Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2978 Street Episode

Although I am a little embarrassed, Comrade Lao Ma has to admit that he once again

Well, let's just say he has harvested the girl's heart, at least for the time being.

It’s been a while since I last saw this American girl with such an impressive personality. I don’t know if this girl forgot about her buddy and found a new love within two days of returning home.

But this is actually good, at least we can still be friends, and no matter what happens, we won't break off the relationship.

For Jill herself, maybe this kind of outcome and destination is better than loving a foreign man who has no chance of marrying her for the rest of her life, wasting her girl's time and ending up in vain.

Seeing the comrade commander in the passenger seat with his head tilted and looking out the window, he had been silent since getting into the car. Iushkin, who was thinking that something was going on here, had made his old habit again and forgot about himself. Not long ago, I was glared at "fiercely" by Comrade Car Commander, and I started to lose control of my mouth again.

"That American girl is really pretty. Comrade Commander, you have a good eye, you have nothing to say!"


Malashenko said nothing, and continued to look out the window with his head tilted to think about something, and let Iushkin continue to talk about himself.

"However, Comrade Commander, there is something I don't know whether I should ask, but I just want to ask."

While speaking tentatively, he did not forget to peek at the changes in Malashenko's expression, and at the same time he had to use his hands and feet to drive the car.

The "three-purpose" Iwush Metal is indeed very capable. It was only after seeing that Comrade Commander had no further expressions and no clear objections that he made up his mind and continued to speak.

"If you don't tell me, I'll take it as your consent and I'm asking."

"That's it, Comrade Commander, you should marry Sister Natalia, right? Look, there are a lot of people, there are three, maybe four, or even five, six, seven or eight in the future It's possible. But Miss Natalia and you have been in love since childhood, and I think this should be the most suitable - "

"Have you had enough criticism?"


Iushkin, who was suddenly interrupted by Malashenko's sudden opening, felt as if his mouth was suddenly stuffed with a ball. He was immediately speechless, or he dared not speak.

No matter how arrogant Iushkin was in front of the other brothers in the same car group, he didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Malashenko.

It was as if there was an invisible coercion that was always threatening. Malashenko just opened his mouth so briefly, and Iushkin, who immediately shut up, had already entered the state of "driving honestly as a driver". Malashenko, who pressed the pause button on his thinking, quietly turned his head.

"But it is true as you said, I will marry Natalia, this has been decided.

Damn it, you don’t scold me or punish me! Grandma Didi scares me to death!

He didn't have the guts to hold on, but he always liked to look for excitement. He jumped left and right in front of Malashenko, and in the end he scared himself quite a lot.

Like Iushkin's behavior, to be precise, it is "a rat licking a cat's butt" - what I am playing is a heartbeat.

If it were simpler, it could be summed up in three words - so cheap.

But it is true that his marriage to Natalia has been taken into consideration and put on the schedule.

To be fair, although for me, Natalya was a "free wife" who was "gifted as soon as the system came online", it was indeed fundamentally different from the love he won later based on his own ability.

But to be honest, Comrade Lao Ma, who is touching his conscience, still has to admit that I am afraid that the beauty this body named Malashenko owes the most is Natalia.

For other beauties, Malashenko may be just a lover. No matter how much love there is, it can never transcend the emotional category of "lover". After all, this is the fact.

But for Natalia, this is really different.

Malashenko indeed knew clearly that he was the only and all in Natalia's little world.

In other words, this is the same reason for the original soul that originally resided in this body.

There is probably nothing in this world that can make an adult soul feel happier after leaving the protection of his parents.

Coincidentally, judging from the memories Malashenko inherited and the things he encountered after traveling through time, he and Natalya are indeed such an enviable couple.

I thought of the existence in the world of pale consciousness that I had not seen again for a long time and could appear in any form, any face, and any voice.

Malashenko suddenly remembered that he had planned to ask this guy what happened to Natalia in the existing history of Malashenko's death in 1941.

But maybe, the result is the same as when he saw a similar scene, when he saw political commissar Petrov being shot under the wall by the Nazis, but he could do nothing and could only watch it all happen.

Excessive inquiring and digging into the truth is sometimes not a good thing, and will only make people feel deeper pain and tear.

What happened to Natalya in the existing history is no longer important.

The important thing is that Malashenko in this timeline is still alive, reversed the wheel of fate, survived in a miraculous way, and beat back those scumbags who couldn't forgive their hatred even if they were chopped alive. Go to hell.

And after all this is over, I should be able to do some private things that truly belong to me, which are not necessarily "private things". After all, it also contains my commitment to the soul of this body.

"Wait until I get home, Natalia! This time will be different, I swear."

The way back to the division headquarters was not a long one, but on the way back, some "episodes" did occur that made Malashenko feel unhappy.

"Hehe! Girl, look here, brother has something good for you. Guess it's a big banana or a chocolate bar."

"Why didn't you say you were going to give her a condom? You're a beach boy."

"Hey, fuck you! Didn't you see that I'm doing business? Shut your stinky mouth."

"Oh oh oh, I understand. It turns out that your main business is to sleep with thick-legged girls in Berlin. Why don't you ask her if she has ever had sex with a hair-washer or Goebbels?"



A group of shameless and disorderly American troops blocked the way. They drove two Willys jeeps and didn't care about the so-called traffic order. They just parked their cars in the middle of the road and blocked traffic.

The U.S. troops in the car either stayed there to have fun and watch the fun, or they got off the car and touched the Berlin women passing by, talking obscenities and laughing wantonly.

Not only was his way blocked, but he also witnessed such a scene. Iushkin, who was holding the steering wheel with both hands and unable to move forward, was already cursing.

"Damn it, Sukka! These stupid Americans! They have only been in Berlin for a short time, and they have already turned this place into a brothel. We fucking conquered this street! The blood of the comrades was spilled here!"

There was no need for Malashenko to give an order. The guard in the lead car of the convoy had already got out of the car, closed the door and walked directly towards the American soldiers who were still stroking their hands, talking obscenely and laughing.

"Hello, please get out of the way! Your behavior has seriously hindered normal traffic and hindered our passage. There should be no need for friendly forces to remind you to observe basic traffic order."

The division service major took the initiative to communicate in English and maintained basic social etiquette when facing the US military.

Unexpectedly, the second-in-command, who looked like an ordinary soldier in the US Army, had no respect for his status as a Red Army major. He was still chewing gum in his mouth, with a scornful smile on his face that didn't take him seriously at all, and turned to face him. Several other American troops on the jeep spoke loudly.

"Hey! Hey! Did you guys hear that? These red guys who even want to use their wives call us friendly troops. Damn friendly troops."

Before he finished speaking, this gum-chewing bitch actually twisted his hips with his hands on his hips in the street, stretching back and forth and doing extremely indecent movements in the street, as if to respond to what he just said. He couldn't stop laughing at that statement.

"Then don't just talk the fuck out and don't practice! What you're saying to us is useless. Say something to that Russian guy."

The filthy words and obscene actions on his lips not only did not cause the American troops on the car to refute and stop, but also attracted a round of "applause from the same kind", encouraging the seductress who could not figure out how much he weighed to continue to increase his efforts. do not stop.

"Watch your words and deeds! This is a warning! The dignity of the Red Army cannot be trampled or insulted!"

The service major, who looked extremely unhappy, immediately issued a warning. Realizing that something was wrong, the other people in the lead car quickly got out of the car and followed with their guns on their backs. However, they saw that the ordinary American soldier had the guts to stand there even though he was so powerful. Perform "performance art" vigorously in the street.

"Hey! Look~ That girl was about to go to bed with me, but she was scared away when you came. Will any female creature be scared away when seeing you Russians? Oh, wait, maybe not all, After all, you Russian sows can’t, huh? Hahahaha.”

"You fucking Suka, try saying that again!?"

The colonel, who couldn't bear it anymore and had been humiliated in the street, rushed forward, grabbed the collar of the American second-in-command with both hands, and directly used his height advantage and strength to lift him up and float his feet in the air.

"Hey! You! Russian barbarian, put him down immediately! I said immediately! Do you want to be shot?!"

Hua Hua Hua——

The other American troops who stayed in the two Willis jeeps didn't say anything when they saw this, and picked up what they were doing. They pointed their guns at the Red Army major on the spot and loaded the bullets.

"Sukabu! If you dare, try shooting! American pig!"

The M1 Carbine, Thomson, and BAR Browning in the hands of the US military were lifted first. Seeing this scene, the Red Army soldiers who had already got off the car and rushed over also took off the AKs from their shoulders without saying a word. A whole row of black guns were pointed directly at the U.S. troops in the car.

"Help! There's a war again! Americans and Russians are fighting!!!"

"Escape for your life!!!"

"Run! Run!!!"

Just a few days after the end of the war, there were only a few people on the streets of Berlin. Berlin citizens who came out in twos and threes to dig through rubble and pick up garbage had never seen this battle.

A group of Americans and a group of Russians were holding guns in the street, aiming at each other, and they were about to fight.

They mistakenly thought that the war that had only subsided for a few days was about to resume again. The refugees who had been picking up garbage a moment ago did not even care about the "treasures" they had just dug out from the rubble. They dropped their hands without saying a word. The things inside were screaming and crying and ran away.

The whole street was in chaos for a while, with people shouting and yelling for everything, except for the two groups of people who were confronting each other with guns in the middle of the road, but they remained still.

"Put the gun down!!! Now!!!"

"Fuck you Russians! I didn't even have my gun surrendered by a German in Bastogne. Put your fucking guns down first! Then apologize! Hurry up!!!"

"No! Something happened ahead!"

Malashenko had eyes and ears. Even if Iushkin didn't say anything, he knew something big was going on ahead.

"Get out of the car! Follow me!"

The lack of tanks and incomplete organization does not mean that the heroic No. 177 crew is just a coward.

Under the leadership of Comrade Commander, the Gunner Comrade, who took the folding AK holder on the back of the seat and got out of the car, immediately followed. At the same time, the rest of the guards in the rear car also got out of the car, fully armed. .

A large group of people immediately surrounded them with all AKs. Before the US troops in the car even reacted, they were already semi-surrounded in the middle of the road, including the car and the people.

There are fewer people versus more people, and the state is semi-surrounded. The guys on the opposite side are all looking quite powerful. They look very similar to the German guy's STG44, and their performance is probably about the same.

The Thompson submachine gun felt like a fire stick in my hand. I didn't know when I was sweating from holding it, and it felt hot and trembling slightly just by holding it like this.

Feeling that the situation had completely exceeded expectations, the U.S. Army second lieutenant swallowed, turned his head, and spoke repeatedly to the man with a higher official position in the car seat in front.

"Major, there are too many Russians. We are surrounded. What should we do?"

"Then why are you so sure that those Russian guys would really dare to shoot you to death in the street?"


"Useless trash."

I hit a snag with the Russians. I turned around to report the news and was scolded by my own parents.

At this moment, the US Army second lieutenant, who was not human inside and outside, completely lost the arrogance of shouting "Russians, put down the gun first!". He could only look slightly at a loss as he watched the commander he was serving get out of the car, wearing the The "Maili Mai" big sunglasses turned around and pointed at the entire row of Russian guns.

"You sons of bitches! Just shoot if you can! I'm Major Tom Nickerson of the 4th Armored Division of the U.S. Army. Remember my name! The bullets that can kill me haven't been made in the factory yet." Come out!"

Not only does this second-in-command boss dress up in a MaiLiMaiQi manner, but his tone of voice is also MaiLiMaiQiu.

He seems to be a third-rate cosplay enthusiast, but that's just a coincidence.

Malashenko, who knew what kind of character this guy's Cos Play prototype was, couldn't help but laugh.

Who the hell are you Cos Playing? Cos Playing the US military actor.

Isn't it a little unreasonable to not let you know how many eyes "Master Ma" has today?

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