Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2985 Hope and the future are with us

"Huh? Is there still such a thing?"

If he hadn't noticed it just now, after Jack said this, Malashenko felt that his wife, who was so calculating that she was almost a genius and whose brains were obviously beyond her years, could be tolerant and generous to Jack on such a private life issue. Such kindness may seem a bit unexpected at first glance.

However, Jack's next words quickly answered Malashenko's questions.

"Don't get me wrong, she didn't do it out of kindness, but she did this to keep me in check and use me for a long time, that's all."

"I understand that if you only rely on a person's personal ideals and long-term goals to comfort and control him, it will still not achieve the best results."

"Just imagine, what if one day I feel that there is no hope of promotion, feel discouraged, or have been living in depression for a long time and have mental problems, and I really plan to fight her and her family to death? Investment is still risky. Good investors will reduce risks to the lowest level within the controllable range, and this is the case for their family.”

Malashenko felt that he was beginning to understand a little bit. The meaning of these words combined with what Jack had said before, the answer seemed to be in front of him.

"So your "model" good wife wants to use another sincere relationship to add more weight to you, and tie more things to you that you can't let go of, so that you can put these things away before doing things that are not in the interest of her and her family. Think about it carefully before you include the things?"

Hearing this, Jack nodded, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, but more of a sadness, which made Malashenko "quite angry" when he saw this situation.

"Fuck! You are really unlucky. A family like this will eat you up from the inside out and kill you? Have you ever heard of a tool man? It may be offensive, but this It’s just a word made for you, really.”

Things have come to this point but there is no other way. It is the truest portrayal of being unable to control yourself.

But fortunately, as Jack himself said just now, his miserable life is not all gloomy, there is still some sunshine that can shine in.

"I have fallen into it, and this is just a way for her and her family to strengthen and restrain me. This is not a choice I can make, and no matter what I do, it will not end well for me."

"After going through so much, I thought about it. Since I can't resist, I will do my best to make my life better."

"Even if I knew it was a glass of poisonous wine, I would still drink it. I really can't continue to live like this. That will cause problems sooner or later. Even the aroma in the poisonous wine can still make me worse. No matter how bad life gets, it gets better.”

"When I was little, I liked a girl from the farm next to our house, her name was Evelyn. At that time, we used to play together, sit on the haystacks and watch the sunset. Sometimes she would invite me to her house as a guest. , their family works for the farm next door.”

"Eveline has a mother who loves her very much. Unfortunately, her father is an alcoholic and a gambler who likes to make money. The money he earns from working on the farm is not enough for him to squander. That bastard always scolds Eve. Lin is a loser, and living will only keep him from drinking and playing tricks, and he will beat Evelin when he gets high."

"Eveline's mother will protect her, and then this bastard drunkard will beat both mother and daughter. After the beating, they will fall asleep on the bed, smelling bad, and Evelyn will have to drag her with her mother. Go back to work with a body full of scars and earn money to spend money on for this drunkard."

"One time I couldn't stand it anymore. I was only 16 years old at that time. I picked up a stick and beat the old bastard hard. He was so drunk that he never hit me. I felt like he was finally I protected Evelin and taught this old bastard a lesson."


After listening to the little story, Comrade Lao Ma gave a thumbs up without hesitation. He dared to stand up for his childhood sweetheart. For this reason, all my buddies respect you. You are a man and you can do it without being timid.

But the following story is not the ending that a "hero saves a beauty" should have.

"What I didn't expect was that it would be the last time I met Evelyn. His alcoholic father quit his job on the farm the next day and moved away with the whole family. I don't know where he went. I went to the farm and asked about it, but no one knew about it, not even the people who worked with Evelyn’s family.”

"I thought that was the end of it, but I didn't expect that one day I would see Evelyn again, but by then it was too late."

"The second year after I graduated from the military academy and joined the U.S. Army, I went back to town to visit family and take a vacation. I met Evelyn in a restaurant. By that time, she was already married and had two children, and her good-for-nothing dad also I drank too much and died. God knows how much I drank. But fortunately, Evelyn married a Marine. Her husband was a good man. I met him later and he was very energetic. Dude, be nice to Evelyn.”

"At that time, I was really happy for Evelyn. Although the person accompanying her was not me, fortunately, the nightmare was over and she could have a new life that truly belonged to her. Everything was moving in a good direction. "

"Until those damn Japs attacked Pearl Harbor and the Pacific War broke out, Evelyn's husband, as the pioneer of the naval expeditionary force, was among the first to join the counterattack."

"I've never been to Guadalcanal. It's not the Army's job, but I heard it was like a living hell. Bugs, poisonous snakes, plagues, and Japs' bayonets could come at you from anywhere at any time. Fighting in the local area is a test both mentally and physically. In the end, Evelin's husband also died on the island. It is said that he was killed by a Japanese battleship gun, and his body was not found.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making you mention these bad things. But I think you can leave this grudge to me. Maybe one day I will teach these Japanese devils a lesson on your behalf and send them on their way."

What Jack said was a bit sad, but Malashenko listened attentively out of the most basic etiquette and respect, and even made a promise that surprised Jack.

"Really? Are you going to use force against the Japanese? Are you finally going to send them on their way?"

Malashenko, who walked to the table, took back the two wine glasses in one hand and returned the same way. With a cigar in one hand and a wine glass in the other, he drank while leaning against the window sill and answered Jack's slightly surprised question.

"I can't say, I'm not sure. But if I have this opportunity, believe me, I will definitely count on you to teach those Japanese devils a lesson and let them know what the Red Army Iron Fist is."

Although the upcoming war against Japan had been determined by the Big Three as early as the Yalta Conference.

But as far as the Soviet Union is concerned, a series of details, including whether the leader's army will go to fight in the Far East and the specific combat plan, are still highly military secrets that even Malashenko has only "heard a little about."

It was naturally impossible for Malashenko to reveal to Jack the highly classified military secrets that he could not even grasp.

A good relationship is a personal relationship. Malashenko still has a sense of how to distinguish between public and private affairs.

What's more, Malashenko didn't know whether there were any leaders in the list of troops fighting against Japan who suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Berlin and were about to face major reorganization and military parade tasks. Their schedules were already packed.

It is inappropriate and unreliable to say something prematurely.

Being able to tell Jack a "what if" is the limit of what Malashenko can do.

And Jack's next reaction was quite predictable.

"It would be great if that were the case. I can't imagine what it would be like for those Japanese devils to encounter the most powerful field legion in the entire Red Army."

"I probably won't have the chance to teach those evil beasts a lesson with my own hands. From the news I heard, the 4th Armored Division has not been assigned to fight against Japan, but it's all up to you, teacher, to help the students get out of this bad mood."

"Of course, the answer is that I'm happy to do it for you."


When they reached an agreement, the wine glasses clinked together, and after each took a sip of wine, Jack, holding a cigar in his hand, changed the topic back to the previous topic.

"After learning about the death of her husband, I immediately went to ask someone to inquire about the situation and learned that Evelyn's condition was very bad."

"She and her mother depended on each other because she was beaten too hard by her alcoholic father in the early years. Evelyn's mother has leg and foot problems. The older she gets, the harder it is to take care of herself. All of them are counting on Evelyn. "

"Evelin received some compensation, but it was far from enough. She has to raise two children by herself and take care of her own mother. She has no one to rely on and no one to help her. I really can't stand it. And anyway I'm like this too, I'm a rotten person, but I just have a glamorous appearance, so there's nothing wrong with helping her as much as I can."

"So you two are together?"

That's what he meant by what he said, but Malashenko wasn't very sure about it, but Jack admitted it openly without much thought.

"Yes, but at first I just wanted to help her and try my best to help her."

"Because I really have no home to go back to. When I go back, I just stay in the shabby house where I am alone. Sometimes I don't even see Kate once a year. It feels like living in a haunted house. I really hate going back to that place. So except for occasionally going back to my hometown to visit the elderly, I basically stay at Evelin’s house.”

"Guess what? Her mother actually recognized me and immediately recognized me as the "smart kid" back then. Hey! Let me tell you, her mother likes me, just like she did when she was a child! Evelyn The two children are also very cute, a boy and a girl, like two little angels.”

"I didn't realize that I liked children so much before, and of course I didn't expect to have any children with Kate. It was Evelyn's two children that made me dream of being a father. For the first time, I felt that this should be It will be a very happy and beautiful thing, and I am more and more convinced that this feeling is definitely right!”


The fact that they can talk so much and still reach this point is proof that the two people have similar interests and similar personalities. Malashenko, who can understand the feeling described in Jack's context, also expressed his views without reservation.

"So you two are really suitable for each other. You still love her, right?"

Jack nodded, with the same unreserved expression as Malashenko, and even his eyes that were still wandering in sadness now had a glimmer of light.

"I found the sense of responsibility that I had lost for a long time in Evelyn. I once walked into the marriage hall with it in mind, but then I lost it while losing myself for a long time until I met Evelyn again. "

"No matter what other people think of me, I have long understood a truth in my inhuman life - it doesn't matter what others think of you, who will remember it a hundred years from now? What matters is yourself, how you think of yourself, How to live, how to live with meaning.”

"So I made a decision. If Kate and her family want to tie me down and tie me up with more things that I can't let go of, then come on. I'm happy to accept it all, and this time it's my own choice. People persecute me and deceive me. This is my own will, and I am happy and satisfied for it.”

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and everyone has a bitter story.

It is precisely because of understanding that Malashenko can empathize with him, and for this he recognizes and blesses the man in front of him who has experienced hardships and ups and downs, but has finally found himself.

Maybe life is not perfect, but it is precisely because of the imperfection that it has more meaning to search and fill it up bit by bit.

Every minute and every second when all this is achieved is happy and precious. Just like Jack is now, Malashenko can see the light in this man's eyes, and the miracle of regaining the value and meaning of life is Here it lies.

"Phew, it's a long and winding story, but fortunately the outcome is good. Congratulations and best wishes to you, friend."

Looking at the elegantly dressed "Mrs. Jack" in the corner of the venue, she was talking, laughing and having fun with Anya, who was unaware of everything. Malashenko, who was a little worried about Jack's future life path, couldn't help but ask questions.

"What are you going to do in the future? Are you going to be tied up like a dog and used like a tool by their family until they feel that you are worthless and then "properly dispose of" you? "

As a friend, comrade, and teacher, Malashenko did not want to see Jack end up like this.

Even though he has become a major general and holds great power, compared with the huge energy of these political families, Jack's skills are still not enough. What's more, in the United States, which still pursues a civilian-led military system, military attachés at the level of major general are really just like that.

"I don't know, but I believe I will not give up. In other words, I now have something I want to protect, and I am sure I have found the meaning of my life."

"If someone wants to destroy or take away all of this, I will not sit still and wait for death. Of course, I also know that this is not something that can be done immediately. I will consider long-term plans and make advance preparations."

"Although the process is different, the goal is the same, just like we fought side by side in this anti-Fascist war. In life, we will all protect our respective "Lexington" until the end, right?"

At least for a moment, Malashenko had thought that if Jack was a soldier under his command, he would have to be someone who could enter his inner circle and be able to compete with him and Lavrinenko. Here comes someone who is a "Three Brothers in Berlin".

This boy's behavior and personality really suit me, and I was indeed right about him at the beginning.

What will happen to the future between myself and Jack? What will happen to the American and Red Army troops who are still drinking and chatting together in the future in Berlin?

Malashenko could guess roughly, but that was not now, let alone this moment.

At the moment, it should be said that there is only one thing that Malashenko has to do.

"To our like-mindedness and our shared future, cheers!"

"Hope and the future are with us, General, cheers!"

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