical strength and energy, and there was no trace of bleeding or injury on his body. However, the thing he had just penetrated into his body only made him instantly I have regained this state, that's all.

The price is his dog's life, which is burning and passing away at an accelerating rate.

Things that essentially have no hemostatic effect can neither repair injuries nor stop bleeding. More intense close combat will only speed up blood circulation and tear wounds, causing further accelerated blood loss.



The blades continued to collide violently, sputtering out dazzling and hot sparks.

The movements of attack and defense have never stopped, and Alsim already knows what he should do.

In the Siberian forest very far away from Berlin, Alsim, who carried a hunting gun and a hunting knife at his waist, received a "hunting truth" from his father since he was a boy.

"The more ferocious the beast, the less likely it is to fight head-on with it. Don't always expect to kill it instantly with one fatal blow."

"Injure it, make it bleed, and make it move as hard as you can. The more ferocious and crazy the beast is, the faster it will die. Use your brain to make a plan to your advantage. The beast is a hysterical lunatic, but you are not. It is the best for hunting. The weapon is not the knife or gun in your hand, but your brain."


The sound of the blade cutting into the thigh echoed in his ears.


The sound of the hunting knife tearing through the muscle of the tense arm echoed in my ears.

An unprecedented madness, and a moment of calmness.

Under the influence of the powerful madness, the beast-like Heisenberg almost lost his mind and waved the powerful and heavy knife in his hand with all his strength, making fatal moves. Any knife that could hit the vital point would be fatal. It can cut flesh and bones, and kill any enemy on the spot, even the "Slavic Superman" is no exception.

Alsim, who always remained calm and rational, dodged and parried the heavy and deadly blade one after another, and launched a counterattack amidst the blocking and rebounding.

If you can hit, you will hit, if you don't hit, you will retreat, never be reluctant and never greedy for the knife.

There have been more than a dozen rounds where the blades have collided, but there has never been a proactive attack.

Concentrating all his attention, spirit and strength on the anti-flash counterattack, Alsim, who had reached this point in the battle, still held the hunting knife tightly with full concentration, and the mist-like cold blade was already soaked with blood.


"You can't kill me! I'm the same kind! Now I understand everything! I'm here just to take your life! You will definitely die!"


There is no need to respond to the dying person.

Until the blade once again cut through the biceps on his arm, he was keenly aware that his opponent's movements were visibly slowing down. Alsim, knowing that the time had come, seized the opportunity and dropped the knife, followed by a A sharp kick to the side of the foot.

The dilapidated body, which was covered with wounds all over and had been in a frenzied attack, could not withstand it. The lower abdomen, which had lost the protection of the bulletproof steel plate, was kicked hard by this solid kick, and the blood-soaked body was driven towards the body on the spot. Then flew out.



Looking at the bastard who was kicked several meters away by him and rolled to the ground again, but still trying to force himself to stand up again, Alsim, who was holding a knife in his hand, had nothing to say and looked even colder. To the extreme, there was no need to say anything and he took the bloody blade in his hand and walked forward.

"You're finally going to take action and it's over like this?"

The final end is only a few steps away, and it seems that everything will come to an end here.

But the lunatic, who was bleeding from open wounds all over his body, didn't intend to give up even at this point.

He grasped the final distance and suddenly exerted force with his sweeping leg, knocking over the pile of wooden boards leaning against the wall with one blow.

It can be guessed that a perverted demon who is so crazy has no reason to give up and wait for death, at least until he is fatally injured. Alsim, who had quick reactions and movements, dodged in the blink of an eye. He leaned back to evade and raised the hunting knife in his hand. He swatted away the pile of wooden planks coming towards him, preparing to block the expected attack. Attack again.

Even though Alsim had seen every move and guessed every move of his opponent as if he were facing an open book, he was not expecting the next scene.

That Sokka thing actually fucking ran away! Taking advantage of the falling board to restrain himself, he jumped up and ran away like a frightened rabbit.

"Damn it Sokka!"

He pulled out the sawed-off spray gun from his waist, raised his hand and immediately pulled the trigger, but in the end he was a little too late.

The powerful Magnum rifle bullet shattered the wall at the corner of the corridor with one blow, sending debris flying everywhere, but it failed to catch up with the drugged madman's desperate running footsteps, leaving behind a series of running footsteps like a typewriter. Echoing Corridor.

At this point, Alsim, who had no reason to give up, said nothing, picked up the short spray and hunting knife in his hands, and started chasing with dual weapons.

The narrow corridor with twists and turns made Alsim, who was following his footsteps, want to scold him. Who knows what the hell your German designer was planning to build this broken building into like a maze. Fortunately, the ground floor The continuous dripping of blood and the sound of footsteps in front of him still prevent him from losing track of his target.

Alsim, who was running wildly like he was chasing seriously injured prey in the forest when he was young, swore that he would kill this bastard with his own hands today and fight to the death.

After running all the way, I don't know how many turns and how many seconds had passed when a voice that Alsim was very familiar with suddenly came from the top of his head.

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