Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2982 Everyone is a fun person

"Long time no see, General Malashenko. Your brilliant military exploits in crushing the evil heart of the Nazis have been spread all over the world. Even among our US military, no one knows about it. Everyone in the world admires outstanding counterattacks like you. Fascist hero.”

As soon as they met, he was carried in a sedan chair, and without saying a word, he praised his teacher who had taught him in the past to a very high position.

It seems that not only has his military rank been promoted, but his position has also risen rapidly. He is also good at carrying people in this fancy sedan chair.

Suddenly, he felt that rather than joining the army, it might be more suitable for Major Morrison to work in politics.

Malashenko, who looked at each other with a smile, didn't think much about it. As usual, he used the basic etiquette of "you lift me, and I'll lift you" to change the words and return them.

"The general results are not worth mentioning."

"It's you, after we said goodbye last time, I really didn't expect that when we meet again next time, we will actually face a distinguished major general and commander."

"Do you know? There is an old saying in distant China, which is called "It takes three days to see each other with admiration." It means that after a person has not seen each other for a while, he suddenly changes and achieves impressive or even unbelievable results. One has to admire it.”

"I think this sentence should be suitable to describe you, Jack. As a comrade, I sincerely congratulate you. Your name and outstanding deeds will undoubtedly be recorded in history together with the brilliant achievements of the 4th Armored Division. "

When it comes to carrying people in a sedan chair, how successful are you Americans? I'm still doing my homework here.

As long as one can sit in the position of a major general, his ears should be calloused by all kinds of good words and flattery, and he will have a considerable degree of immunity.

But now?

The real situation now is that Major General Jack Morrison, who was praised by Malashenko, has a smile that is said to be "innocent and innocent". Take a look at his mouth and grin almost to the base of his ears. His smile is simply Like lotus.

So even if it is the same words, the same compliment, the key depends on whose mouth it comes from, and the effect will be completely different.

Even Major General Morrison himself acknowledged this in his next words.

"It is a great honor for me to receive such recognition and praise from you, General."

"I have to admit that your unreserved and sincere teachings have indeed benefited me a lot. I personally think that this has been enough to make a huge change in the trajectory of my life. Even I didn't expect this."

"I will follow your teachings, use the tactics and methods you taught me, continue to hone my practical skills, and summarize and improve them based on combat experience.

"This finally enables me and my troops to do what you did on the Eastern Front, winning consecutive battles against the Nazi minions and lackeys. I believe you have a share in this." Credit, if I am a student worthy of your pride, then this is undoubtedly an affirmation of me.”

No matter how you speak in an official tone or what you say on the table.

At least in private situations like this, Jack, who left a pretty good first impression on Malashenko, at least so far seems to have "remained true to his original aspirations" and has not become arrogant or domineering because of the achievements he has made.

As expected, Malashenko's response was to look at each other and smile again.

"Chinese people often say, "The master leads the door, and the practice lies with the individual." Those ancient wisdoms are still used today. I have taught you the knowledge I have, but how to use it, what level you can use it, and what kind of rewards you can get. As a result, this is your own ability and your military strength."

"Anyway, welcome to the dinner. Let us celebrate the final victory of this Great Patriotic War. Cheers!"

"Cheers to victory in the anti-Fascist war!"

Malashenko doesn't like goblets very much, but considering that the Americans are here, and the German restaurant where the banquet is held is really the only thing like this, it can be put on the table and there is a sufficient quantity.

The other cup containers either didn't exist, or were dried to pieces in the war, but these goblets were still unearthed from the underground wine cellar. It’s good to have some, but what kind of bicycle do you need?

So even if you don’t like it or don’t feel comfortable with it, you can only hold your nose and use it.

With less than half a glass of wine passed through his throat, Malashenko felt the spicy power. He was really full of energy after not drinking for a long time. When he looked up, he saw that Jack was already drinking, winking and grinning. .

"Oh, God! This wine is so spicy. It's like drinking gasoline with gunpowder. It's burning in my stomach."

Maybe he realized that the description he subconsciously blurted out was a little disrespectful to the friendly troops who were hosting the banquet. Jack didn't forget to make up for himself before putting down the cup.

"Uh, don't get me wrong, General. I mean this wine is really spicy, nothing else."

“I’ve heard that Russian wine has a very strong stamina. My friend even told me that it was like drinking liquid explosives. I didn’t have time to taste it last time I went to Moscow, but this time I was really impressed by this sip. "

Jack is the kind of person who can tell at a glance that he doesn't have any drinking habits on weekdays. I guess low-alcohol wine and champagne are already his limit.

The Red Army used it to celebrate the victory in the Patriotic War, and the 62-degree Vodka specially prepared for the troops stationed in Berlin was really inappropriate for this kid to pour into his mouth.

"It doesn't matter. If it doesn't suit you, just taste it. There is wine and champagne over there."

"Oh, speaking of wine and champagne, there is one more thing. These fat officials, who are full of wine and meat, have stolen a lot of good wine from the French. Just in the underground wine cellar of this hotel, there is so much wine. It’s piled high. I heard that this was a place where Germans used to entertain distinguished guests, but now it’s used to entertain anti-fascist fighters.”

This is indeed the case.

When Malashenko went down to the underground wine cellar of this hotel for the first time, Comrade Ma was stunned by the scene.

God knows how many bottles of good wine are there, just like soda bottles coming off the assembly line in the 21st century, piled one after another and piled high everywhere.

When there was no room for the wine cabinet, boxes were packed and piled on the floor. As a result, there was no space on the floor, so boxes filled with high-end wines were piled one on top of the other.

This kind of place, which is used by Nazis to entertain distinguished guests, is usually not visited by those "black dogs" who are robbing things on the streets and plundering and chewing land everywhere. After all, rabbits don't even eat grass on the edge of their nests. These crazy dog-like SS raiding teams also know what is not suitable to touch.

Hearing what Malashenko said, Jack, who put down his wine glass, looked surprised, but he spoke without much thought.

"Oh, the Nazis did cause irreparable huge trauma and losses to France. But when it comes to France, what I don't understand the most is why they surrendered so quickly. Aren't they descendants of Napoleon? Why did they once dominate Europe? Is this what the stormy France has become?”

"If they could have a city like Stalingrad, even just one, I believe the situation would be very different, and it might not be the result it is today."

Jack didn't speak for the French just because they were Western allies. After all, anyone who knew something about military affairs, even if he didn't talk about generals but just ordinary soldiers, would have to say "I can't see it" after seeing your French guy's performance in World War II. I understand, but I was shocked."

Is this the descendant of Napoleon, the France that could not be crushed by the meat grinder in World War I?

Why are you like this after not seeing each other for a few days?

If Americans say "I can't understand it, it's very shocking" after reading it, then maybe your military operations have indeed reached a level that has never been done before, and it's hard to say whether there will be any others in the future.

"Ha, French? Those French"

Malashenko, who just shook his head when mentioning France, didn't say much. He just made a simple but unsophisticated comment.

"If those French men can take half of the way they went to the streets to grab their French women's hair, cut it off and shave their heads in the street after the Germans escaped, and use it for battlefield charges. Then I'd probably wash my hair. His military adventure will only lead to his own execution."

"As for us, we probably wouldn't be drinking and talking at this time, in this place, in this state, and we wouldn't be able to achieve this friendship."

"Ha, it feels like someone is reminding us, as if saying, "Say it quickly, thank you French people." It's kind of interesting."

As early as the last meeting and the first acquaintance, I had already understood that Malashenko's sense of humor was different from other Russian generals, as if it gave him a feeling that was not so strange, but very familiar.

Jack, who was amused by Malashenko's words, didn't care about the dignity of the "Western allies". The United States and the Soviet Union had reached an unprecedented tacit understanding at this moment - this "milk method" is a beautiful thing.

"What the general said is, I think French history textbooks should record such a paragraph in the future - we should thank our American allies, because if it weren't for them, the text you see will not be recorded in French, But in German.”


You laugh, I laugh too, everyone is laughing, the US military and the Red Army are laughing together.

Why don't the French laugh, you ask?

Maybe the joke isn't funny enough and needs to be made stronger.

"Oh, by the way, General, there is one more thing I almost forgot to introduce to you."

Jack, who was laughing quite happily as he was making up a "milking joke" on the spot, suddenly remembered something, and then he quickly took the hand of the lady next to him and spoke to Malashenko again.

"This is my wife, Kate Morrison."

"Kate, this is the General Malashenko I have always mentioned to you before, and he was also my former mentor. His original armor tactics are famous all over the world, and I have benefited a lot. One of the most decorated generals of the Front."

Before Jack finished speaking, the lady, who was set off by a luxurious evening dress that looked priceless at first sight, then smiled and saluted Malashenko.

"Hello General, your deeds are famous even in the United States. Please allow me to pay tribute to you on behalf of my family."

"Uh family?"

Malashenko was a little stunned when he heard this. He blinked and had not yet regained his composure, but he heard Jack on the side take the initiative to speak and add in the introduction.

"Kate's family is a traditional political family. My father-in-law is a veteran congressman with a considerable degree of influence. He has always been committed to making his hometown richer and better, so he is deeply respected and loved by the people in his hometown."

Well, that’s what co-authorship is all about.

Malashenko must have known why those weird and displeased people called Jack the "Congress-customized version of the God of War."

I think you are a "son-in-law riding a dragon". No wonder he takes off immediately after showing a little bit of performance on the battlefield. With such a father-in-law, it will be difficult for you to not even want to take off.

"Hello, madam. As Jack's comrade-in-arms, I would also like to congratulate you on the outstanding achievements of your husband, who is also an outstanding anti-Fascist general."

But one thing is for sure, Mrs. Kate's appearance is indeed quite good, and she is also very good at dressing up.

These days, there is no such thing as arrogant and miraculous tricks in front of your face, and there is no such thing as "coaxing" from a visual distance right in front of you.

A lavender gradient evening dress cost an unknown amount of money. It must have been handmade by a high-end tailor. The jewelry on the hands, head and neck should sparkle and shine as they should, and they were truly dazzling under the various artificial light sources at the venue.

He was definitely younger than Jack, but he couldn't tell how much younger he was.

It's just that this woman is really good at dressing up. She doesn't have heavy makeup, just just the right makeup, which makes Malashenko a little unsure of her exact age. And it is very impolite to ask a lady her age in person. As a dignified Soviet tank corps lieutenant general and a person who wants to save face, we simply forget it.

He didn't care how hard Jack's old father-in-law tried to get him to take off, nor was he very interested in it.

Just when Malashenko was about to say something else, he never thought that Jack, the boy, had already taken the lead and spoke quietly while holding a refilled wine glass.

"General, I wonder who this beautiful lady beside you is?"

Oh, you finally asked this. I thought you thought your wife was too good-looking, so I was embarrassed to ask.

She also came to the front holding Anya's hand. She changed out of her nurse's uniform and put on a clean and straight female captain's uniform. Anya, who rarely wears this kind of clothes, is standing here with only clean makeup. , the feeling is still enough to make people's eyes bright, and they can't help but pay a considerable degree of attention.

And Malashenko's words also blurted out at the same time.

"Let me introduce, this is the head nurse of the field hospital directly under the leadership of our army. He is also an outstanding representative of our army's outstanding field medical workers and the winner of the Soviet Hero Award, Captain Anya Bokeyeva."

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