Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2979 The commander rebelled and surrendered to the enemy!

"What is that? Wotfak??? That's the Lieutenant General!? Shit!!!"

There is a saying that even before the fight started, the momentum was weak by three points. There is a reason why this saying has been passed down as a classic.

When a third-rate Cos Play enthusiast meets a real lieutenant general who really has two stars on his shoulders.

I thought that when I got out of the car, I only needed to scare away the Russian Major, who was my equal, and force him to retreat. Even if he had finished pretending to be in front of his men, he went back to the bar and told Major Tom another story.

His current state of mind, demeanor, and whole person can be summed up in four words - dumbfounded on the spot.

It’s over! The pretense has gone off the rails, and it won’t end well!

No, I haven’t fucking lost yet! Isn't he just a Russian lieutenant general? Maybe he's a civilian. Let me scare this Russian country bumpkin away!

After a "fierce struggle" in his heart, he saw that the unknown Russian lieutenant general who had passed through the crowd had come to him and stood still. Major Tom, who was confident that he was wearing sunglasses and should not be exposed, pretended to be calm.

After gaining some confidence, he waved his hand to indicate to his men that they could put down their guns. Seeing the Russians on the opposite side put down their guns in unison, the crisis was temporarily lifted. Major Tom, who had made up his mind, spoke first.

"Mr. Lieutenant General! As a friendly army, I have to remind you that the soldiers under your command are really uneducated! They actually attacked my soldiers in the street and destroyed the relationship between the two armies. I will definitely report what happened today to my superiors and Complain to your senior management, I will also——"

"Shut your mouth and stand at attention, Major!"


A strong East Coast colloquial English came straight to the door, and the powerful tone made Major Tom feel that the two tufts of hair on his head were almost instantly blown up.

The twinkling eyes under the lenses didn't dare to look directly at the person in front of him, so they were disguised by a pair of large sunglasses that could shield the window of the soul; after being exposed to such a deafening Hedong lion's roar, he was even more shocked. Almost stunned on the spot.

He completely failed to understand why a Russian lieutenant general could speak English with an East Coast accent that was more fluent than his own mother. Major Tom, who was confused on the spot and was still wondering why, just stood there and was at a loss.

"I said stand at attention, Major! Are you fucking deaf!? Stand at attention! Now!!!"


It was almost an involuntary and subconscious movement of the body. Major Tom, whose legs and feet reacted faster than his head, didn't know why. When he reacted, he was already standing at attention with his feet upright, chest raised and head raised like a flagpole.

What came next was the strong East Coast accent that still dominated everyone's face.

"I am Lieutenant General Kaveri, the Pentagon's special representative in Berlin for joint exercises with the Soviet Army! From now on, unless I speak first, you are not allowed to speak without permission. The first and last article must be "sir", you imitator. Do you understand, rookie?”

Poor Major Tom felt like his teeth were trembling. At this moment, there was just a buzzing in his head. The words he dared to say, but not too bold, were finally blurted out with some trembling.

"Can you please show me your ID? Sir——"


"How did you graduate from boot camp!? Who was your instructor!? Who issued the order for your promotion to major!? Did you learn in boot camp to question your superiors and question the Pentagon's special Lieutenant General? I swear I will I’m seriously considering kicking you and your instructor back to your hometown!”


The violent, machine-gun-like words that were spoken extremely fast and loudly shocked all the Americans present.

Not only Major Tom, but also the group of big-headed soldiers in the car who had never seen what the Lieutenant General looked like were stunned on the spot, and "Lieutenant General Kaveri" under the car "But he still continued to be violent.

"Your division commander, Major General Jack Morrison, was a student brought out by me! When he was taking my class, you rookies were still rolling in the mud!"

"Major General Morrison likes donuts! He drinks coffee with a spoonful of milk and two cubes of sugar!"

"Rear Admiral Morrison originally wanted to join the Navy and become a sailor! In the end, he had to change to the Army because he could not overcome his seasickness!"

"Rear Admiral Morrison failed to join the Navy, but he still likes the Navy! He likes aircraft carriers the most!"

"Rear Admiral Morrison loves the USS Lexington! It's not the Essex-class CV-16 Lexington! It's the Lexington-class CV-2 Lexington!"

"Major General Morrison privately likes to talk about the CV-2 Lexington with friends! He calls her "the only Mrs. Lexington in the world"!"

"Major General Morrison still respects his teachers and respects me as a teacher! He has just been transferred to Berlin from Czechoslovakia and entered the city today! The first thing he did was to come to me and visit his teacher in person!"

"Have I made it clear enough? Do you still need me, the lieutenant general, to show your credentials to you, the major? Do you still need me to tell you my student, your division commander, Major General Jack Morrison from Texas? Every word and deed he said was used as evidence of "contempting the general" and "pointing a gun at the general"?


Malashenko, who had a mouth as good as an M61 Vulcan cannon, had barely finished speaking. He raised his hand and pulled down the cosplay lover's big sunglasses, which made him look twice. A trembling face appeared completely before his eyes.

"You coward and maggot who hides your cowardice! I am going to reshape you and train you! You are a new recruit! Welcome to the Pentagon special training camp! Now answer the question I just asked!!!"

Spit splashed all over his face, but he still had to say what needed to be said, and he said it quickly. Major Tom, who couldn't imagine the consequences of offending this man, almost peed his pants.

"No, no, please don't, sir!"

The answer has arrived, and Malashenko is not about to let it go.

"Nonsense! I said the first and last article must be "sir"! Do it again!"

"Sir, yes! No, no, please no, sir!"

Malashenko still wasn’t going to let it go.

"Another nonsense! Didn't you have enough to eat? I can't hear you! Start again!!!"

The next one was even louder, almost hoarse, and would remain so in deep fear until it was all over.

"Sir! Yes! No! No need! Please no! Sir!!!"


Malashenko had a new idea. In fact, he had already thought about it more than ten seconds ago.

"Now! Hand over your sidearm for routine weapons check!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"


A brand-new Colt M1911 pistol was handed over to "Lieutenant General Kaveri". Malashenko snatched it away and placed it in his open hand. Major Tom heard a horrifying statement. The authentic East Coast accent immediately came out.

"Holy Jesus!"

"What's this?"

"What the hell is this!?"

He held the pistol horizontally in front of the opponent's eyes and showed it to him. Major Tom, who was so shocked that he wanted to cry, almost spoke with a pitiful cry.

"Sir! It's a Colt M1911A1 0.45-inch semi-automatic pistol! Sir!"

After hearing this, the angry Malashenko immediately shouted loudly.

"Nonsense! Recruit! Keep your eyes open to see the answer clearly!"

"Sir! This is a Colt M1911A1! A 0.45-inch semi-automatic pistol! Sir!"

Malashenko roared even louder.

"Another nonsense! This is a dangerous weapon that has no safety and is loaded and ready to fire. It may go off at any time and kill you and other rookies with one shot!"

"Sir, yes! This is a dangerous weapon! Sir!"

Major Tom, who was already crying heavily, breathed a sigh of relief.

Because "Lieutenant General Kaveri" finally let him go, even if it was only temporary, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But the dirty-talking top soldiers under his command are not having it so easy, because the "Pentagon Special Training Camp" really includes every American present.

Press the magazine release button to eject the magazine, and pull the slide to eject the loaded bullet.

"Lieutenant General Kaveri", who performed the entire set of actions smoothly and smoothly, put his right index finger through the trigger guard, hung the "evidence pistol" like this, and began to walk around and give a speech.

"Recruit Tom Nixon violated the discipline of the Pentagon Special Training Camp! Carrying a loaded and ready-to-fire pistol without a safety guard seriously threatened the safety of himself and everyone around him for the rest of his life! It brought shame to the Pentagon Special Training Camp!"

"I tried to help him and wanted him to take the initiative to admit his mistakes, but I failed! The reason why I failed is because you rookies who dared to point a gun at me covered him and dared to commit crimes with him, but did not dare to remind him of the threat Dangerous facts for everyone!”

"So starting today! As the full authority instructor assigned to you in the Pentagon Special Training Camp, recruit Tom Nickerson makes any mistakes, I will not punish him, I will punish you! And in my opinion, rookies! Every one of you You owe me a "Rookie Mutual Aid Guarantee"!

"Now! Leave two people to move the car to the side of the road, and the rest of the people will get out of the car! Line up!!!"

Hua la la la——

"Lieutenant General Kaveri" roared, and the group of soldiers in the car who had been frightened out of their wits immediately rushed out of the car in a hurry, rolling and crawling.

Two Willys jeeps blocking the road were quickly driven to the side of the road. After moving the cars, the two top soldiers immediately hurried over to gather without thinking.

The total number of people in the two cars plus one person is 7. Counting the second guy who came down early to play gangster and talk back to the street, the total number is 8 except Major Tom.

The eight U.S. troops lined up in unison, with heads held high and chests held high. Malashenko still stretched out his right index finger to hook up the M1911A1 with no bullets, and kept moving.

Indeed, just like a serious instructor inspecting the recruits, he slowly moved his steps and inspected everyone back and forth. The relatively satisfied "Lieutenant General Kaveri" suddenly shouted loudly on the spot, and even the one next to him temporarily "has nothing to do with this." "Recruit Tom" was so frightened that he trembled all over.

"Lie down facing the ground! Support with both hands! 30 centimeters above the ground!"

Swish swish——

The uniform and coordinated movements were probably half a beat too slow. The movements were so fast that they were rushing to reincarnate.

Following the order of "Lieutenant General Kaveri", they all lay down and put their hands on the ground, when additional orders came loudly from their ears.

"Slogan! One, two, three, four, I don't want to be a rookie, I need to get rid of my cowardice!"

"Stand up on the ground and get ready - practice!"

"One, two, three, four! I don't want to be a rookie! I need to get rid of cowardice!"

"One, two, three, four! I don't want to be a rookie! I need to get rid of cowardice!"

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine.

A group of people spoke English with such content, repeated it over and over again seriously, and stood up one after another on the street meticulously, and when one after another US troops gathered together to engage in "group exercise", What would that be like?

As the initiator of all this, our "Lieutenant General Caverly", still holding the unloaded pistol on his index finger at this moment, slowly came to the front of "Recruit Tom" step by step like the god of death.

He pressed the nose of "Recruit Tom" with his index finger that passed through the trigger guard, and spoke quietly again as if judgment was coming.

"You asked me to remember your name, but I only remembered you as "Recruit Tom"! Is my memory good enough!? Recruit Tom!"

How could he still have the courage to be negligent and deny even though he was at this level? "Recruit Tom", who could hardly cry, could only confess loudly while his nose was pressed and his mouth was grinning.

"Sir, yes! Sir has a very good memory! Sir!"

"They are being punished for your fault! You are here to supervise them for your fault!"

“Now start taking the lead in shouting slogans!”

Malashenko lifted his index finger from his nose, and "Recruit Tom" who didn't dare to neglect immediately followed suit.

"Sir, yes! I'm going to shout! Sir!"

"One, two, three, four! I don't want to be a rookie! I need to get rid of cowardice!"

"Louder! I can't hear you! Didn't you eat yesterday either!?"

"Sir, yes! Sir!"

"One, two, three, four! I don't want to be a rookie! I need to get rid of cowardice!"

How long this will all happen is still unknown.

On the other hand, Malashenko himself, while still maintaining the status of "Lieutenant General Kaveri", with the "trophies" he had just captured, he also got over the addiction to "Maili Mai" and started to play with it. Think of Cos Play as the "Emperor of Japan".

"What a piece of shit, it's just like this."

After returning to the car, Malashenko threw away the large Cos Play sunglasses that he didn't like and gave them to Iushkin as a gift.

Until the entire convoy got back on the road and drove unimpeded past the American troops who were still chanting slogans and continuing to perform "performance art" in the street. "One was standing and the rest were lying down."

Iushkin, who was pretty good at English and could understand the general idea, finally couldn't hold it in any longer. He burst into laughter and almost shed tears. While laughing, he held the steering wheel with one hand. , with his free hand, he patted the steering wheel and spoke in a low voice.

"No, this is making me laugh to death! It's totally ridiculous! I'll tell Comrade Political Commissar when I get back that Comrade Commander of the train defected to the enemy and became a Lieutenant General in the United States!"

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