Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2988 How dare you pretend to be crazy and act like a fool?

During the period after returning to Moscow, Malashenko has not been idle, but has been busy with preparations for the military parade.

Natalya's side is actually better. Malashenko explained to his lover clearly why he would go to war next, and what kind of enemy and what strength of opponent he would fight.

In Malashenko's words, the difference between Japanese devils and Germans is the difference between little bastards and gang bosses.

The little devil is somewhat capable at sea, but no matter how capable it is, it can't bring the battleship to land. Moreover, it can't fish out the ship that has been sent to the bottom of the sea to feed fish by the Americans.

As for on land.

Ha, what a joke.

What capabilities do you Japanese devils have on the ground? Dare you compete with me?

If you Japanese devils are not allowed to see the Slavic Iron Fist, you Japanese devils will not know how many eyes that "Lord Ma" has.

Rounding things off, Malashenko said that his trip was actually for tourism, and by the way, he sent a batch of Japanese soldiers to heaven one by one. The Soviet Union should fulfill its obligations as a responsible major country and carry out the just anti-Fascist war to the end.

Natalia didn't understand military matters, but when she heard her lover say to her so humorously and nonchalantly, "The Japanese are nothing," she would always believe her lover unconditionally. Although Natalia hesitated a little, in the end, she still chose to believe that what Malashenko said was true.

To be fair, Malashenko himself feels that the trip to the Far East is nothing at all. If you insist that my trip is just to brush up my resume and gain military exploits, that's not impossible.

After all, this is indeed the case. Malashenko did not, will not now, and will not think of the Japanese as an opponent who can compete with him on the stage.

Malashenko even wanted to send a telegram in advance to remind the Japanese.

It's best to wash your Xiaodou tank clean, so that when it is overturned by my IS7, my car will not be dirty.

It is also recommended that the Japanese get seat belts in their little bean tanks in advance. When they are beaten and rolling on the ground, at least they can leave a whole body for the Japanese whose brains have been shaken.

But before that, Malashenko, who was busy with preparations for the military parade, running back and forth between the training ground, the General Staff Headquarters, and his own home, had another very important thing that he had to do before the military parade. Go and do it.

Just like Malashenko, Zhukov has been back in Moscow and preparing for the upcoming Red Square military parade for some time.

As the military parade coach who was asked by his loving father Stalin to personally participate in the parade, Comrade Lao Zhu has been extremely busy with preparations for the military parade recently.

Various documents related to the military parade are piled up on Zhukov's desk, and each one is waiting for Comrade Zhu's personal review, correction and signature.

The rehearsal of the military parade on the training ground, from equipment to personnel to the size of the formation and the order of appearance, how to conduct it appropriately and reflect the best military parade effect.

These are all things that Zhukov had to practice and sum up personally. Going to the training ground during the day and coming back to work overtime at night to correct files has become almost the norm these days.

But something is different today, because tonight there will be a visit from an old acquaintance - Malashenko, who is also very busy during the day and can only find some time to come at night.


"Comrade Marshal, General Malashenko wants to see you. He is waiting in the living room."

A familiar and rhythmic knock on the door sounded slowly. Zhukov, who was immersed in copywriting, raised his head, rubbed his sore eyes, reached for the cold teacup on the table and replied.

"Bring him here. I'll meet him in the office."

"Okay, Comrade Marshal."

Half a minute later, when Malashenko, who had been introduced by his secretary, appeared in front of Zhukov, what Comrade Ma saw was a rather haggard and tired face.

"You stayed up late again, Comrade Marshal, and certainly more than one night."

"There is no other way. Time is tight and tasks are heavy. Men have to do what men should do."

After taking a sip in his hand, he put the cold tea cup back in its place without thinking about taking a second sip. If he thought that Malashenko came to see him so late, there must be something wrong. Zhukov, who didn't have much time in the first place, followed him. Take the initiative to speak.

"Go ahead, if you have anything you want to say or ask, I won't refuse if I can answer it, comrade hero."


Zhukov didn't often joke. When Malashenko heard Comrade Zhu speak like this, he was a little uncomfortable for a while, but he didn't think too much and got to the point.

"It's for what happens after the military parade, Comrade Marshal. I want to know whether the leading army will participate in the next combat operation against Japan in the Far East after the military parade."

Due to changes in the timeline, the Red Army, which finished the Great Patriotic War earlier than in history, is now free to do other important things earlier, so much so that even the timeline for the Victory Day military parade has been be advanced.

Of course, Malashenko can be sure that in the current timeline, this upcoming combat operation against Japan will no longer be called the "August Storm" operation.

The Red Army has sufficient preparations, suitable conditions, and enough material foundation to launch an attack at an earlier time, march eastward, and send the Kwantung Army's bastards to hell - or to participate in labor in the Red Army's prisoner-of-war camps Transformation. ɱ

Malashenko, who knew this well, neither said anything about the "August Storm" nor did he want to do nothing, wait for notifications from above and then accept them unconditionally.

The discussion with Malokov indeed touched and inspired Malashenko a lot.

You cannot sit idly by and ignore what you should fight for. If you fight for it, you may not succeed, but if you don't fight for it, you will definitely regret it. After thinking about this, Malashenko immediately took action. The fact that he can stand here and say this to Zhukov is proof of this.

Zhukov, who was not surprised when Malashenko got straight to the point and took the initiative to speak, even showed a "reasonable" expression on his face, just nodded.

"Well, I was thinking before that it's time for you to come to me and talk about this. Because my intuition told me what choice you would make, and now it seems that my intuition is quite accurate."


Malashenko continued to remain silent, waiting for Zhukov's next words.

Zhukov thought for a moment after speaking, and then continued to speak after a while.

"The bad news is that the headquarters is currently more inclined to let you and the leader army settle down for a period of time. I believe you can understand the reason."

"The Leader Division suffered considerable losses in the Battle of Berlin. Although your morale is high and your fighting spirit is high, the losses in personnel and equipment cannot be ignored. This is one of them."

"Secondly, only 40% of the personnel and equipment on your proposed list have been delivered to you so far. The leader's army is not at full strength now, and the exploration of everything from tactics and tactics to new organizational structures is in its infancy, and even There are no confirmed initial results yet.”

"The Great Patriotic War is about to come to an end, and the upcoming military parade is our last military operation of the Patriotic War. You also have the leadership division, and your evaluation in the Patriotic War is about to come to a perfect end, whether it is a military mission or a You have done a good job in your political tasks, and objectively speaking, you really deserve the rest you deserve."

"Combining rest with exploration of the future, this is what the high command currently prefers for you to do in the next foreseeable period of time."

Zhukov's words sounded contrary to what he wanted to happen and gave the completely opposite result. However, Malashenko was still keenly aware of the key elements and spoke firmly with a firm tone.

"But none of this has yet to materialize, otherwise it would not be an 'inclination' but a written order."

"And since the bad news comes first, the good news will be late. Can I understand this? Comrade Marshal."

Malashenko's tone was serious and he was not joking.

Of course, Zhukov could guess what kind of answer Malashenko wanted to hear and what he wanted to do, and the words he spoke with a smile followed immediately.

"Your grasp of key points is as sharp as ever, just like you did on the battlefield."

"Yes, you are right. This matter is indeed not finalized. The headquarters is currently in the "leaning in" stage and is not finalized."

"There are two reasons, or key people, involved in this situation, and this is also the 'good news' you want to hear."


Malashenko had a premonition that "the big one is coming!" He held his breath and did not dare to speak, as if he was afraid of missing something. He eagerly waited for Zhukov's next "final judgment".

"Comrade Stalin and I have slightly different opinions on "tendency". For example, I think that if the leading army can develop and test tactics in actual combat, we can use those Japanese military tactics that have a low risk factor but can indeed serve as a practical demonstration. It will be more effective if a person performs the surgery than to waste tank fuel according to the teaching materials on the training ground.”

"Comrade Stalin believes that it would be better if the honor of the leading army can be the icing on the cake. This is a political level. This will play an important role in promoting the mainstay role of the Soviet Union in the anti-fascist war."

"If the Leader's Army participates in the war, the honor and combat history of the Leader's Army itself will be the best testimony to the Soviet Union's great contribution to the anti-Fascist war."

"To the west, we smashed the evil heart of Nazi Germany; to the east, we smashed the most powerful war group of Japanese militarism."

"At a macro level, this is the Soviet Union; extending downward, this is the historical glory of the leader's army that the leader has personally experienced. The genuine results will make the detractors even more speechless, and the honor of the leader's army will be the same as the history of the motherland. exist."


It is obvious that "In the Name of the Leader" achieved great propaganda success after the Battle of Berlin. And Malashenko commanded the leader division and showed strong and unstoppable combat effectiveness in this battle.

These fatherly comrades who have "tasted the sweetness" have further thoughts and expectations for "greater honors".

Just like Zhukov said, this is based on the political level.

No matter how you look at it, whether it is public or private, if you let the leading troops beat up the Japanese devils again, you can get considerable political gains, the more the better.

As for Zhukov's personal opinion based on the military level, it is a more positive conclusion based on the actual situation after "playing with the Japanese and knowing how much the Japanese weigh."

In terms of understanding of the Japanese, there is probably no one in the Red Army who knows better than Zhukov, at least not at the military attaché level.

After all, at the beginning of Comrade Zhu's military career, he really had to thank you for the excellent assists sent by the Japanese with a huge number of people.

What are the Japanese like now, what is the Red Army like now, and then think about how the battle at Nomonhan was fought, and what kind of understanding and conclusion we finally came to.

At least on this point, Zhukov and Malashenko have the same opinion - if the leadership army goes to the Far East, it is basically not much different from "armed tourism".

We practice on the training ground, and we practice on taking Japanese heads.

Since the difficulty coefficients are almost the same, Zhukov naturally feels that the latter is better.

After all, the latter itself also superimposes political significance on the basis of military significance, killing two birds with one stone, so why not do it?

Zhukov had long seen Malashenko's positive tendency towards fighting Japan. Just as Malashenko mentioned in his combat summary after the Battle of Berlin, "Our department still has the ability to continue high-intensity operations."

What do you, Malashenko, want to do? I, Lao Zhu, brought you out single-handedly. How can I still know?

Now, there are both military and political implications, and it must be said that there will be no better good news for Malashenko than this.

But whether the matter can be settled in the end, Malashenko feels that he still needs to "ask more."

"Then how should I respond to the comrades' request to fight? Comrade Marshal. All the officers and men in our unit, from the commander to the soldiers, are in high morale and can't wait to deliver the final blow to the evil Japanese militarists."

Malashenko could ask such a "very low level" question, which made it appear that his military agency could not even solve this trivial matter, and had to ask Zhukov to personally answer the questions. This was completely intentional.

The purpose is very simple and has only one purpose: even if I am scolded today, I have to listen to the scolding with a smile, and then walk out of the office in a mess.

How do you Zhukov answer? Brother, I'm ready. If you have any hard work, just do it!


After hearing this, Zhukov burst out laughing. It should be said that he did not expect that Malashenko would go to such lengths to "pretend to be crazy" in order to hear "reliable news." His answer after smiling and shaking his head was indeed surprising. Comrade Lao Ma "got what he wanted."

"Let me tell all the officers and men of the leading army that blank pages have been left for them in the history book of the motherland, and history will be waiting for the victors to write it."

Sorry, brothers, I have been busy moving in the past two days. This morning I moved things from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and I was also busy unloading the truck. The lunch I only had at 9 p.m. is almost exhausted. I will try to make up for what I owe in the past two days tomorrow. I will just put these 4,000 chapters here for the time being. I didn't bother to tell everyone and apologize first.

In addition, there is no need to worry about eunuchs. They don’t exist. There is no such thing as eunuchs in almost 7 million words. Corgi’s personality guarantees it.

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