Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2986 The motherland needs them

The good times are always relatively short, sparse and ordinary, and countless troubles follow one after another. This is Malashenko's normal state.

The reunion dinner with Jack was indeed quite enjoyable. The current situation between the United States and the Soviet Union was not at a tense level, and Malashenko and Jack were able to reminisce about old times as friends and comrades-in-arms. Chatting about personal matters can take longer than talking about business matters, and it is not an opportunity that comes easily.

After picking up his mood and returning to normal, Malashenko still has things to do. The first important thing is military parade-related matters. The first is the upcoming first Moscow military parade.

The superiors have already sent formal written orders and schedules. It will take a few days before Malashenko leaves to return to China. During this period, there are other tasks to be done. The first thing to do is to arrange the handover before he leaves.

As well as the transfer of the reviewing troops of the Leader's Army back to Moscow, all arrangements were made before leaving.

Malashenko's superiors had asked for his opinion on which troops would return to the country for review, but the final decision still had to be made by the higher-ups, not Malashenko.

The result was predictable. The leader's most decorated main force, Kulbalov's 1st Brigade, was named and asked to prepare to return home for review.

"You boy, you are really lucky! You rushed in front of me during the war, and now you are still in front of me during the military parade. Why is it that you are always in front of me, and I am the only one sitting behind? This is not fair! The Great Patriotic War The first military parade on Red Square after the victory, what an honor it is, but you are the only one allowed to lead the troops back to the country, I really can’t accept it!”

Although he said this as a joke, Varosha understood in his heart.

Kulbalov's brigade, after all, is the division commander, no, it should be called the old basic unit started by the comrade corps commander. It was the comrade corps commander who brought it out and handed it over to Kulbalov.

This unit, filled with merit and glory, is indeed qualified to serve as the vanguard on Moscow's Red Square and accept the first great review after the victory of the Great Patriotic War.

Being able to talk to Kurbalov like this is purely because the two brothers have a good relationship and complain about each other. Nothing more than that.

After all, you have received real honors and benefits, so you should be envious, right?

After hearing what Varosha said jokingly, gently waving his fist and hammering his chest, Kulbalov, who was already wearing a brand new major general tank soldier uniform, just smiled.

"Okay, we are all generals. You are not much worse than me."

"Besides, staying in Berlin doesn't mean that you sit there all day doing nothing. If I'm not mistaken, we probably won't be able to catch up with the military parade in Berlin, and you will be the one-man show here."

"Think about it, what will happen if those Americans, Frenchmen, and British guys stand on the stage and you rumble them over?"

"Let me tell you, if I were a Yankee or a British guy, I would probably have dizziness, high blood pressure, and maybe even pee my pants.

What Kurbalov said did make sense, but Varosha always felt that he had forgotten something and said something less.

"What about the French guys? Didn't you just say that there are still French guys on the platform? What will happen to them?"

"French guy"

After hearing this, Kulbalov pretended to be in reverie and pondered, and after a moment he directly answered in the affirmative.

"Then I think you should just raise the white flag when you see IS7, what do you think?"

"Well, don't say it yet. It makes sense. I think what you said makes sense! That's what it should be."

Pooh hahahaha——

After looking at each other, they burst into laughter. The cheerful voice penetrated the window for a while and went straight to the pile of rubble on the street outside.

No matter when, the breast milk method will always bring people unimaginable happiness regardless of time and place. It seems that it will still be the same even in a few decades.

In this way, the troops to be reviewed in the two separate military parades have been determined.

One is in Moscow and the other is in Berlin.

As for the final meeting place?

That should be in the far east, in the form of a "huge Slavic shock" to the Kwantung Army.

However, before the troops can be sent to the parade ground, the leading army must receive some new personnel and equipment for appropriate replenishment.

Some of the equipment was specially prepared for the military parade, such as the latest ISU-203 self-propelled artillery that my loving father, Comrade Stalin, "favored".

This new, huge, experimental self-propelled artillery was on the tail end of the Great Patriotic War and could have caught up with the final battle of the Battle of Berlin. After entering the battlefield via the leading division in the Battle of Berlin, he quickly attracted the attention of Comrade Stalin in the detailed battle report.

"How does this equipment perform on the battlefield?"

Not every piece of new equipment put into the battlefield will receive the immediate attention of leaders and comrades.

A leader is a leader, not an equipment minister. He is busy with a huge amount of things every day, not just military related.

Except for the "Red Stalingrad", which is really suitable for the appetite, and it is the only weapon. Most of the new equipment has achieved certain results on the battlefield, and only after it is shown in the battle reports will it attract the attention of leaders and comrades based on its strength.

Zhukov, who has been "by your side" all year round, certainly understands this truth, and he also knows that his loving father, Comrade Stalin, is a true "lover of giant things."

Large aircraft, battleships, large-caliber heavy artillery, large heavy tanks, whatever is big enough is what you like. What you want is majesty, great visual impact and destructive power.

Knowing that the leader comrade has such a hobby, it should be obvious how to answer, not to mention that it is not a lie, but a fact based on the situation.

"Currently, only the Leader Division is equipped with this experimental self-propelled artillery, and it is using the first batch of prototypes. In theory, it lacks certain reference value."

"However, judging from actual combat feedback, the leader's evaluation of it seems to be unexpectedly good. Especially in the stage of particularly strong fortifications and siege operations, it can exert a powerful destructive power that far exceeds that of ordinary 152mm artillery. "

"In addition, its mobility is also good, and its protection is even better. There is no artillery that can effectively destroy its armor. The only thing that is unsatisfactory is its weight and reliability. Some subsystems still need to be improved, and the design Feedback from the bureau said that the tonnage can be reduced a lot after further improvements.”


With a battle report in one hand and a pipe in the other, Comrade Stalin, who was sitting on the chair behind his desk and smoking from his mouth, nodded immediately after hearing Zhukov's words.

"That is to say, this equipment is very good now, and it will have the potential to become even better in the future, right?"

Listening to the leader's speech is a kind of knowledge, a very deep knowledge, a knowledge that Zhukov still dare not say that he has mastered it.

However, with regard to the words and expressions just now, it was already clear to Zhukov how to answer.

"You can think of it this way, Comrade Stalin, this is indeed a very powerful piece of equipment in a suitable combat environment."

I said it was strong, but I didn't say it was stupidly strong. I said it would be very strong in a suitable combat environment.

In the event that I am no longer strong or have problems in the future, then at least I will have a way out, and I will have something to say when the time comes, so that I won't end up in a situation where I can't get over it. It's that simple.

"That's good! Zhukov, very good!"

Comrade Stalin was very happy to receive a satisfactory answer from Zhukov, and then issued an order that would soon make the United States, Britain and the West feel blood pressure high.

"Accelerate the mass production of this equipment. The motherland needs them to appear in sufficient numbers at the military parade. Since it is the first batch of equipment to be installed and used by the leadership division, let's continue to deliver it to them. It is important to be familiar with the equipment."

"In addition, this equipment should also appear at the Berlin military parade. It is very necessary! Now that the West has begun to change its attitude towards us, it is necessary for us to show strong enough strength in front of them to prevent them from using some unnecessary, Stupid crooked mind.”

"Understood, Comrade Stalin. I will make arrangements to do this as soon as possible and ensure that I personally supervise the implementation."

With the order from his loving comrade and Zhukov's personal supervision, the Kirov factory, which was still operating at full capacity to roll out the IS7, changed its situation almost overnight.

"What? Concentrate the main production capacity on ISU-203 immediately? But, this is still experimental equipment that has not passed the final acceptance, Comrade Marshal. Although I took the lead in designing this equipment, I also hope that it can indeed be converted into Entering mass production to serve the motherland, but isn’t it a bit inappropriate to do so?”

Zhukov's personal call really caught Shashmulin off guard as he was busy ramping up IS7 production capacity.

As a result, Shashmulin himself, as the chief equipment engineer, feels that this kind of "special handling" that can be finalized and mass-produced faster than the equipment that Malashenko participated in has greatly exceeded his own capabilities. Some common sense made Shashmulin, who was holding the microphone in his hand, confused and confused about what was going on.

"But the motherland needs this equipment now, immediately! Moreover, this is what Comrade Stalin wants to see."


Zhukov on the other end of the phone lifted his loving comrade out and put it here. Shashmulin on the other end of the phone stopped talking, or he no longer knew what to say.

Only Zhukov's words continued quietly.

"I believe you have heard about the military parade. Comrade Stalin hopes to see a sufficient number of ISU-203s passing through the two military parades in Moscow and Berlin."

"Besides, this equipment has withstood the test of actual combat, hasn't it? The actual combat report submitted by Malashenko did not mention that it has some major flaws and unreasonable features. Based on the existing mature platform and design of IS7, It has been given a sufficiently high starting point for reliability, and there are only some minor deficiencies that need to be improved. These are the original words of Malashenko’s report. You should also have the same document as the report in my hand.”


The order was direct and the meaning was obvious. Shashmulin already knew what he should say and do next. After thinking about it for a moment, he organized his words a little before speaking again while holding the microphone in his hand.

"How many vehicles are needed? How much time can you give me? Comrade Marshal."

The two most critical questions were blurted out, and Zhukov's answers on the other end of the phone were equally straightforward.

"The total number is guaranteed to be 36 vehicles, which must be able to arm at least two equipment squadrons. They will be transported to Moscow and Berlin equally and delivered to Malashenko for installation. Depending on the time,"

Zhukov on the other end of the phone was pondering, but for Shashmulin on the other end of the phone, it seemed like time had frozen, and his heartbeat was racing.

"The first batch of 18 vehicles will be delivered within a week, and the second batch of 18 vehicles will be completed in another week. Can it be completed?"

Shashmulin gritted his teeth when he heard this. Although it was difficult to speak, military R\u0026D and production are not just bragging. As the chief engineer, being responsible for one's own projects is a basic and necessary professional ethics.

If you need to say something, you must follow scientific laws and objective facts and tell the truth truthfully, instead of just patting your chest and giving assurances irresponsibly.

"The second batch can be delivered within one week, but the production line setup and preparation for the first batch will take extra time. Comrade Marshal, please give me three more days, and it can be completed within ten days."


Zhukov on the other end of the phone was noncommittal, and there was no reply for several seconds. This made Shashmulin, who was already nervous and focused, even more sweaty on his forehead.

Until almost ten seconds passed, which seemed like several hours had passed, Zhukov's pretentious voice quietly sounded again.

"Can two days be enough? I want to give Malashenko some more time to run in the equipment and train for rehearsals."

It was not an order, but a tone of discussion.

Zhukov has a sense of what can be done by force and what should never be done.

The result of anyone not being responsible for the equipment is that the equipment will backhand you when you need it most.

Whether it's on the battlefield or on the parade ground, the principle is the same.

I heard Zhukov mention Malashenko, a name that also has a certain degree of special meaning to him.

Shashmulin, who was thinking over and over again, was just like Zhukov just now, and did not reply for several seconds.

Zhukov understood why this was happening and did not urge him. He waited patiently until those firm words finally came from the microphone again.

"The answer is yes, Comrade Marshal. Shashmulin and all the comrades of the Kirov Factory will ensure that they complete the important tasks assigned by the motherland and will deliver the equipment required for the military parade on time and in high quality and quantity."

The voice that came back from the phone seemed to be breathing a sigh of relief, but it was more understanding, grateful, and a trace of perceptible apology.

"Let me tell all the comrades in the factory, as well as all the people in the R\u0026D and design team, that Marshal Zhukov pays you the highest respect."

"The last military operation of the Patriotic War was not on the battlefield, but on the parade ground. Each of you will make an outstanding contribution to the final victory of this operation. Thank you!"

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