Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2954 He can handle it



Arsim, who was stopped by a shout from above his head, suddenly raised his head and looked up, suddenly discovered that Sulovechenko, who had not been separated for a long time, was leading his men at this moment. A group of brothers were looking down at themselves in another corridor above.

Sulovechenko stood on the edge of the stone guardrail and looked down. Alsim below raised his head with a weapon in each hand and looked up following the sound. The two looked at each other immediately. Looking at each other for a second.

"It's up to you how you led people through. I don't have time to talk about this."

Realizing that now was not the time to ask questions, Alsim had important things to do. He quickly ran through the current situation in his mind and spoke immediately.

"Leave me alone! I can handle it here! Take people to plant the flag on the roof of the building. The mission is important! I'll meet you up there!"

The guardrail where Sulovechenko was lying on his stomach was more than five meters high from the corridor below where Alsim was now.

It was the kind of height where there was no need for people to jump down, and it was difficult for Alsim to climb up.

There is no need to waste precious time at this time, at least Alsim, as the military commander of the company, thinks so and orders it.

He glanced at the road ahead leading to the roof of the Capitol, then looked back again with some reluctance and worry. He glanced at Alsim directly below. Sulovechenko, who knew he had no time to waste, did not stop. Do more hesitation.

"Be careful, see you on the roof! If you don't come, I'll never be done with you!"


Alsim smiled understandingly at Sulovechenko's "care and love" and turned around to leave. He continued to pick up the weapon in his hand and planned to pursue him along the blood trail.

But at this moment when he was about to embark on the pursuit again, Sulovechenko above him quietly spoke again and followed the movements of his hands.

"Take this! Go on!"


Before the words on the edge of the guardrail above had finished, Alsim had just turned around after hearing the sound, and an AK with its own magazine was accurately thrown in front of him by Sulovechenko's hand.


Raising his hand, he firmly caught the AK thrown by his good brother. Alsim, who had obtained the main weapon again, waved the spear in his hand to signal, and in the end, only the shot was left for Sulovechenko above. The figure running away.

"What to do? Change the plan?"

One of his platoon commanders approached and asked. Sulovechenko, who had reason to believe that Alsim could fulfill his promise, immediately assumed the duties of company commander and gave the order.

"Keep moving forward, he will catch up. The one who can kill him hasn't burst out of his mother's womb yet."

"But, isn't there any danger? I mean that SS maniac."

Because he was so crazy and crazy, the soldiers who met Heisenberg had become accustomed to calling him an "SS maniac." This bastard who came straight to Comrade Company Commander was so dangerous that even comrades who were quite confident in their own Company Commander's "Slavic Superman" abilities could not help but worry about Comrade Company Commander's life safety.

"Don't you see? He is chasing something. The long line of blood on the ground and the red knife in his hand are enough to explain the problem. The advantage lies with our company commander, comrade. Just believe in him. He can Done!”

When Sulovechenko also led the team to set off again, embarking on the final road to the top of the Capitol Building.

Alsim, who was holding the newly acquired AK tightly and moving slowly along the narrow corridor dripping with blood, had a premonition that he was very close to the target.

His keen intuition and the increasingly strong smell of blood in the air told Alsim that the bastard covered in wounds would never be too far away from him now. Alsim, who was born as an Orion hunter and grew up struggling on the line between life and death as a boy, is convinced that his intuition and judgment will not be wrong, whether in the past, present or future.


The increasingly dense dripping blood stains on the ground silently told the story of the slowdown and exhaustion of the prey's escape speed. Judging from the amount of bleeding along the way, Alsim, who was still not injured enough to die, still did not take it lightly and held it tightly between his index fingers. The cocked trigger can fire at any time with just a little force.

Following the increasingly dense blood dots on the ground, he came to a room at the end of the corridor and at the corner. He walked unhurriedly with his AK in front and pressed against the wall. Once he was ready, he dodged at an explosive speed. Alsim, who rushed into it and saw no one but only things, frowned on the spot.

"Damn it."

Probably knowing that the bleeding wound on his body would be exposed, Heisenberg rushed all the way here. After convinced that he should temporarily distance himself and gain a little breathing time, he came here. Emergency treatment of the wound was carried out in a small room.

The marks on the wounds treated at the scene were very rough. It was obviously not professional field medical rescue with help from others. Alsim was more than 90% sure that the wounds were bandaged by himself.

A few rags torn from clothes were left hastily on the ground, and there were rags torn from furniture nearby to wipe the blood stains.

The blood was still very fresh, so fresh that the consistency when touched was as if it had just flowed out of the blood vessels. Alsim, who had been around blood all year round, could easily judge the time span.

The polished syringe lying between several bloody rags was even more ominous. Alsim, who had just seen this thing with his own eyes not long ago, knew exactly what it meant to have it lying here.

The intense pain from the flesh-cutting and muscle-breaking of the perverted demon's body has been exaggerated to the point where it can't be stopped even if one of these things is inserted into it. Even the remaining pain nerves are strong enough to affect its actions.

The surrounding area is sealed and has no windows. There is only a small room that looks like it was originally a lounge. In other words, there were windows originally, but now they have been blocked by the Nazi engineers with bricks and concrete reinforcements. This is unnecessary. Doubts cut off Heisenberg's possibility and escape route by jumping out of the window.

Alsim, who followed the trail relentlessly, was sure that the bastard who had bandaged his wounds would not have the extra time to turn back and find an opportunity to slip away from him and escape.

In this case, there is only one answer left.

Walking out of the room and looking at the only path leading to the top of the Capitol Building, Alsim knew what kind of moment he was about to witness next - that would be the red flag flying high on the top of the Capitol Building and dancing side by side with blood splattered three feet high.

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