Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2990 During the military parade (Part 1)

The road from the leading army's suburban garrison to Moscow's Red Square is not long, and because traffic control was implemented in advance to open up channels for the various troops to enter the city, there is no doubt about the road from the suburbs to the Red Square. It's relaxing and comfortable.

"In 1941, we passed through here all the way west, passing through Red Square and crossing the city to protect Moscow and our motherland."

"In 1945, we returned from Berlin with great honors, walked through the suburbs of the city to Red Square, and witnessed the glory of heroes in Moscow."

"Ha! This feels great! Countless days and nights of hard work are just for this moment! The motherland will always remember us!"

Unlike most generals of the reviewed troops, Malashenko did not choose to enter Moscow by car, but chose to continue taking his old "transportation vehicle", the one that accompanied him through the last leg of the Great Patriotic War. The IS7 heavy tank "Avenge the Hero Kirill" led the team into the city amidst Iushkin's continuous lamentations.

It has not been repainted or restored in any way.

What it looked like after the Battle of Berlin, what the IS7 heavy tank with turret call sign 177 looks like now.

At best, it only washes away the muddy stains all over the body, and wipes away the blackened dirt left by the war, but the traces and slogans of the experienced war are still there.

Indeed, someone once suggested to Malashenko whether the command vehicle of Comrade General should be refurbished in order to unify the military parade livery.

But he was rejected by Malashenko, and the reason was very simple.

Whether it is for the past leadership division or the current leadership army.

There are too many brave comrades who lost the opportunity to witness this day in order to make this day come. Their sacrifice and dedication should not be forgotten.

Kirill is one of them. It was the heroic efforts of countless comrades like Kirill who sacrificed their lives that enabled the motherland to sing triumphant songs and celebrate together as a nation today.

Malashenko wants to take Kirill through this journey, even if it is in the form of words and slogans, it is still worth doing.

The left and right sides of the turret are painted with the Guards logo and the leader division emblem, the call sign 177 and the slogan "Avenge the hero Kirill".

The behemoth IS7 heavy tank leader led an entire equipment phalanx behind him, with 4 IS7 heavy tanks in each row, a total of 6 rows, and a total of 24 IS7 heavy tanks advancing slowly.

This super heavy tank, which is unique in the Red Square military parade, is unique to this equipment phalanx, and is also a "super weapon" exclusive to the leader army among all the troops being reviewed. This will be its public occasion in a non-combatant environment. Debut appearance.

Advancing in front of the equipment phalanx of the leading army is the T3485 medium tank phalanx belonging to the 4th Guards Tank Corps.

It made great contributions to the victory of the Great Patriotic War and received countless achievements and honors. Today's T3485 tank is fully loaded with honors to receive the review. This is true.

But when these four young men in close tanks who were still smiling, turned around and saw a group of "super giants" following them closely. The sense of close pressure brought by the giant giants, even if they were friendly forces, was overwhelming. Feel the sound of breathing as it becomes more clearly audible.

The young guys in the tank class are somewhat envious. If you look at other people's guys and then look at your own, the "shabby" visible to the naked eye is almost obvious.

I don’t understand what the superiors considered, and they had to put such a large group of super beasts behind the T3485 tanks that appeared first.

When we drive onto Red Square, it's almost obvious who will receive all the limelight and attention.

"People like the Leader's Army have too much limelight! Just because of their commander, that Malashenko, these people take all the benefits and good things, even if they leave the battlefield and go to the Red Square. "

A certain close-tank fourth gunner who shouted that it was unfair complained, but the commander who leaned half out of the turret obviously didn't think so.

"Then why don't you say something about beating all the elites?"


The gunner who had just been talking non-stop fell silent, followed closely by the commander who still said "serious words".

"Power and responsibility are equal. Don't just see people eating meat and selectively ignore other people's work."

"This group of people killed enough enemies to fill up a Berlin city garrison. They single-handedly annihilated powerful enemies that required the mobilization of two front armies to deal with. Such a record has never been seen before, and will it be seen in the future? It’s hard to say.”

"They all deserve good things and good equipment. Don't be jealous. There is no need."

The marching troops that continued to move forward and passed through the city soon arrived at the outskirts of the Red Square and entered the parade starting position and were ready.

Malashenko, who was still half-body outside the turret, could look up and see the red star on top of the Kremlin without a telescope. This made the Nazis in 1941 unable to get close enough to see the "history" at such a distance despite their best efforts. "Famous scene", I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

“I don’t know how history will evaluate me. Damn it, it’s not too much to call me a ‘Nemesis of the Nazis’, right?”

When the tank came to a complete stop, Malashenko, who still had work to do, immediately jumped out of the vehicle and gestured to Iushkin, who had temporarily moved to the commander's seat as the "acting commander".

Immediately afterwards, with three medals of Heroes of the Soviet Union on his body, wearing the uniform of a tank corps lieutenant general, he walked towards the infantry phalanx that was ready to enter the front.

Yes, that's right, as the Soviet Red Army's leading integrated field group of various arms, the leading army enjoys the top treatment of having an infantry phalanx and an equipment phalanx on the field for review.

But what is a little surprising is that Malashenko will not stand at the front of the infantry phalanx and personally lead the infantry phalanx through the Red Square to be reviewed. Instead, he will return to the equipment phalanx later to lead 24 IS7 heavy tanks through Read on the spot.

As for the infantry phalanx, it will be led by Kulbalov, who has been officially appointed as the major general division commander, and will be the first to pass the parade holding high the original victory flag brought back from Berlin.

Although it is a little strange to have the tank major general lead the infantry phalanx through the field.

However, the reason given by Malashenko in his report is also very simple, that is, "the leading army is no longer a traditional old army with a single branch of the military, and the military commander under the new integrated establishment of various branches of the military should not Then use the method corresponding to the military type to show the distinction."

In short, Kurbalov is the commander of the combined division. Although he is a tank soldier, he should not be stipulated that he should lead the tank phalanx to pass the review as a tank soldier. This is putting the cart before the horse.

In addition, there is another special unit that deserves special attention from Malashenko, which is the "Flag Throwing Unit" of the Leadership Army led by Alsim, the top Slavic superman of the Leadership Army.

As the grand finale of this military parade, the infantry phalanx marching through the parade holding the Nazi flag upside down will undoubtedly become the focus of the entire event.

As an ace field group with outstanding military achievements and a leader army that "specializes in fighting the elite", it is natural to take this opportunity to show off its treasured "treasures".

Empire, Skeletons, Vikings, Guardsmen, Grossdeutschland

There are countless battle flags of elite troops captured in the leader's army's trophy inventory. Even at the larger group army level, not at the division or corps level, they are well-deserved and unparalleled "Red Army" The "Number One" unit ranked first in the record list with an overwhelming advantage.

The four elite elite divisions known as the "Four Elites of the SS", thanks to the last assist of the German leader who took the initiative to kill people under the Capitol, finally ended up in the hands of Malashenko. .

However, the harsh work of the SS is not that big of an issue. What is even more typical is the Wehrmacht.

Not only being wiped out once was not enough but also scored twice. The I and II Grossdeutschland Divisions of the Wehrmacht fell into the hands of Malashenko.

As it should be, this strange group of people even had their military flags handed over twice in a row. It is considered a strange thing to have two military flags under the same number.

Adding together the SS and Wehrmacht, there are a total of 5 top elite unit numbers and 6 military flags, plus the flags of the German division-level units that the leader division defeated, annihilated and captured in other large and small battles during the Great Patriotic War.

Counting himself, the total number of the "flag-throwing team" led by Alsim actually reached an astonishing 26 people.

In other words, whether it is a total annihilation or a fight to collapse, your German troops are so embarrassed on the battlefield that even the flag is confiscated by the leading division, there are at least 26 divisions in terms of division-level designation.

Well, it also includes the Grossdeutschland, a weirdo who was defeated twice in a row and scored twice. This needs to be emphasized.

This also led to a situation.

The entire first platoon of the flag-throwing infantry phalanx, including the leader, totaled 21 people in the flag-throwing team, all of whom were members of the leadership army and were grassroots representatives of each unit personally selected by Malashenko. There are representatives of tanks, artillery, infantry and even logistics support troops, in order to embody the meaning of "without collective efforts, there would be no such results."

The first row is not complete yet, there are still people from the leadership army in the second row. What he is holding upside down in his hand is still the real sword and real gun of the leader's army, the Nazi flag that was captured from the battlefield. It is a true trophy that records the glorious military exploits.

Alsim didn't want to be the leader of such a spectacle, but when he learned that this was what the division commander wanted, the guy's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. He patted his chest and said, "Who dares to follow me?" I took over the job with an attitude of "I'm in a hurry."

That is to say, on this festive day today, Alsim has led the team to assemble, followed the flag-throwing phalanx, served as the leader of the first row of the phalanx, and assembled at the designated position on the Red Square.

When you are waiting for the moment when you need to appear, go up and perform well, and strive to win the personal praise and recognition of the comrade commander.

Malashenko, who had personally come to see the preparations in advance, suddenly appeared in front of Alsim at this moment, catching him unexpectedly and somewhat off guard.

"Comrade Commander, aren't you supposed to be commanding the equipment square? Why are you here? The military parade is about to begin."

Looking at Alsim, who was wearing a brand-new military uniform and looking very heroic, he reached out his hand and patted the shoulder of this old subordinate who had been following him for a long time.

Malashenko, who could feel that Alsim was also in high spirits today, couldn't help but smile and ask questions.

"How do you feel? Is this scene what you imagined?"

After hearing this, Alsim also smiled. Different from the ferocious smile and sneer that could drip blood when facing the enemy, the calm and firm smile that gave people a sense of security and strength when facing his comrades.

Alsim's smile when facing Malashenko was a simple and innocent smile like a child. It was like this in the past and it is still like this today. The same Alsim has not changed at all.

"It's more exciting than I imagined, Comrade Commander. I didn't expect it to be such a glorious and powerful scene. It's so exciting!"

Alsim's answer was still so unpretentious, but it was indeed down-to-earth truth, enough to make the smile on Malashenko's face even bigger.

"That's good, come on! Don't embarrass our leading army! This grand finale depends entirely on you, work hard! I believe you can do it!"

"Yes! Alsim promises to lead the team to complete the mission, Comrade Commander!"

As soon as Malashenko walked away, Sulovechenko, who was holding the flagpole of the Guard in his hand and standing closest to Alsim, couldn't help asking questions to his good brother.

"You told me before that just going to the military parade was nothing more than that. Who told me that he must be calmer than me?"

Alsim, who had just been smiling broadly and grinning from ear to ear, changed his expression. He glared at his good brother and said "severe words".

"Shut up! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you up!"

"Okay, if I can't beat you, I won't say anything."

After bidding farewell to Alsim, Malashenko did not return directly to the equipment phalanx at the rear. Instead, he seized the last moment before the parade began and ran to the vicinity of the auditorium in a flash.

When he looked up, he found two familiar figures at the expected location. It was Natalia and Anya sitting side by side.

With a certain distance and a huge crowd of people, it is impossible to hear what the other party is shouting in such a scene. Malashenko can only wave to the two good girls, and there is no way to do it in person due to limited time. Come forward.

But I confirmed one thing with my own eyes

Natalia, who received different childhood education due to her special family background and has her own views on love, gets along well with Anya and looks more like best friends and good sisters.

It must be said that this made Section Chief Marashen, who had been worried about a "fire in his backyard", breathe a sigh of relief. Natalia's magnanimity can make us, Comrade Ma, move to tears. It took two damn lifetimes plus this lifetime to build such a good wife.

After walking around the auditorium and watching it, Malashenko thought that it was almost time for him to go back and make final preparations before the parade started.

But at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly walked towards him, which made Malashenko's eyes light up. He trotted away without saying a word and with excitement on his face.

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