"Rather than saying that I married her, it is better to say that her family chose me. Maybe my greatest value is to contribute to the family."

As soon as Jack opened his mouth, Malashenko knew that a tragic emotional experience was slowly unfolding.

"You know my situation. A poor boy from Texas like me is not worthy of a lady like Kate. This is something I only realized later, but at the beginning, my head was hot and I was worried. When I was only thinking about pursuing girls, I didn’t think so at that time. I thought love could conquer everything.”

Jack's words trailed off quietly with the sound of the wind. After hearing the words, Malashenko nodded appropriately and spoke.

"Well, yes. Except for the 152 howitzer. The righteous 152 grenade can break all love packaged by capital and hypocrisy. If one shot is not enough, then two."


Thinking that Malashenko was deliberately joking, trying to make himself feel better, Jack accepted this intention and continued to speak.

"Kate and I met at a friend's party. At that time, I was just a captain, doing some odd jobs of drawing pictures and organizing materials. She was still a college student at the time, and a friend introduced us to each other. At that time, I was thinking , She is truly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.”

"So you launched a crazy pursuit offensive? Want to embrace the beauty?"

Malashenko felt that this might be the end of love stories these days, but this time his guess was not very accurate.

"On the contrary, it was Kate who contacted me."

"Damn, is this happening? So you were hooked from the beginning?"

Faced with Malashenko's slight surprise, Jack nodded immediately.

"That's right. That's right. After all, it's true."

"There is nothing to say about the love story. At that time, I felt that it was the luckiest thing in my life to be with Kate. From the moment we fell in love to the final marriage, everything went smoothly, but after the marriage, I I started to realize that things are not that simple.”

He sucked on his cigar and puffed out a long wisp of smoke. Many times, the size of a man's puff seemed to be in contrast to his state of mind when smoking. Jack's eyes were mixed with sadness, and that's what Jack looked like now.

"I am often in the army, sometimes for half a year or more, and sometimes for more than a year. It is a common situation that I cannot return home."

"Kate and I kept in touch by writing letters, just like a normal American military family. The wife missed her husband in the military, and the husband missed his wife back home. Everything seemed wonderful."

"Until one time, maybe because of her negligence, I found that she told me in a letter that she was renovating the house at home and watching the workers, but this letter was sent from a place more than 500 kilometers away. .


Malashenko didn't say anything and just continued to listen, but he could really feel in his heart that a mysterious green light was emitting from the top of Jack's forehead.

"I was very anxious and uneasy at the time, and I couldn't wait to go home quickly to see what the real situation was. Was it the impossible military mailing address that was mistaken, or was it that my wife had lied to me? "

"But I can't leave. There are important tasks in those months, which is when the staff are busiest."

"At this time, a friend came up with an idea and asked me to test it out to see where the problem is. You will know after trying it."

"I didn't think of anything better, so I did it. I wrote to say how was the German Shepherd that was recently sent to the house. Is the dog still obedient?"

"The reply came quickly. This time the address was sent from home, so there was no problem. She told me that she had received the dog and everything was fine. The dog was very obedient and suitable for housekeeping and nursing home. Compliment this is such a good dog.”

"The truth is that I didn't ask anyone to buy a dog for my family. I don't even like dogs very much. I just never mentioned it to her."

"From then on I knew that this envied love story was far from as simple as I imagined."

Although the method is simple but effective, it is enough to test whether his wife is at home, but Malashenko is more concerned about what happens next.

"So you two had a falling out? Why didn't you get divorced?"

"Because she told me that doing so would be of no benefit to anyone. I knew about their family's affairs, and I also knew about hers."

"I don't dare to say what will happen to me, but at least my military career should be over. Can you imagine how a captain will fight against the veteran senators who are in full swing? I have put all my knowledge into practice since I was in school. Focus your energy and time on one thing - becoming a good soldier."

"If I lose my career and those efforts that have become sunk costs, what am I? Nothing, maybe I can only go back to my hometown restaurant to wash dishes or work in the fields. This gap is so big that I really can't accept."


Malashenko guessed that the situation might not be that good, but he did not expect that it would be so bad.

This is no longer called emotional frustration. Jack, this kid, put himself in it from the beginning, and he was so trapped that he couldn't get out even if he wanted to.

To put it bluntly, the good brother will probably be left here for the rest of his life, and he will probably be a puppet on strings in the days to come.

However, what Jack said next was still somewhat different from what Malashenko expected.

"Later, I found an opportunity. I went back while she was at home and brought the matter to a showdown."

"I want to know why you chose me and gave me the wrong impression if you didn't intend to be with me from the beginning."

"She said that because I was very suitable, I had good eyesight, was away from home all year round, was simple and focused on the military, had investment potential, and did not have the ability or means to pose a threat to her family. And even if the truth was discovered, it would be It’s nothing, this military uniform is my only glory and my biggest weakness. She has reason to believe that I will not do anything irrational no matter what.”

"Well, she was indeed right. I really can't accept that all my efforts have been wasted. I really dream that one day, I can become a hero and return to my hometown to make my mother proud of me."

"So I compromised. What else could I do if I didn't compromise? Waiting to be driven home to eat myself for some unbelievable reason? Then my life would be completely over. She said that at least I still have a career now, and as some kind of compensation , If there is an opportunity one day in the future and I can take advantage of the situation, then her family will help me when necessary. "

"At that time, I can become famous, enjoy personal honors, return home as a hero, and achieve my life goals; and she and her family can use this as political capital and obtain far greater returns than their investment in me. I don't I know very well what the specific operation will be, and to be honest, I’m not interested either. I just want to be myself.”

"It turns out that at least on this matter, she didn't lie or create any false impressions for me."

"Of course I know that the opportunity to study in the Soviet Union, the opportunity to lead troops immediately after returning from studies, as well as today's position, this military uniform, and these two stars, these seem to be a series of reasonable and reasonable, but how do they actually come about? "

"This is my story. A complete loser in relationships, who was forced to make a deal with his feelings in exchange for a smooth rise in his career. I want to know, as a student, whether such an experience will To embarrass the teacher?"

After listening to this somewhat harsh story, Malashenko, who was smoking a cigar with squinted eyes, was still recalling every memory of himself and Jack from the time they met until now.

With a big puff of smoke filling his lips and teeth, he finally spoke slowly again.

"But you did a pretty good job in the battle in Bastogne. I looked up some related stuff and it's really remarkable. You were able to hold back the Germans who had just destroyed the 101st Division and won a great victory. Call him back. To be honest, even if you lead me and call that old boy Barton over, I dare say that he may or may not be able to do it. "

"Whether you are forced to make a deal or not is your business. I have no control over it. As a teacher, I only look at the transcripts of the students I teach."

"I think the result should be quite satisfactory, even a little surprising. No matter what, the things you fight on the battlefield should not be obtained by you being forced to make a deal, right?"

After hearing that Malashenko could still give such high recognition to himself after knowing all this, it would be a lie to say that Jack was indifferent and unmoved by this.

It should be said that meeting Malashenko is a great blessing for me.

"There is one more thing I should tell you. I have been holding it in my heart for so many years and I have never mentioned it to anyone."

Jack, who was still clinging to the window sill, did not hear Malashenko's refusal, so he assumed that his teacher wanted to hear a story and continued to speak.

"She allowed me. To be precise, she allowed me. That's right."

"She and I are allowed to not interfere with each other and live our own lives. We are just a couple in name. As for her coming to Berlin this time, you should be able to imagine that newspapers, magazines, and radio speakers will mention this matter. "It spreads out and spreads throughout the United States. This is more important than anything else. This is what she and her family want."

"Even you, today's banquet, everything here is her purpose. Although she doesn't want to admit it, it is true. She and her family will benefit a lot from today's banquet. All she needs to do is bring the news and photos. Just come, you and I are both foils and objects of use at this moment, your reputation, everything about you and me, here and tonight, I hope you won’t be angry about it.”


What else could Malashenko say, who was already numb from listening to the story? Things have come to this point. You said that I was actually used by you. I am so fucking angry. Why don't you get out of here?

No, not really.

Malashenko originally agreed to this because of his personal relationship with Jack, but it didn't matter that his calculating wife was used as an "image ambassador".

After all, if you are messing around in the United States, you can't mess with our Soviet tank heroes, right? If you care too much about what others think of you, you will lose yourself.

On the contrary, Malashenko felt that since the matter had reached this point and Jack's wife was pretty sure that she would not have a fit on the spot at such an official occasion and kick her out or something, it would be better to just let it happen. She wished.

The result is a further personal relationship with Jack, which is what Malashenko values.

Today I, Malashenko, will give you this face, but tomorrow, do you, Jack, have to help me on some important occasion? Do you still owe me a favor with interest that you haven't repaid?

You will gain nothing by having an attack on the spot, so it is in your own interest to continue the party.

After paying the "image ambassador" investment which is nothing at all, I can get a useful return from Jack that cannot be cashed out now, but may not be guaranteed in the future.

Don't be too stubborn. People are wandering around in the world, and it's hard to tell who will be able to ask for whom, or who will need whom. What's more, both of them are in high positions to a certain extent and will continue to climb up in the foreseeable future.

Malashenko feels that his long-term deal is worth it.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, who had already made up his mind, spoke quietly with a calm face and no strangeness at all.

"There's nothing to be angry about. You said that you, as a student, are already in this state of misery. As a teacher, instead of comforting you, am I going to make things worse for you?"

"No way? No way? Is your teacher Malashenko this kind of person in your mind? It can't be like this, right?"

Malashenko is indeed very good at grasping and controlling the atmosphere of dialogue. This is actually the same as the political commissar praising Comrade Ma for being suitable for giving speeches.

To put it simply, it means "you can talk the talk", that's what it means.

As for the effect, just look at Jack's expression of gratitude and gratitude. Not everyone can get face from Malashenko.

"It seems that my life is not always shrouded in failed relationships. At least in the friendship between teachers and students, and the friendship between comrades in a foreign country, I think I feel sincerity."

"Thank you, my old friend."

When Malashenko was willing to make friends with Jack at first, it was not because he knew how prosperous he would be in the future, but because he simply thought he was a good guy who could pee into a pot.

And until now, this seems to have remained unchanged.

"Your feeling is right, but I have to add something to you. This feeling should be mutual."

Jack laughed after hearing this, and Malashenko also laughed after saying this.

One US Army, one Red Army, one Major General, and one Lieutenant General.

The two old men were just sitting here scratching the window sill, smiling like the little kid in crotchless pants who had just finished peeing in the village. They were silently confirming the truth of the saying "A man is a boy until he dies", until Jack came again. Once he spoke quietly.

"Actually, I should be grateful to her for giving me this freedom so that I can live my own life. Otherwise, I will always live in the shadows and fears she has woven for me, and I will not be able to get out on my own."

"Fortunately, I also met my own "Lexington"."

I'll probably mention it a little bit, it won't be a spoiler, so feel free to read it.

I had already conceived the character of Jack, who would play a crucial role in the Cold War plot, so I spent a lot of time filling in the fullness of his character. I also recommend that everyone get to know this person, and future Cold War plots will seem to have a deeper understanding.

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