Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2960 A worthy death

The Battle of Berlin has advanced to this point. Except for the two remaining huge G-type air defense towers, almost all organized air defense positions in the city have collapsed.

There were countless wrecks of destroyed anti-aircraft guns on the burning and broken streets of Berlin. Even the Königsplatz at the foot of the Reichstag was littered with visible scraps of 88-gun guns, with even the gun barrels twisted and deformed.

The German troops defending the city converted almost all available artillery, including all anti-aircraft guns, into flat-firing and deployed them in streets, alleys and construction fortifications to strengthen ground firepower.

In contrast, the Germans must bear the consequences of diverting anti-aircraft firepower for other purposes.

You have to walk your own path and make your own choices.

Being blown up by an air strike into such a helpless state is the result of "what you sow will reap what you sow and reap what you sow".

After all, in the expected city defense plan, the Z area, which has the most stringent air defense and is firmly protected by three G-type air defense towers, is almost impossible to suffer large-scale air raid damage.

Those large-caliber anti-aircraft guns that climb high to see far and are deployed on the top of G-type air defense towers, thus extending their range, can drive away incoming aircraft groups from a long distance and disrupt any organized large-scale air raids.

However, the current timeline does not follow the way in the existing history. Malashenko, who does not follow the rules and does not play his cards according to routines, launched the "Red Stalingrad" in advance and air-defended the zoo. The ball flew straight into the sky and flew away from the spot.

Not only did the "invincible tower" boasted by the Nazis turn into a pile of blazing ruins, it also slapped the Nazis in the face in front of everyone in Berlin and exposed the Nazis' lies. The Nazi leaders, who were in constant panic, encountered a huge crisis of trust and an unprecedented political disaster, which directly laid the foundation and paved the way for the subsequent "air broadcast-style forced surrender".

More importantly, Zone Z, which was historically an "aircraft restricted area" during the Battle of Berlin, also collapsed due to the collapse of one corner of the G-type air defense tower iron triangle, causing the entire air defense circle to completely collapse.

Following this "wide open" air defense loophole, not only were the British heavy bombers able to take advantage of the opportunity to attack at night and carry out close bombings, but fortunately, it was logically written in the history books that "led the British Royal Air Force to attack the core area of ​​Berlin" Launching a major bombing and hitting the Nazis hard will directly affect the direction of the Battle of Berlin." This kind of criticism puts gold on his face.

The Red Army's tactical aviation unit was also able to successfully enter the sky above Z area, using small tactical aircraft with dexterity and excellent low-altitude performance to make ultra-low-altitude penetrations, further penetrate into the Z area airspace, and thereby shield the other two air defense towers from possible "attacks". have a finger in the pie".

Fighters and attack planes are not as powerful as large bombers, but that does not mean that they cause less casualties and terror to the Nazis.

On the contrary, compared to the bomber formation bombardment that rains iron bombs from the sky, the close air support that scatters death and destruction together with the roaring sound directly on the enemy's forehead at ultra-low altitude has a greater impact on morale and will. Far bigger than swarms of bombers.

I saw with my own eyes that the comrades around me were torn to pieces by aircraft cannons, had their heads chopped off by fragments of aircraft bombs, and were blown up by a direct rocket attack until not even a speck of ash was left.

And the initiators of all this, those "fierce gods in the sky" are still circling and whistling like vultures above your head, preparing to continue to launch the next round of attacks in the same way, while constantly copying and pasting scenes like this.

There are not many people who can withstand this devastating mental pressure, but at least the vast majority of people can't do it, let alone the Nazi SS soldiers who are now full of strong men and brats running around.

"Run! Run away! The Russians will kill us all! Run!"

The strong men in the front were shouting and running back, while the SS men in the rear raised their pistols and pressed forward.

"No retreat! Attack! This is the will of the head of state, no one can violate it——"


"Bomb! Get down!!!"


After a loud noise, the young man who escaped, together with the SS officer who was supervising the battle and not allowing the young man to escape, and the dozen or so SS soldiers who were surrounding him as a supervising team member, were all struck by the fierce impact of this 100-kilogram aerial bomb. Under the blast, it turned into powder and flew up to the sky.

When similar scenes continue to happen over and over again.

Gradually, collapse and failure spread like a plague, spreading as fast as wildfire.

After being bombed and swept to the point where they couldn't even find a foothold, it is obviously extremely unrealistic to talk about continuing to kill people and continue "Naotian Linggai vs. Russian mace". Even the SS supervisors themselves, who raised their guns and screamed, could hardly save their lives now, not to mention the strong men and brats with almost zero military literacy.

Even though the situation has become so tragic, Nazu's nightmare continues to deepen.

Huge numbers of Red Army fighter planes coming from all directions are still entering the battle. A group of tactical planes that have run out of ammunition and is about to run out of fuel have just retreated. Another group of tactical planes that are full of fuel and ammunition will take over and immediately take over. Make up for the shortfall in numbers on the field, and continue to implement "humane destruction" of Nazi bugs on the ground.

This kind of process goes on and on, with one group leaving and another immediately replacing them. Not to mention the replacement, they even have to squeeze in a few more aircraft from the attack channel, even if they make a wave and then leave. It's not impossible. It's not impossible to kill at least a few or a dozen Nazu.

Why not hover in the airspace and move on to the next round of attacks?

Because there are no more vacancies in the airspace, all the circling channels and attack channels are almost occupied. The density of fighter planes in the airspace above Königsplatz at this time has been pulled to the level of the entire Berlin Battle, no, it should be said that since 1945, even This is the highest peak since the Red Army entered the strategic counteroffensive in 1943, which is enough to be recorded in history.

The SS, which had almost completely lost its air defense capabilities, left a negative and significant lesson in human military history, called "What will happen if an offensive force of division and brigade size is assembled when both air supremacy and air defense capabilities are lost at the same time?" End".

To be able to leave such an important meaning to all mankind can indeed be regarded as a death well deserved and not in vain.

The tactical aircraft units in the entire King's Square airspace are gathering more and more, and finally there are so many newly arrived fleets waiting to enter and kill, they have begun to organize temporary formations to patrol the airspace around King's Square and wait for opportunities to cut in.

On the other hand, the "lucky pilots" who were killing people in the airspace of King's Square have reached the point where they "will never leave until they shoot the last bullet at the Nazi bugs." If you want to say this is "reluctant to leave," then It's true, you can say that.

The red victory flag fluttered in the wind at the top of the Capitol, and the peeing Nazis fled in all directions under the Capitol.

He has never seen so many fighter planes appear in the same battlefield airspace with such density and bombard the ground. Alsim, who was dumbfounded by the victory flag on the roof of the building, first blinked and then shook his head vigorously. After confirming that he really wasn't hallucinating, he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Comrade Commander, are you calling all the flying things around Berlin? There are more birds than I saw in the Siberian forest."

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