Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2976 An old acquaintance is here

The Battle of Berlin was over, at least the large-scale battles that required large-scale swordsmanship, gunfire, and artillery fire were over.

As the military chief of the leadership division, Malashenko has suddenly become more relaxed in the past few days. In other words, he has never felt as relaxed as he does now.

The Nazis had collapsed, and the main enemy in the Great Patriotic War had been completely defeated. The countless bloodshed and sacrifices they had made so far had finally borne fruit.

The troops were ordered by their superiors to rest and recuperate in place. Although it was true that they were going to Moscow to prepare for the military parade, it was estimated that it would take some time, at least for a while and a half, and they would not be able to take immediate action.

Malashenko, who was resting with the troops, finally got a peaceful sleep after an unknown period of time and couldn't even remember the last time he had it.

But you can't sleep too hard and let the sun shine on you, because today, even if Comrade Lao Ma is not fighting, he still has work to do, the kind of very important things that he must do personally.

"woke up?"


Malashenko, who was still a little confused, put on his coat and sleepily planned to find a basin to wash his face first. He got up early in the morning and the political commissar comrade who had already started working was correcting documents, even though he was working with one hand. The speed is not slower than any normal person.

"By the way, have you read today's newspaper?"

"Newspaper? No, I've been busy fighting the war lately, so I don't have time to read that. Did something happen?"

"Something happened. See for yourself."


Malashenko, who put aside the matter of washing his face for now, stepped forward and took the newspaper from the hands of his political commissar.

When I opened it, I realized that it was my own version of Pravda. The headline on the front page, printed in super eye-catching text in bold and black, had only one simple headline - The hair-washer is dead.

That's right, it's that simple, crude and very direct.

This super-big devil who has caused harm to the world has finally been sent. This is probably something that countless Soviet people have been looking forward to and even cheered with excitement.

The only regret is that this scum committed suicide out of fear of crime and was not given a just trial by the Red Army. He drank poison and a pistol and collapsed himself.

In the end, he was doused with gasoline and set on fire along with his newlywed wife, and burned into a pile of stinking coals that even dogs would throw away with their tails between their legs after smelling it. This is exactly the same as the death in existing history. The method is exactly the same.

There is another thing, which can be said to be within Malashenko's expectation, but at the same time, it was slightly touched.

Krebs shot himself, the night after the negotiations ended, and he committed suicide.

It is said that when the Red Army entered the bunker and found his body, he was sitting quietly on a sofa with a cigarette in his mouth that was not lit until the end.

If it hadn't been for the hole in his temple, his calm expression could have made people think he was asleep.

Krebs did not leave any last words until his death. No one knows what the Wehrmacht general and Santoku's last Army Chief of Staff was thinking before he died.

To be honest, Malashenko was quite impressed by him, not only because of his status as a well-known actor as the "Map King", but also because this guy still stood firm at the negotiating table until the last moment in order to achieve the set goal despite a huge disadvantage. Try your best.

From a purely military point of view, Malashenko admires this man, who is talented and has a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

It's a pity that he stood on the opposite side of himself and chose the wrong person to be loyal to.

Since you are with the devil, you must be prepared to be killed together with the devil and return to your hometown. The name of your hometown is hell.

Oh, and "Little Yellow" Goebbels and his wife were also buried with the hair-washer along with their children. Just like in the existing history, they chose it themselves.

In short, everything is over here. Na's nightmare of causing harm to the world and showing off his evil for a while has come to an end, even if it is only a long "temporary".

Another thing is that the vanguard of the British and Americans also began to enter Berlin.

Just because of this matter, the outspoken Lavrinenko even cursed his mother, shouting, "Why should we give them the land we conquered?", "These capitalist pigs will take advantage" and so on.

But it was just lip service. As a deputy division-level military officer, I should do whatever I was supposed to do. At least I had to keep up with those Americans and British guys in order to save my face.

Malashenko put down the newspaper in his hand, and before he could think of what kind of "remarks" to make, the political commissar sitting across the table had already spoken first.

"By the way, we received a meeting request here at the division headquarters. Someone named you and wants to see you. Come visit us."

"Want to see me? Who?"

Malashenko visited the house and asked for an audience by name. Malashenko could not figure out who this person could be, and the answer given by the political commissar immediately after was even more unexpected.

"Your old friend, or old student."

"Jack Morrison, U.S. Army Major General, current commander of the 4th Armored Division, do you remember him?"

"What? Major General? Wait, this guy is already a fucking Major General? So fast!?"

Of course Malashenko remembers that he took an American student and taught those Americans and British guys in the classroom and on the training ground what armored confrontation is and what a true tank elite is.

Jack may not be the best student among the students he has ever taught, but to be honest, he is probably the most trouble-making one. At least Malashenko was quite happy getting along with this little Texas redneck.

He's a pretty nice person, a straightforward man who doesn't hide things, doesn't do any pretense, and Malashenko really likes to make friends with this guy.

It's just that when this kid came to take lessons under him, he was just a colonel's staff officer who drew pictures and made phone calls. He was an "American version of Zhao Kuo" who didn't even understand actual combat and was eager to learn from himself.

However, because this boy has a good foundation and a high level of understanding, as well as his humility and serious attitude towards learning, Malashenko opened his fingers a little wider, leaving out a few extra skills for him to learn.

After all, even doctoral students in the 21st century know how to have a good relationship with their supervisor. If your supervisor says you won’t graduate, it’s really impossible. Malashenko was willing to have a personal relationship with this guy because he was a good person and he was more to his liking. Teach him a little more.

I just didn't expect that after Kubinka said goodbye and the teachers and students dispersed, this kid would actually come up with the idea of ​​"treating him with admiration after three days of separation" and suddenly infiltrated into the position of major general commander of the US Fourth Armored Division.

What Malashenko didn't know was that Jack, who had learned his skills from him, got the opportunity to lead troops on the front line as soon as he returned to the European battlefield because of his status as a "top student studying in the Soviet Union" and the operation of appropriate relationships.

In the Battle of Bastogne, this guy commanded his "Steamed Bun Army" and added a small amount of M26 Pershing to annihilate the 101st Airborne Division and beat the Germans who came with the power of victory to a pulp. It fell to the ground, but it didn't allow the Germans to advance even half an inch further, giving the Nazis a little "American Armor Shock".

Although the losses in this battle were heavy, Jack's unconventional approach, like his teacher's, chose to concentrate superior armor forces and engage in a steel hedge against the Germans. As a result, the "Steamed Bun Army" under his command was almost completely wiped out, and a small number of "Pan Datou" was almost completely wiped out.

But this doesn't matter to the top brass of the U.S. military.

Soldiers are all new recruits. There are a lot of them in the country, and there are as many as you want.

Tanks are all "cheap industrial products" that fall off the production line as soon as they are turned on. We will replace them for you as much as you lose.

There is only one man, the only man who went head-to-head with the German armored group and won the battle - Jack Morrison. This is something that cannot be recruited and cannot be produced on the factory assembly line. This is the kind of man the US military lacks. .

After this battle, a group of drunken congressmen shouted "Hero Jack" and promoted him to the altar according to the routine of bragging about not paying taxes.

As a result, Mr. Jack Morrison was promoted to brigadier general, and then continued to command the troops to advance all the way. He drove more powerful tanks and kicked the Germans' butts into Czechoslovakia in one go. It was an incredible feat of combat power.

This time it’s even worse! The blood pressure of those congressmen who had already received blood pressure soared. The United States, a country blessed by God, could produce such an armored war god! I, America, am invincible, hahaha!

Domestic political voices will be directly reflected on the front line, at least on the US military side.

As a result, Jack, who was even surprised by himself, was promoted one level higher. This time, his boss who directly succeeded him took the position of commander of the 4th Armored Division.

Although the 4th Armored Division is not an old elite, it is a newly formed unit after the beginning of World War II. It is not as good as the veteran units of the Red 1st Division and the 1st Cavalry Division.

But in just one year, he was able to move from the position of colonel staff officer to major general division commander.

No matter what others think, at least Jack himself is very, very satisfied with this. In a trance, he feels like he has reached the pinnacle of his life and is rising steadily.

It was also because he was a "popular figure" with great military exploits in the US military. After some deliberation, the US military leaders decided to let Jack, who was in Czechoslovakia, join Patton as the US military advance team into Berlin.

I heard that the Russians are powerful and we cannot lose to the Russians in terms of momentum. The US military decided to send elite troops to Berlin based on this.

Now, not long after arriving in Berlin, the former student remembered the teacher who had given him great help and took the initiative to visit him and ask for an interview.

It’s not that Malashenko said he didn’t want to meet, in fact it wouldn’t hurt to meet.

What's more, judging from the current situation, I and Jack will probably not see each other in Berlin from now on. Since they are old acquaintances, it is inevitable that they will have some interactions and move around each other.

Saying hello and recognizing the door now will definitely be beneficial to getting along with each other in the future. After all, things are easier to do when people are familiar with each other. This principle is also applicable in Berlin.

"When is he coming to see me?"

"I didn't say this, I just expressed my willingness. If conditions permit, we can arrange the time and place. All we need to do is inform him and he will visit us personally."

"This guy's attitude is quite sincere, huh?"

The students' attitudes are good, but the teachers can't put on a show, and it won't sound good if it's spread out, right?

After thinking about the time and when he would be free, Malashenko had already made up his mind.

"Then let's have a dinner tonight and treat them to a meal. We will meet these allies and see how the so-called "American Armored God of War" repays his "mentor"."

After confirming the schedule with the political commissar, Malashenko had time to put on his coat and carry a basin like the second uncle at the entrance of the alley. He ran to brush his teeth and wash his face. After a busy period of work, he came back with the basin and wiped his stubble. I shaved and tidied my appearance.

Looking at the iron tower-like tank lieutenant general in the mirror, he shook his arms and felt that the tank lieutenant general's uniform was not bad. It seemed to fit better and be more comfortable than the previous major general's uniform, which he had only worn a few times. Malashenko, who put his big-brimmed military hat on his head, opened the door and left.

After leaving the building and getting in the car, Iushkin, who had been waiting downstairs for a long time, set off immediately.

This kid is just like what Malashenko said about him. He is a person who can't keep his mouth and legs idle.

As long as there is no fighting and you are idle, you have to find something to do, and being a driver for Comrade Commander is one of Iushkin's favorite jobs when he has nothing to do.

"I didn't expect that group of Americans to stay in Berlin until now. After their leader was captured and returned to China, I thought they were about to disband and go home. But it turned out that they waited until we finished fighting and the Germans signed and surrendered. , I said, do the Americans really care about us beating up the Nazis? "

While driving the car with the steering wheel in hand, Iushkin's old habit of talking too much came back again. If you put it aside with him, you would have to drink several gulps of water every hour.

"They are just news mercenaries. They will dig in and work wherever the news is hot."

"Others are just watching the excitement, but this group of people is different. These people are watching the excitement, but they can see real money, because we can produce a huge amount of news value by beating them violently. As long as we If they don’t stop, they can continue to make money, so they stay here until now.”

Malashenko explained the matter thoroughly in just two sentences, and Iushkin, who had an "I see" expression on his face, seemed to understand.

The convoy traveled all the way to the airport in the southern suburbs of Berlin, which was not too far away. After several days of cleaning up rubbish and backfilling the roads, the paved roads in Berlin were much easier to walk on than when there was heavy artillery fire a few days ago.

At least the pain on my butt was much less along the way, and the road that was still quite bad was not so bumpy.

Malashenko, who made a special trip to the airport just to see someone off, didn't want to come.

But when I think about the Cold War in the future, it would be nice to have more acquaintances and lines of friendship in the United States. Who can say for sure whether we will be able to use them by then? What if we are not afraid of 10,000 or just in case?

With the intention of "keeping a backup plan", Malashenko finally came, and the person who was about to see him off also appeared in his field of vision. He was standing on the edge of the airport runway, looking around, as if he was waiting for someone.

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