Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2987 The moment of reunion

Once again returning to Moscow from a distant front line, Malashenko slowly walked down the ramp from the parking lot at a suburban airport. As soon as he stepped on the ground, he was greeted by the beautiful woman who had been looking forward to this moment for so long. ơɱ

Feeling the familiar and warm temperature in my arms, stroking my lover's beautiful short hair with one hand and stroking the back with the other hand, I have gone through countless nights and countless battlefields of waiting and testing just for this moment.

After taking a deep breath, Malashenko was finally able to slowly say the words that he had wanted to say a long time ago and could only truly say at this moment.

"I'm back, my dear, with victory for you."

Throwing herself into Malashenko's arms, Natalya, whose eyes were filled with tears, was finally able to raise her head and look at the face she had missed countless days and nights, and broke into tears and smiled.

"Welcome home, my love, you will always be my only hero."

Not only were there lovers at the airport, a welcoming ceremony specially prepared for Malashenko had also begun at the same time.

The children held bouquets and presented flowers to Malashenko, while the honor guards on both sides held up their rifles with bayonets in uniform, and gave a solemn attention salute to Malashenko to pay high respect.

Among the crowd who greeted and applauded him at the scene, Malashenko saw a familiar figure.

Speaking of which, Malashenko also felt that he should express his gratitude to him for protecting his wife during his absence in Moscow.

Even if there were some hiccups along the way, I still owe him a favor. This is always a true fact.

Thinking of this, Malashenko, holding flowers in one hand and holding Natalia in the other, strode towards the familiar figure until he came to stand in front of him.

"Sorry, I can't spare any time."

With his wife in one hand and a bouquet in the other, he really couldn't spare any time, but the director of the Operations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Malokov, who was already a major general, didn't care about it, but he just smiled and smiled.

"What are these words? I should pay the highest respect to the great hero of the motherland."

After a standard military salute, he did not forget to reach out his hand, take the initiative to step forward, and shake Malashenko's right hand holding the flowers. Malokov had been thinking about his good brother for too long. Continue to smile and speak.

"I'm finally back, but I miss you so much!"

"Tell me, tell me, what does it feel like to see a red flag flying high above Nazu's heart that has stopped beating? Do you feel that even a glance at it is worth your time?"

After working hard for countless days and nights, the feeling of finally witnessing the incomparable reward is enough to make people feel that they will never forget it in this lifetime.

He smiled very seriously and nodded to Malokov. Before Malashenko could continue to speak, the figure who followed him down the gangway and came to Malokov with him was already close to him. Follow along.

"You are back, teacher. Congratulations on winning this great honor."

Political Commissar Petrov is not only Malokov's old superior, but also the mentor who single-handedly brought Malokov out.

It was the recommendation of Comrade Political Commissar when he left the Ministry of Internal Affairs and returned to the front line, coupled with Malokov's own abilities, that finally enabled Malokov to take the position of successor and rise through the ranks. to date.

It is obviously not an exaggeration to call this a teacher who is as kind as a mountain. Being able to see his mentor and old superior again, and returning from the front with full honors, Malokov himself was indescribably excited and happy.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to be a major general. I have to say that I am impressed. Malokov also congratulates you!"

"Same, teacher, congratulations on your promotion to general!"

Three people stopped here, a lieutenant general and two major generals. It was really lively and exciting.

Malokov, who had almost reached the end of the welcome ceremony, raised his hand to make an invitation gesture and gestured towards the convoy which was not far from the parking space.

"Come on, a long list of itineraries are ready. The schedule is full. You still have a lot of work waiting to be done today."

Malashenko, who was more respectful than obedient, smiled and nodded, and together with his political commissar and other entourage members traveling with him, they boarded the motorcade waiting to greet him and set off.

As a courtesy to a hero, Malashenko and Natalia were placed in the same car and sat in the back seat hugging each other.

Except for the special car driver, it was naturally Malokov who personally "escorted the car" from the co-pilot position.

"By the way, why is there such a big scene this time? I have never encountered it before, and I really didn't expect it."

He took out the cigarette case from his pocket and handed one to Malashenko. Then Malokov, who did not forget to put one in his mouth, replied.

"I am responsible for carrying out the political tasks arranged by the above. I don't know the details, so don't ask so many questions. I don't know even if you ask. Just enjoy it all. This is what you deserve."

"Oh, by the way, there's something else I almost forgot."

"The General Staff Headquarters has taken over the arrangements for the troops being inspected by the Leader's Army. They are now responsible for the troops' garrison in the suburbs of Moscow and various other matters. I also received the notification just before I set out to pick you up. If you have any questions, just go to the General Staff Headquarters and contact them. There should be some procedures waiting for you to go through. "

Malashenko was ordered to return to Moscow first, but the reviewing troops of the Leader's Army were still assembled outside Berlin and prepared to set off together via railway transportation and heavy equipment.

Along the way, we have to cross multiple countries, cross multiple railway hubs, and cross long land transportation distances to get back to Moscow, which obviously takes a lot of time.

This is also the reason why there are no chief officers of subordinate combat units in Malashenko's entourage, and only some of the entourage of military agencies accompanied him back home.

Kulbalov had to personally command and lead the troops, be responsible for leading the reviewed troops back home, and handling various matters encountered along the way. Naturally, he could not return to Moscow on the same plane as Malashenko.

Varosha, who stayed in Berlin, had nothing to say. It was also on the schedule, and the Berlin military parade that was coming soon would require him to be busy and prepared. He was also unable to return home with the comrade commander.

Two of his right-hand men and capable men were unable to come, and Lavrinenko, who was officially appointed as major general and deputy corps commander, had to stay behind to handle all the work of the military agencies in Berlin. There had to be someone who could sign.

It would obviously be inappropriate for the entire leading army stationed in Berlin to return home. Leaving the deputy commander and chief of staff on duty was already the minimum manpower allocation.

There is one more thing worth mentioning.

Speaking of the troops being reviewed returning home with all their heavy equipment, Malashenko, who seemed to have a premonition of something, couldn't help but ask Malokov again in the front passenger seat.

"One thing, do you know anything new about going to the Far East to fight against Japan?"

As the time approaches, at least within the senior command of the Red Army's combat forces, the war against Japan, which had been finalized as early as the Yalta Conference, has gradually spread and begun to be discussed.

Malashenko has heard about this matter, but he still doesn’t know much about the specific details. For example, it is still not certain whether the leading army is on the list of participants. This makes Comrade Ma It is inevitable to be a little "monkey anxious".

The people sitting in the car at this time were a major general director of the Operations Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a well-known tank hero throughout the Soviet Union and a lieutenant general of the leading army.

Natalya is a "particularly important military dependent" on the Ministry of Internal Affairs' protection list, and Malokov is personally in charge of it. There are some things that you can say in front of Natalia, but no one says no.

As for the driver in the driver's seat, that was also a familiar face that Malashenko had known for a long time.

Although he forgot his name, Malashenko always remembered this face. He was the assistant who had been with Malokov a long time ago.

After all, Malashenko felt that this guy Bao Buqi might know more than he did. After all, he was a confidant who helped Malokov run errands, so don't treat him like an ordinary little brother.

Therefore, among the four people in this car, there is no one who cannot know the secret.

Otherwise, Malashenko would not have asked questions in this confined space, and Malokov would not have answered Malashenko's question while smoking as he did now.

"I don't know much about the details. After all, the things I manage are a bit far away from the front line."

"But recently I heard someone who knew about this talk about it, and even mentioned you. If the news is reliable, you and the troops you brought back should have gone straight to the Far East after the military parade. There will be a meeting before the military parade. I will replenish the personnel and equipment for you all at once, take advantage of the military parade rehearsal to complete the training and equipment break-in, and then go directly to blast those Japanese devils into the sky. "

"As for the detailed time and specific arrangements, I don't know. I've only heard this much."


The noncommittal Malashenko carefully studied Malokov's words, pondering the details and flavor.

Natalia, who was leaning on Malashenko's shoulder, seemed a little uneasy.

He heard that his lover who had just returned to him might have to go to the battlefield again in a few days and go straight to the east.

My understanding of the military is limited to the basic self-defense weapon operations and skills taught by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Natalia's artistic performance by the Red Flag Song and Dance Troupe. I don't know the specific combat effectiveness of the Japanese nest in the east.

Subconsciously, I thought that the Japanese, like the Germans, were extremely vicious villains who would threaten the lives of their loved ones.

Natalya, who had been worried for a while, was about to speak and whisper something to her lover, but she didn't expect that Malashenko had already jumped ahead of Malokov's words.

"Why do you say "if the news is reliable"? Is there something wrong with the source?"

"Because I can't ask others whether this is true or how reliable it is. This is not my job. There are many boundaries in Moscow. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has the rules of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so you shouldn't ask. I don’t want to talk about anything.”

"Forget it, for the sake of our friendship, I will use my experience and analysis to help you speak more. As for me, I will just talk about it, and you will just listen to it. It should be used as a reference. As for If you believe it or not, it’s none of my business.”

Malokov is willing to "talk too much and meddle in other people's business", and Malashenko is certainly happy to see this happen. It's hard to hear even half a sentence from this person's mouth, not to mention it's a "friendly gift".

"Tell me, I'd like to hear the details."


Malokov flicked his cigarette ashes through the rolled-down car window and organized his words in his mind before continuing to speak.

"Due to political considerations and my understanding of some recent events in Moscow, you and your troops have enough reasons to go to the Far East to fight."

"But the reality is that your army has just been promoted from a division, expanded and reorganized, and it is also the first in the entire Red Army. What is it called? Oh, yes, it is a combined mechanized army of various arms. I remember correctly, right? So this That’s the crux of the matter.”

"The equipment is new, and so are the large number of personnel who have been recruited. Although they are not recruits in the general sense, for your method of play, it is not an exaggeration to say that these people are recruits. Even this army has The level organization is also new.”

"I think that maybe out of this consideration, your superiors will send you to practice on the training ground and drill field instead of rushing to the battlefield. You will also be pressed on your head to write teaching materials and experience instead of In front of the battle map, study how to blast the Japanese devils into the sky more efficiently. "

"I'm definitely not as proficient as you in how to lead troops in war and other military matters, but I did hear this statement and this view I just told you in Moscow."

"Specific? I don't know. Whose views and opinions are these? I don't know and I don't want to know."

"But in short, I think if I were you and I really wanted to fight this fight, I would talk to my superiors and express my opinions."

"Whether it works or not is another matter, but at least I think if I were in your position, this opinion would be very important. That means the superiors will fully consider your opinion. Do you understand what I mean?"

Although he can't be said to have perfect hands and eyes, Malokov is already the most awesome person he knows in Moscow who is willing to say such things to him.

Therefore, this opinion is undoubtedly very important. After all, this is the land under the feet of a loving father. Based on the summary of opinions based on the analysis of what happened on this land, Malashenko cannot ignore it in any case.

Although Natalia could not speak just now because she was interrupted, Malashenko did see the sadness and worry in his beautiful daughter-in-law's eyes.

The details can wait until later and explain to Natalia later, but some decisions can be made now.

Malashenko's determination on this matter has never changed even a little bit from the beginning to the end, and it remains as firm as ever until now.

"Thank you, this news is very important. I will talk to the right person about it, and I will get you a good knife from the Japanese. It would be nice to keep it as a souvenir."

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