Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2969 Another victory flag

The people who can accompany Zhukov are all people with "head, face and cards" in the literal sense.

There are more general stars on the shoulders of such a large group of people than the stars in the sky that can be seen if you look up right now. Just one star on our shoulders, Comrade Ma, is not worth placing among this crowd of people. Just an insignificant and inconspicuous one.

Although Malashenko thought so, other comrades present did not think so.

To be precise, a large number of generals and senior officials present, including Zhukov, all regarded Malashenko as the absolute and only protagonist without exception.

Zhukov personally took the lead in sending congratulations and a big bear hug, followed closely by the deputy commander and political commissar of the front army, and then a large number of generals whom they knew and did not know came forward to salute and shake hands, and responded enthusiastically. Heartfelt congratulations.

There is a saying, Comrade Ma boasts that he has seen many big scenes, but scenes like this are really unheard of and unprecedented.

Being regarded as the absolute protagonist by so many generals, they came forward to salute and congratulate one after another. This was Comrade Ma's "big girl getting on the sedan chair", and Malashenko, who was overwhelmed, even walked with a smile in the end. The grin reached almost to the base of the ears.

I have no choice but to laugh.

How can you still put on a "mom face" on such a festive occasion? If so many leaders laugh with you but you don't, then that's inappropriate, right?

"What is the situation of the troops now? What are the casualties?"

After completing the courtesy congratulations and meeting ceremony, which did not take too long, Malashenko immediately followed Zhukov's request and walked side by side with Zhukov towards the venue inside the building.

Comrade Lao Zhu's first sentence when he came up was to get straight to the point and directly ask about the current situation of the leader. The level of concern can be seen from this.

"Back to Comrade Marshal, all units of the Leader's Division are currently stationed in various places in the liberated areas and contact lines in accordance with orders, and are strictly guarding against any possible harassment by the enemy."

"As for the casualties, the latest statistics show that the overall battle attrition exceeded 30%, with more than 1,500 comrades dying or missing in the battle, and the number of wounded in total is more than 4,500. Thanks to the good evacuation capabilities of the wounded, We have controlled the casualty rate within a relatively good range and tried our best to save every injured comrade.”

"During the battle, we give full play to our advantages in technical equipment and tactical systems, and engage in close cooperation and tacit cooperation between multiple arms in combat. Battles that can be resolved with firepower do not require comrades to charge physically and fight with their lives. This can control the casualty rate. an important factor.

The organization, personnel and equipment composition of the leadership division are far different from the ordinary Red Army division-level field troops, and are much stronger than the latter.

There are more than 20,000 men and more than 300 tanks of various types alone, not counting the number of infantry fighting vehicles and self-propelled artillery. Not to mention the Red Army field troops at the ordinary division level were sore after seeing it, even if they brought a Guards Army over to compete with the leading division, it would be difficult to say who had stronger assault energy and higher comprehensive combat level.

The fact that the Leadership Division is what it is today is the result of Zhukov's personal endorsement, great support and help, Malashenko's considerable autonomy, and the exploration of a new experimental synthetic field force structure. .

The battle in the field was so loud that it was hard to find the enemy, which was very good.

But at this moment, Zhukov was relatively more concerned about how the leadership division would perform in a street fighting environment that was very different from the Battle of Berlin and was completely different from the field battle. Being able to achieve combat objectives is only part of the comprehensive combat performance evaluation. If you really want to achieve excellence, you must also look at the casualties and battle losses of the troops.

Obviously, Zhukov, with a smile on his face, was quite satisfied with the results of Malashenko's personal report.

"Very good! To be honest, in the battle plan formulated in advance, the front army headquarters has already prepared for the loss of more than half of the division's casualties. It has prepared for the worst and even considered which reserve team should be used if necessary. Replace you."

"But the Leader's Division has clearly proved with its strength that such plans are completely unnecessary. It seems that some of your previous street fighting performances in East Prussia were no accident. Even if this local street fighting environment becomes expanded and high-pressure, the Leader's Division still has enough It’s good to be able to handle it easily!”

"Perhaps you should make preparations and conceive the summary report of the Battle of Berlin in advance. I have a feeling that even if I don't ask you for it, Vasilevsky will come to talk to you in person before long. Such an important model battle example textbook, Missing it was a dereliction of duty on the part of the Chief of Staff of the Red Army, and based on my understanding of him, it was impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake.”

Zhukov and Vasilevsky are in-laws, and their relationship is so good that everyone knows about wearing the same pair of pants.

Now Zhukov quietly reminded Malashenko that it is best to prepare the summary report of the Battle of Berlin as soon as possible. When the time comes, the Red Army General Staff Headquarters will come to ask for things. Some say, at least don't be empty-handed and have nothing to prepare. This is not good. .

If the leader puts his mind to the point and gives a little reminder, Malashenko, as a subordinate, of course has to show something. He quickly nods in agreement and expresses that he "will start preparations immediately".

On the other side, Malashenko and Zhukov, who were walking and chatting along the way, as well as a large number of front army headquarters personnel who came with them behind them, had also arrived. Malashenko personally laid out the layout and commanded it, and hurriedly packed it out. "Negotiation venue" for use.

When he walked into the venue, he saw that only the Soviet flag and the Red Army flag were displayed. Looking around, he couldn't find anything related to the Nazis. Zhukov, who understood Malashenko's intention of such a layout, didn't need to say anything. He nodded with satisfaction. respond.

As for the rather eye-catching flag hanging on the wall behind the Soviet negotiating table, Zhukov walked up to it with interest and looked it up and down, and then quietly turned his head towards Malashenko, who was accompanying him. Open your mouth.

"Is this the side you just stuck on the Capitol?"

The victory flag hanging on the wall of the venue was indeed exactly the same as the one flying on the top of the Capitol, except that it was "not the original" but Malashenko's "other arrangement."

"No, Comrade Marshal. This side is a backup prepared in advance considering that the victory flag may be damaged or lost during the battle. However, the final actual battle result was that it was not used."

"The true victory flag still flies on the top of the Reichstag, fluttering in the wind. It is defended and guarded by the most elite infantry company of the Leader's Division who personally planted it on the roof. It continues to boost the morale of the comrades until the Battle of Berlin is completely over."

"The purpose of hanging this backup flag here is to wake up those idiots who have always deceived themselves and have deceived themselves so much that they cannot figure out the truth, so that they can see with their own eyes what kind of situation they are in now."

"If this works, I believe our next task in facing the Nazi die-hards will be much easier. Comrade Marshal, after all, no one wants to waste time with these Nazi remnants who are still lingering and obsessed with paranoia."

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