Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2983 Where is your Lexington?

Malashenko’s considerations are actually not complicated.

First of all, Anya is an outstanding representative of our army. She is a field medical worker and an active soldier.

Secondly, I took Anya alone with me and held her hand to introduce you. Is this out of courtesy or some other personal relationship?

Well, I can’t explain it clearly, and I can’t explain it to you to death. There is no standard answer or result. It depends on how you think, think, and understand it.

Of course, don't expect to get any follow-up response from me. The response is "no response". What you think is your business, I will not comment.

The routine is just that. Without verbal introduction in this situation, it is indeed difficult to tell whether Malashenko's actions were a courtesy or if there was any further relationship.

Having said that, Jack himself is not an ordinary person, not an ordinary American soldier who acts as a gangster on the street.

The situation of the US military is that it has nothing to do with the military commanders at all, but to be honest, it doesn't have much to do with the quality of the soldiers under their command.

The soldiers under his command were ignorant, and it was two hundred and five. It didn't mean that Jack didn't wink, but it was also two hundred and five times two, or double two hundred and five.

The reason why I am able to sit in this position now is because of my wife's relationship with politics, and I know how to observe people's emotions and many incidental things.

Jack, who had a "comprehensive" expression on his face, just nodded slightly, and then saluted Anya with a smile.

“I know that the Red Army paid unimaginable huge casualties and sacrifices in this great Patriotic War. The surviving war heroes were able to live to witness the arrival of Victory Day because they all relied on the bravery and tenacity of medical workers in the field. , fearless in giving.”

"Please allow me to pay tribute to you on behalf of my colleagues! Captain Anya! Thank you and all the field medical workers for your heroic efforts in winning this great anti-Fascist war. Women also shuttled through the war. A sonorous hero online.”

Jack's Mandarin was as impeccable as ever.

It was indeed the first time to experience such a big scene, and it was also the first time to be saluted by a major general of the US Army. Anya, who was following Malashenko rather like a bird, seemed a little panicked.

But maybe she got some kind of encouragement or courage because she believed that the person she relied on and deeply loved was so close. Anya, whose panic was fleeting, quickly returned to normal and returned the favor.

"Thank you for your recognition and praise, General. It is a great honor for me. The heroic story of you and your troops delivering a heavy blow to the Nazis in Bastogne is also impressive. (っ◔◡◔)っ

Due to the foreseeable banquet needs, Malashenko personally made up the relevant homework for Anya on the way there.

Including Jack's personal deeds, the troops he commanded, his battle results, etc., Malashenko told Anya orally so that they could be recorded.

But compared to his own troops and related achievements, he was well known to the beautiful young lady in front of him. He could guess the reasons and reasons for this.

What surprised Jack even more was that Anya actually spoke to him directly without a translator, speaking English that was not as fluent as Malashenko, but was almost as pure as pure English.

Could it be that English has become so popular among the Red Army and the fluency is still so high? How come even non-combatant medical workers can speak so fluently?

Jack doesn't think this is because "the United States is invincible, and you and other small barbarian countries are competing to learn and worship it."

As a qualified military officer and a major general and division commander, what Jack cares about is how much effort the Russians have put into understanding the US military, how much effort and time they have spent, and what important results they have achieved. This is What a qualified military officer should think about is not "I, the United States, are invincible" who brag all day long.

Now, the situation before Jack was that a head nurse of non-combatants in the Red Army could speak English so fluently. It was difficult to imagine how much he knew about the United States and the US military.

Is this common? Are there many such people in Malashenko's army? Or is this level just average? If you recruit another officer from the combat unit, maybe as soon as he speaks English, you will mistakenly think that he is a red-necked uncle from Texas who came to Berlin?

As a military commander, Jack knew very well what kind of urine his subordinates had.

Not to mention knowing the Red Army, those guys under me who have swollen nostrils, God is first and I am second, even those who can speak fluent Russian and can communicate normally without the help of a translator, are only a handful. There are not many to count.

The number of people who can speak Russian as fluently as Anya can speak English can be counted on one hand.

It was obvious how obvious the gap between the two was, not to mention that the beautiful lady in front of her was only a non-combatant woman.

Damn it, do you want to be so annoying? This is too much of a ghost story.

It is impossible to imagine what this would mean if it were a common situation. A qualified military officer would definitely consider the worst and most unfavorable situation. And this is exactly the true state of mind of Jack, who seems to be calm on the surface and is still smiling, but is actually quite surprised inside.

Jack concealed himself well, but he still couldn't escape the eyes of Malashenko, who knew that he must pay more attention at this time.

In fact, for Malashenko, this is not a test.

Let’s explore Jack’s background. In the end, he is arrogant and careless about foreseeable potential opponents in the future.

Or can I say that he is able to capture details with keen insight and analyze some things under the surface from these details? He is a guy worthy of his attention and serious treatment. It is not just a beautifully packaged showpiece, as those who oppose him and dislike him call him the "Congress-customized God of War".

The answer has been revealed, and in the fleeting strange expression on Jack's face, Malashenko has indeed seen it and taken it to heart.

This guy really has a bit of a discerning eye, so it seems necessary to raise his rating a little higher.

Just by "looking at each other", a round of testing has actually been completed. Malashenko, who has been smiling from just now until now, decided to help Jack relieve the pressure, and then see what happens next. What will be the reaction?

"Anya has been working as an assistant with the director of our field hospital. His name is Karachev, and he is a top student who graduated from Johns Hopkins University in the United States. His tutor is quite famous, Professor John Steck, a top surgical expert. "

"Kalachev served his country after studying, returned to his disaster-ridden hometown when his motherland was in the most critical moment, and used what he had learned to go to the front line of the battlefield. He has indeed created countless miracles. According to the way you Americans describe it, "I don't know how many lives have been snatched from the hands of death," some of which are our comrades, and some are even ordinary civilians injured by the Nazis."

"It's also because I have been working with him as an assistant and need to read some English materials and books or communicate. Anya's English level has improved very quickly. It seems that you are a little surprised?"

Kalachev was in the Soviet Union, but he kept in contact with his girlfriend in the United States. Letters and mails never stopped.

Malashenko also knows that the Americans themselves must know this. After all, Karachev is a public figure who has been praised in newspapers many times. You can't treat your potential opponents who are on par with you as a fool.

There is no such thing as saying that Kalachev should always be hidden and his "wealth" should not be exposed. The Red Army has the ability to protect its comrades. Kalachev is not a shady underground worker. Let's talk about his heroic deeds. It’s not a big deal, I’m just saying it so you Americans can see it.

By the way, we can also see how your boy Jack will react. This is the point.

"Oh, that's really surprising, General."

Jack's reaction was bland and no big deal, at least on the surface. He also spoke in an official tone as always, saying words that seemed to be flawless.

"I'm glad to hear that there are top talents from the United States who have made outstanding contributions to the victory of the anti-Fascist war on the Eastern Front."

"The United States has the world's top medical technology and scientific level, which every American is proud of. But Miss Anya's English is indeed very good. I have to admit that this is indeed beyond my expectation."

"A beautiful and intelligent lady always leaves the deepest impression on people. Your outstanding language talent is as consistent as your beautiful face."

It may also be because the last time they got along, the two of them had a private conversation. Malashenko always felt that Jack's "politician concentration" was a bit too high for this meeting.

It was as if the person standing in front of him was not a military attache general, but a senator who could tell the moon to move in reverse along its orbit.

"Looks like I need to talk to this guy in private."

Thinking that it would be a waste of time to continue like this, Malashenko simply suggested, "Let the ladies get to know each other first." When men exchange cups with cigarettes in their mouths, they may be rude and ignore the ladies, which is harmful to everyone. All have benefits.

Coincidentally, Jack, who borrowed the donkey from Poxia, also had the same intention, so he told his wife that he could not accompany him for the time being, and he and Malashenko went elsewhere with a wine glass in each hand.

"Are you used to German food? Some of the dishes are really good, in my opinion."

I picked up a fork and stuffed a piece of German-style roasted pork knuckle into my mouth. The roasted pork knuckle was crispy and delicious, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The meat was fragrant and fat but not greasy. In this war of material scarcity, The era can indeed be called one of the top enjoyments, giving people an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

I didn't start with the roasted pork knuckle, but focused on the German sausage.

Jack, who was not so particular, was just like Malashenko. He raised his hand and picked up the fork, then forked a whole sausage. He held it in his hand and nibbled off half of it, feeling the fullness in his mouth. Feeling grateful, he nodded and spoke.

"Indeed, the Krauts at least deserve recognition for their meat cooking, just like their panzers."

"But that was before they thought they were going to knock down a shabby house and then break into the Soviet Union with reckless abandon and treachery."

After spitting out the pig bones and throwing them into the trash can beside the buffet table, Jack, who approved of Malashenko's statement, immediately replied.

"Yes, to be more precise, it was before they met a "steel butcher" named Malashenko and felt a little "Slavic shock."

"Ha! It feels a bit like last year, don't you think?"

"Of course, I still remember Madam Natalia's cooking skills. The dinner that day made me forget to come back. I look forward to tasting the Russian delicacies cooked by Madam herself next time."

Jack did not forget that before he returned home after completing his studies, he went to Malashenko's house with a bottle of red wine at night to have a meal.

Of course, I still remember what Malashenko said when he looked at Natalia's figure - she is the only Lexington in my life.

"Want one? Made in Cuba, top quality."


Malashenko, who had never smoked this stuff on weekdays, took the cigar offered by Jack and accepted it immediately for a change of taste.

Changing glasses, drinking good wine, and putting the cigarette in one's mouth with the fragrance of the appetizers lingering on the lips and teeth. There is a reason why tough guys should talk about the topic at the wine table.

Leaning on the window sill away from the crowd, smoking with Malashenko's mouth, feeling the gentle night breeze blowing from the still dilapidated and desolate ruined streets of Berlin, there are indeed some things I want to say to Malashenko privately. Jack, who was talking, chose to take the initiative to speak.

"You know what? The Lexington may be the original legend, but the U.S. Navy still has many, many other aircraft carriers, and they are also very good."


Malashenko could tell that there was something in Jack's words, but he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he chose to continue to be a listener and listen quietly.

"It may be my imagination, but Miss Anya may be just like the Enterprise to you. The Enterprise is not the original legend, but she has always been with the U.S. Navy, working hard, working hard, never giving up, and playing every game. She has never Even though she will never get the title of "the original legend", she will always be on the front line."


Malashenko still didn't speak. He lay on the window sill with a cigar in his mouth and looked at the dilapidated street scene in the night. He didn't speak quietly until a gust of night wind blew slowly.

"What about you? Where's your Enterprise? Where's your Lexington?"


Malashenko had long seen the apparent incompatibility between Jack and his wife. Although the two of them stood together and smiled brighter than the other, they looked like a model couple who could be featured in special reports.

But the woman's every smile and every move toward Jack was too standardized. It didn't look like she was in love as before, but more like a restaurant waiter serving food to the guests.

Precisely because he saw this, Malashenko, who had already become famous as a "powerful man" when he was still in college in his previous life, was confident that he would not be mistaken about this matter, so he borrowed it with his backhand. There was something in Jack's words that gave him a chance to ask.

Moreover, this guy was asked a question and couldn't hold back a reaction for a long time.

Malashenko was convinced that not only was he right, but he probably also uncovered the scars buried deep in the heart of his good brother.

Just by looking at Jack's melancholy and indifferent eyes, you can tell that there will definitely be something "big" in what he says next.

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