Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2975 Lieutenant General

The result was doomed from the beginning, and the negotiation, which was worthy of being recorded in history, finally fell silent and came to an end.

All that's left is to finally sign the paper document and go through the process.

That is not what Malashenko is responsible for. His task has been completed.

Cooperating with Zhukov to sing the last play before everything ends, this is what Malashenko is responsible for, and it is a task that only Malashenko can accomplish.

"Well done! You never let me down, and this time is no different, Malashenko."

After everything was over, Malashenko did not leave directly. Instead, he took advantage of this rare moment of leisure and ran to the balcony of the venue. He hung his hands outside the railing and smoked a cigarette alone to admire the night view.

It seemed that he had something to say to Malashenko. After the negotiation, Zhukov did not leave directly. Instead, he took some time out of his limited time and chose to be with Malashenko, side by side. Never before had I quietly leaned on the railing and watched the night, smoking.

"It's a pity that nothing can come back, Comrade Marshal, those familiar comrades have left us and will never come back."

"To show mercy to the Nazis is a crime against the fallen comrades. No matter what, we must completely crush and crush the last remaining living space of this group of inhumane bastards."

"As long as I am alive, I will never bring harm to the world again. If there must be a concrete Nazi terminator in this world, then no matter how terrifying and bloody the person standing in this position will show to others, he will be No matter what the people who are afraid of it are like, I am willing to stand here forever until the end, and I will have no regrets until the end of my life.”


With a cigarette in his mouth, his hat off his head and his coat unbuttoned, with his coat casually draped around his body, Zhukov now looks more like an elderly uncle next door than a "The God of War of the Red Army", commander of the front army, an outstanding marshal who has been recorded in history.

At least to Malashenko, in such a private setting.

Zhukov didn't feel or wanted to be looked down upon by him from a high position. Just a few words quietly said to each other. This was enough in Zhukov's opinion.

"It's been a long journey from 1941 to now. Thank you for your hard work, Malashenko."

"This is not said as a superior or as the commander of the front army, but as a person and as our personal relationship."

"I was the one who pushed you to this position where even a man twice your age would feel so much pressure that he could even collapse."

"You were supposed to live a life that a young man of your age should have, but in the end, everything was artificially shaped involuntarily, controlled by a pair of hands like a puppet in a script.

"Maybe this is not an appropriate description, but I know very well that this is indeed an objective fact that has happened."

"I hope you can understand and forgive me for doing this. In this era, there are too many things that you have no control over, and there are too many responsibilities and obligations that you must bear as a man and as a soldier."

"For the people, things and things behind us that we must protect, any existence that we cherish and love, we have no choice but to do this and give everything we have for them, even if it means breaking our bodies."

When the Slavic men cry out to fight in defense, they can show no hesitation and look forward to death;

And when the Slavic men put down their guns and picked up pens, pianos, and anything that could express art between battles, even if they just said a few words.

This sincere emotion revealed between the lines and between the notes will surely touch everyone who feels the same way, even enough to transcend time and space.

Malashenko knew this as early as the distant future, and now, when the melodious accordion music sounded from behind again.

The firm will that has never wavered from beginning to end will also float to the distance together with this melodious melody, and will eventually spread throughout the motherland.

"I have never heard this song but I feel like I can relate to it, as if it is something we have experienced."

"You will hear it everywhere in the future, Comrade Marshal, you will definitely. This song, just like our story, will definitely be sung by future generations."


With his back against the railing, he felt the melodious accordion melody. Zhukov, immersed in the music, savored every syllable in it. Even without lyrics, it was enough to make people feel like they had forgotten time.

"Does it have a name?"

"For you, motherland."

“What a great name”

Sighing at the appeal of music, Zhukov quietly dropped the cigarette butt from the window sill. It was time to say goodbye.

"Prepare the troops in the next time, and do some handover procedures, so that your deputy can prepare to replace you for a period of time."

"Moscow is already preparing for a grand victory parade. The leader comrade personally requested that this military parade must be held as a top priority after the war and must be taken seriously. The leader's division must be an indispensable heroic unit in the military parade, at least it will Send your main force back to the country to receive the review, and you must lead your troops there in person. "

"The victory flag, as well as the battle flags of all the elite enemies that you captured in past victories, should all be used by then. Don't forget them."

After tidying up his clothes, Zhukov packed up his things and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he didn't even have time to take a step, but he seemed to suddenly remember something that he had just forgotten. Then he smiled and turned around and spoke quietly to Malashenko who came to see him off.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

"Your promotion order has been reported to the General Staff. Military uniforms, military medals, and formalities will probably be sent to you soon."

"Congratulations to you again, Comrade Malashenko. I hope you can continue to make more outstanding performances and outstanding contributions after being promoted to lieutenant general. The motherland's ardent expectations for you will remain as always."


Is this guy getting promoted again?

Is this the Lieutenant General?

A long time ago, Lavrinenko was still muttering, mumbling something about the record of his old classmate and comrade-in-arms Malashenko. Anyone else would have been robbed of a lieutenant general or even a group army commander.

How come in the end, we, Comrade Ma, are still hanging around in the position of major general and division commander, sitting on the bench? Is it some bastard who deliberately put on small shoes for us?

Regarding Lavrinenko's complaining murmur, the political commissar who smiled calmly only said it half-jokingly.

As for the position of major general commander of our division, don't even talk about it. If you spread the word and say which group army commander is demoted to become the division commander, then everyone who wants to be the division commander will probably have to queue up to sign in at the leader's division department. One page Even paper may not be able to contain the autographs of so many comrade commanders.

Are you kidding me? Among the millions of Soviet Red Army troops, this is the only one to be awarded the honorary title of Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin. It is also the only one among the millions of Soviet Red Army units that has achieved full mechanization, full synthetic adaptation, and has the second-to-none heavy-duty heavy-duty unit with independent combat capabilities. Field cluster.

With such a "double unique" here, there are many generals and comrades who want to "enjoy" the position of leader division commander.

What? You said the position of the group army commander was changed to the leader division commander? Damn it, Sukka still has such a good thing?

Wait, leave that spot for me, and I’ll arrange it right away!

Even if you don’t talk about the position of division commander, just your position of deputy division commander, Lavrinenko, in the eyes of others, is the same as the daughter-in-law of our division commander, an existence that people can’t look away from when they look at it, you kid, don’t Even if you get a bargain, you still behave well.

After being "reminded" by Comrade Political Commissar, Lavrinenko muttered twice and stopped talking, simply because what Comrade Political Commissar said was indeed the truth.

It was Malashenko, whose daughter-in-law was given a "metaphor" by a comrade of the political commissar, who looked slightly embarrassed when he was sitting there. I'm thinking that if we, Comrade Political Commissar, don't become serious now, we will really be no worse than when we were young.

But now, just a short time after Lavrinenko's original muttering and complaining, he actually started talking about whatever he was talking about.

The rank of major general is a memory of the past. From now on, Malashenko has officially entered the threshold of lieutenant general.

The military rank has been promoted, but what about this position?

According to Zhukov, it will continue to be "unchanged", but not completely "unchanged".

It says "continue as it is" because Malashenko still holds the position of commander of the leadership division.

How to further explore the adaptation and improvement of the new synthetic force will still be a task that the proposer and practical pioneer of this topic, namely Malashenko himself, will continue to complete in the next stage.

It is said that "it is not completely unchanged" because the leader division will soon undergo a major adaptation and expansion.

Malashenko proposed in a written report long ago that in view of the prediction of the foreseeable war situation in the next stage of the future, a comprehensive organizational structure should be adopted to have the ability to carry out frontal operations in complex battlefield environments. It is necessary to establish a synthetic army\\group army level unit with independent battlefield combat capabilities.

The division level is by no means the upper limit for the establishment of synthetic troops. When several synthetic divisions and brigade-level units are grouped together to form a synthetic field corps with strong and independent combat capabilities, the synthetic corps/group army will Level units naturally emerged.

There are a series of unknown issues that have yet to be explored, such as its command structure and troop composition. Someone must stand up and take on the important task.

This person must be familiar with the establishment of synthetic troops and have rich experience in practical adaptation operations. It is best to have actually commanded a synthetic field group in actual combat; from a practical perspective, he must have a deeper understanding of the concept of synthesis. understanding and perception, and being able to analyze and summarize the key and essence.

So who are the eligible candidates?

To be honest, besides Malashenko, Zhukov can't think of any other more suitable candidate.

Although Malashenko has been allowed to stay in such a coveted position as leader and division commander for a long time, some people are indeed gossiping behind his back.

It is said that Comrade Lao Zhu's behavior as a protector is too ugly. He gathered so many high-quality resources and gave them all to his "confidant generals" to stuff them hard. After stuffing them, he still protected such a big pot. , others can’t even eat a piece of meat or a mouthful of soup.

On the other hand, based on practical needs and objective facts, Zhukov also realized that Malashenko could leave the leadership division and serve in any other army.

But if the Leadership Division leaves Malashenko, whether you are willing to admit it or not, the fact is that the Leadership Division’s further integration exploration as a reform pilot unit may not stop there and will encounter extremely huge resistance, so that It was difficult to move even an inch and was even forced to stop.

There is no other reason, just because you really can’t find another person among the millions of Red Army soldiers who has such rich experience in the subject of integrating various arms and meets so many rigid needs like Malashenko. people.

In this case, there is nothing to say. Malashenko has to do it or not. To plan for the future of the millions of Red Army, Malashenko must and will definitely do it under "Stalin" Guards Red Flag. The various arms were integrated into the position of commander of the First Army, and he continued to work for a foreseeable long time.

Lieutenant General, and the Hero of the Soviet Union medal that Malashenko has won for the third time in his resume.

This is all the good news and promotion awards that Zhukov's trip has brought to Malashenko personally.

It can be said that Malashenko, who received three big gifts at once, was somewhat flattered.

Although he had long expected that the actual establishment of the leader's division would far exceed that of ordinary division-level units, it would only be a matter of time before it was actually expanded and reorganized into a corps-level unit. There was a high probability that he would become the corps commander as a matter of course.

However, this thing came with the promotion to lieutenant general and the third Hero of the Soviet Union award, which Malashenko did not expect in advance.

"It means that soon, the "Leader Army" will kick the kid's ass? This is great! Interesting! That's what I fucking love to do! Ha!"

I have long planned to give the bow-legged little devils in the East a little "little Slavic shock".

Now I heard that I was about to become stronger and stronger, with the world's number one field group greatly expanded in strength, to meet the already declining Kwantung Army.

Malashenko couldn't help but have a sinister smile on his lips. He seemed to be able to penetrate extremely long distances and penetrate time and space. He saw how those band-legged Japanese devils were wailing and shocked in front of the power of a loving father. .

"Not bad, really good. When the time comes, we must let these Japanese devils make some contributions to the construction of the Northeast."

Before the war even started, Malashenko, who was already thinking about how to deal with the prisoners, was actually thinking about another thing at the same time - the upcoming military parade in Moscow's Red Square.

Judging from Zhukov's words, it is almost certain that he will take at least part of the main force with him to prepare to return home and undergo a review.

What's even more interesting is that instead of any cancellation or change, the Berlin military parade has been put on the agenda, and the Leader's Division, a heroic unit that has made outstanding contributions to the conquest of Berlin, has to participate in the parade.

Malashenko can almost imagine that he will have to run back and forth between Berlin and Moscow.

Oh, I almost forgot if I didn’t mention this, and I also have to consider the specific date for my wedding. Maybe this is the true meaning of the so-called "pain and happiness".

Malashenko, who was laughing dumbly and shaking his head, was just like a street kid, holding on to the railing with both hands and holding a cigarette in his mouth, thinking about everything he was about to face in the near future.

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