Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2959 Red Sky

With Zhukov's order, the sky above the entire city of Berlin, as well as all the frontline field airports on the outskirts of the city, boiled like dumplings being dropped into a pot on New Year's Eve.

"The mission is to support the airspace near the Capitol and conduct close-in ground attacks! Let's go! Emergency boarding!"

"Hang on whatever you have, bombs, rockets, anything! Call all the ground crew over here, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Don't park the gas truck on the runway, Sukka! Just drive this thing away!"

Those Red Army pilots who had just returned from Berlin became the first batch of "forced overtime" targets, and the ground staff who served their War Eagles were also busy.

The pilots, who had just opened the cockpit glass cover and had just gotten off the fighter plane, had not had time to take a breath before they were gathered on the spot by the runway by the commander comrades holding notepads and task boards.

There are no overly complicated task details, and there is only one thing that needs to be done from beginning to end.

Fly the plane into the airspace of the Capitol Building at low altitude, paying attention to controlling the altitude to avoid becoming the target of the other two air defense towers.

Throw bullets, artillery shells, iron bombs, rockets, and all launchable airborne weapons on top of the Nazis' heads. If possible, use up all the airborne ammunition before returning.

The pilots gathered together and rested on the edge of the runway to receive combat missions; while on the other side of the runway, the various types of fighter planes that had just landed were surrounded by a huge number of ground crews. Rockets, he stuffed iron bombs into the belly bomb bay, and another group of people refueled the fighter plane at the same time.

"The situation and mission are clear! Support the Leader's Division and hold on to our victory flag! Let the Nazis see the power of the Soviet Eagle!"

"Let's go! Comrades! Victory already belongs to us, now let us carry out this great victory to the end!"



Picking up the water bottle that had been brought to the edge of the runway in advance, taking two sips and throwing it away, a group of "Slavic flying machos" who were tall and thick-set immediately turned around and headed back and forth, running wildly towards the War Eagle they had just left not long ago. Ready for liftoff.

"Feed the Nasui more caviar! Treat them to their fill!"

The ground staff who were busy with their hands and feet evacuated as the pilot boarded the plane. The aircraft cannons in the wings, the aviation rockets under the wings, and the iron bombs in the belly bomb bay were all fully loaded. The last thumb movements of the pilots before pulling up the cockpit cover showed the most solid commitment to the "ardent hope" of the ground crew comrades.

One after another, the latest Ilyushin-10 attack aircraft began to taxi intensively along the runway and took off continuously. After climbing, they gathered the fleet and pushed the throttles hard, turning around and rushing straight over Berlin, which was just around the corner.

At the same time, in the airspace of the Capitol and over the King's Square, the tactical fleet that rushed in after the surrounding airspace change mission had already joined the battlefield. The IL-2 attack planes and La-7 fighter jets that were flying up and down were weaving death for the Nazis on the ground with the most intensive firepower.

Da da da da——

Dong dong dong dong——

Boo hoo hoo——


Without the interference of the Nazi air force, which has almost become a thing of the past, the Red Army aviation tactical fleet, which rushed in from all directions for emergency reinforcements, has now reached the point where it has no scruples and can kill the Nazis as efficiently as possible.

The intensive firing of various aviation weapons fell from the sky like a rain of fire. Every Nazi soldier who was in the King's Square area at this moment could never escape the coming of death. The madness of flesh and blood was so intense at this moment. Ridiculously powerless.


A low-altitude La-7 fighter jet pointed its nose and opened fire suddenly. Two red 20mm Schwack cannon barrages came like a lawn mower.

The SS infantrymen on the ground who were still trying to attack were unable to dodge. Two barrages plowed through the ground and immediately a cloud of blood mist surged up.

Screaming and wailing, I felt the red war eagle whizzing across the ultra-low-altitude airspace less than 20 meters above my scalp after a series of killings. My vision, hearing, and whole head were filled with the Red Army aviation. It is full and full but not enough.

Boo hoo hoo——

Good luck never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. Following the departure of the La-7 fighter jet, the Il-2 attack aircraft entering from the same attack channel followed closely.

A series of 132mm aviation rockets that were almost shocking, exploded in all directions with a terrifying and shrill scream.

The SS soldiers who were swept to pieces and wailing everywhere had not had time to take a breath. Even the seriously injured SS soldiers who had their arms and legs blown off and blood gushing out didn't even have enough time to die quickly.

Violent explosions and impacts swept through again. The high-temperature and high-speed fragments larger than a slap split the head in half, flying the head with the helmet directly from the neck, and smashed the collapsed SS soldiers screaming and running away from behind. Cut it in half.

Explosives and chemical energy shocks are not the main anti-personnel killing methods, but high-temperature, high-speed and huge amounts of scattered warhead fragments are.

Being mowed by fighter jets and attack planes in turn wasn't enough. Soon, the surviving Nazis also became targets. The fate of the armored units was not much better than that of the infantry units.

The influx of aerial rockets broke the King Tiger's tracks and damaged the walking mechanism.

The four 50-kilogram sweet potatoes that were thrown out of the bomb bay during a low-altitude dive were directly thrown into the King Tiger's face in bunches and exploded instantly.

A series of loud explosions turned into funeral bells. When the dust settled, the Tiger King, which had begun to spit fire from its buttocks and smoke from its turret, was completely turned into a living coffin, leaving behind the seriously injured SS who were blown up and suffered concussions. The armored soldiers are still using their last strength to try to survive.

"Help--someone come to save me, please give me a hand."

The seriously injured commander really didn't have the strength to jump out of the car on his own. He was like a half-fan of pork hanging on the butcher shop in the early morning market. His upper body was hanging on the edge of the turret, and his lower body was still stuck in the car and was being roasted by the fire. Unable to move.

No one responded to the young coach captain’s call for help. The huge truths such as “A mud Buddha cannot save himself when crossing a river” and “A dead Taoist friend will not die but a poor Taoist” were vividly reflected at this moment.

The fleeing infantrymen were already too busy to take care of themselves under various aviation attacks. How could they have the time and thought to take care of a few half-dead armored soldiers being roasted?



The commander, whose voice was distorted intermittently, could no longer hold back. The pain of being roasted alive became the last straw that overwhelmed his will.

While there was still strength in his hand, he raised the gun and pointed it at his temple. He pulled the trigger and a gunshot sounded. The whole world was cleared, leaving only a medium-rare corpse still on the "Tiger King Grill". "The oil continued to sizzle.

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