Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2968 This is not a negotiation, but a trial

"Comrade Commander, how do you think this should be handled?"


Malashenko, who was helping to move the table, heard someone calling him from behind. He happened to have already carried the things to the place. He then asked the soldier who was moving the table with him to put them down. After finishing the work, he quietly turned around and freed his hands. Look back.

"What the hell is this? Who wants you to do this?"

As the saying goes, "It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it."

It was a good thing that Malashenko didn't look back. He turned around and saw directly in the hands of the young staff officer, holding two small flags with bases in his left and right hands - the left one was from the Soviet Union, and the right one was from the Soviet Union. Well, of course it is the culling flag of your Three Virtues.

Faced with the slightly harsh question from the comrade of the division commander, the young staff officer seemed a little panicked for a moment.

After all, anyone who has served in the leadership division for a period of time will know that the division commander is the kind of person who "usually smiles and doesn't get angry easily." Once the division commander becomes unhappy or gets angry, it means the situation is serious.

"Aren't we setting up the negotiation venue? Comrade Division Commander. I once read that the negotiation venue should have the national flags of both parties, so I thought about it and prepared it in advance."


Yes, this is another "typical example" of doing unnecessary things with good intentions.

After hearing what the young staff officer said, Malashenko did not intend to pursue it too much. It is understandable that good intentions fail to accomplish good things. There is no need to go too deep into it, but there are rights and wrongs in it. It is still necessary to explain clearly to the parties involved.

"To put it in layman's terms, this is indeed a negotiation, but in fact we all know that these evil demons have reached the end of their rope. There are two roads before them: first, lay down their weapons and surrender unconditionally immediately; second, fight to the end and be The Red Army was in ruins."

He took the Nazi flag from the hands of the young staff officer, threw it on the ground, then raised his size 47 oversized military boots and stepped on it, trampling on it. Comrade Division Commander, this time The meaning of the behavior cannot be more clear.

"It is neither necessary nor possible for us to raise the flag of fair negotiation for the anti-human elements who have harmed our motherland and countless compatriots."

"Give him face, this can be said to be a negotiation venue; if he gives face, then this is the court of justice for their numerous evil deeds, and it is the final judgment for these unscrupulous executioners. land."

"This bunch of indifferent scum must be made aware of their situation, and we must not leave them even the slightest space to create illusions. To dispel their idea of ​​making conditional demands, we must let the Nazis know that failure to surrender unconditionally will lead to death. One thing, there is no need to put up this bullshit flag! This thing that is dirty even if you throw it in the toilet should be thrown back into the trash."

Before he finished speaking, he scraped against the floor and kicked his leg. The Nazi flag that was trampled under his feet was directly connected with the base of the flagpole and flew away with his kick. The ball flew straight into the trash can in the corner. It was like finally going home. Back to where it belongs.

"Attention all comrades! There is no need to place any Nazi-related signs, symbols, or flags in the venue. Remember this! These unscrupulous bastards are here to repent, apologize, and surrender to us! I am very They are welcome to refuse to do this, because this means that they are seeking death! The leader will unleash a thousand times of vengeful fury to destroy all the nemesis, no one will be left!"

"The Red Army is the winner, and the land under our feet is our territory! If those Nazis are unwilling to admit it, then let the bayonets on the tanks, artillery, and assault rifles make them admit it. Show the attitude that a winner should have , let those anti-human bastards with shit in their heads know: What you can’t get on the battlefield, you can never get at the negotiation table!”

"Long live the motherland! Long live the Red Army!! Ula!!!"


A well-arranged venue was transformed into a huge morale-boosting impromptu speech by Malashenko in a few words.

That is to say, if Comrade Political Commissar is not here and Comrade Political Commissar is here to listen and watch, then he must say with admiration, "No one knows morale speeches better than Malashenko."

There was a burst of cheers for the brief impromptu speech of the comrade. After listening to the speech of the comrade, the comrades who felt more energetic at work continued to speed up the arrangement of this important meeting site that was about to be opened and would be recorded in history.

Malashenko, who took the lead for his comrades, was not idle either. In addition to directing the layout of the venue, he also personally helped move things and organize the scene whenever he had time.

That is to say, when Malashenko picked up a rag and wiped the dust in his hands, looked around the venue that was almost ready, wondering what details were still missing and needed to be supplemented and sorted out, a man came over in a hurry. The communications staff officer had already arrived in front of Malashenko and spoke repeatedly.

"Comrade Division Commander, Comrade Marshal Zhukov's motorcade has arrived! It's just outside the venue!"

"What!? So fast???"

You must know that the day-long fierce battle has ended and night has ushered in. It has only been just over an hour since Malashenko hung up the phone call with Zhukov.

Calculate the straight-line distance between the front headquarters deployed on the outskirts of Berlin and the forward division headquarters, and also consider that the city of Berlin, which has been fiercely fought for many days, is already in ruins, with debris everywhere. Roads from all angles and in all senses It is difficult to walk, and there is even a situation where there is no way out.

Malashenko can basically conclude that Zhukov probably just hung up the phone and immediately set off towards his division headquarters.

But Comrade Lao Zhu didn't say on the phone that he was so anxious to come or use this venue?

If you are really in a hurry, why don't you give yourself some advice? Don't delay important things.

Unless there is some unexpected situation that causes Zhukov to temporarily change his plan and set off for his side immediately.

After much deliberation, he could not think of any other possible answers. He shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it. Knowing that time was running out, Malashenko immediately put down the rag he was wiping his hands with and called to the staff officer who came to report the news. Lead the way and set off immediately.

"Let's go pick up Comrade Marshal."

Just two minutes later, when Malashenko walked out of the building and saw the crowd of people who had just stepped off the motorcade, the familiar face at the head was already smiling at him and speaking cheerfully.

"The spring breeze has spread the name of the hero to every corner of the motherland. Congratulations to you! Comrade Malashenko! All the officers and men of the First Belarusian Front are proud of you!"

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